2012-05-01-Facebook Part 2
Networking with Facebook Part 2
Presented by
Amy Salmon
Moderated by
Larry Muffett
May 1, 2012
Larry Muffett
Welcome to Seminars@Hadley. My name is Larry Muffett. I’m a member of the Hadley Seminar team and I also work in curricular affairs here at the school. As you all probably know, today’s seminar topic is a continuation of last week’s Networking with Facebook. This is Networking with Facebook Part 2. Your presenter is a very familiar one to anyone’s who had dealings with Hadley. Amy Salmon is an instructor here at Hadley and she’s been using Facebook for a number of years.
We’re going to take a look at Facebook today. We’re going to get into it in greater detail. Amy’s going to present this and then we, somewhere along the line, will have a question and answer period. She’ll continue on and cover the material and then at the end we’ll open it up for another question and answer period.Let me welcome Amy and I’m going to turn the microphone over to her and let’s go ahead and get started.
Amy Salmon
Thank you Larry and thank you everyone for joining us today for part 2 of Networking with Facebook. I will be taking a break around 2:25 to answer questions and then I will break again when I’m concluded to answer any final questions. If you could just hold your questions until those breaks, that would be great. You can of course feel free to text message or text chat questions and Larry will bring them up at the breaks that we have.
Last week for those of you who had joined us, you learned what Facebook is, the accessibility challenges of Facebook, how to access Facebook on your computer and mobile device, how to use Facebook standard and the mobile version of Facebook, and how to create your Facebook profile. We also did go over setting up your profile, but in today’s seminar session we will cover how to create and edit your profile, how to add or change your profile picture, how to navigate your Facebook page in both Facebook standard and mobile Facebook or m.facebook, what is the Facebook timeline and what you can do about it, how to find, add and delete friends or unfriend somebody from Facebook, how to review and interact with Facebook posts or the newsfeed, how to post your status, how to access friends profiles and walls, how to work with your inbox or messages, how to use the chat feature, and how to sign up for groups. We got a lot to cover so we’re going to get started right away.
Setting up a profile. The easiest way to set up, edit or make changes is to go to the m.facebook.com site. I’m going to go there for those of us following along. Okay, so I went to m.facebook.com and prior to the seminar, I signed myself in. When you go to m.facebook.com, the reason I’m recommending you go there to edit or create your profile is because it’s a little easier for screen reader users. They’re not going to have as much unlabeled buttons and fields that you don’t know what to do with.
What you want to do is select the profile, select the link for profile. You can do that by using the links list or arrowing down to profile or whatever works easiest for you. I’m going to use the links list. It’s also Alt+1 as the hotkey. Okay, so I’m now on my profile page. Now in order to change because I’ve already set up some of my profile, in order to edit my profile, you can go down and read what I’ve done. So you can see that I studied at Northern Illinois University for my Master’s Degree. There is my wall. Go to the info link in order to get all the fields for editing your profile.
Again, you want to navigate to the link info. Then we’re going to come down and go to the top of the page. The problem with m.facebook is that it’s all links so there’s no quick navigation. We’re just going to come down, we’re going to arrow down. I’m just down-arrowing. Now I’m down into my profile. I worked at Hadley School for the Blind, studied at Northern Illinois University.
Now if you get on, you’re going to go down to contact information. It is a table, so you could have used your table command C for most screen readers to jump click on this. To edit you click on the edit field. So I can create a user name if I wanted to. My email is there . If I had an instant message screen name, I could add it. There’s none in there and that’s what the underline stands for. If I want to add my phone, there’s a link to add a phone, a link to add a website which there is none listed right now.
Let’s go ahead and we’ll link add a website. So now I’m in edit contact info. Then I go into the edit field for website and I’m going to enter in Hadley’s website. Then I’m going to tab to the save button and press enter. So you noticed it already said profile updated so it’s update my profile. If I want to go back and make more changes to my profile, I’m going to go to that table. So I’m going to use the T key in my screen reader to just quickly jump there.
You can use your table navigation commands if you want to, to quickly navigate this table. For JAWS and NVDA, it’s control-alt and your left and right up and down arrow keys. There’s the email, IM, website and you remember it said dash-dash. Now it says my Hadley website in there. So that’s the contacts table.
Then you have a basic information section that you can also edit, another table and again your field here, you can change your sex if you want to. When I set up my account I chose email. You can edit your birth date, your current city, your hometown, family if you want to add family names, relationship if you want to add if your single or married, interested in – and the options here kind of humorous – interested in men or women are kind of the options. So I guess that would be if your single. Languages you could list English as your primary language or other languages you might speak fluently in. You can put your political affiliation, your religion.
For all of these to edit these, all you have to do is press enter on those links and you’ll be placed in the edit field to enter the appropriate information. Then you have a likes and interests section that goes through all your likes and interests, the mother table, what activities are you interested in, interests, sports, music, TV shows, movies, books, quotes, you can write a bio about yourself if you want to. Where this is going to play is if you actually have this information shared on your profile, people can search and look for people who have similar interests or likes as you.
Then you’ve got your education and work category that you can put in there. One thing I do want to do is I want to go up here. We’re going to go to education and work. So I have grad school and I do have a grad school. I’m going to press enter there because I didn’t fill this in. So I’m at add graduate school. I’m just down-arrowing. I’m going to go to the edit field and type in my grad school.
That’s my profile page where I can edit different parts of my profile. So again, to edit click on profile field labels. That’s something I do want to show you in this section that is important and leads right into our next section is privacy. Let’s go add something that you probably wouldn’t want on your profile. Let’s go to political. So you see you’ve got the option to enter your political affiliation. If you want do, a description of your political preferences. You can save or cancel it and it puts you back on your profile page.
I’m going to go to my profile. I’m going to get a link email. My email is currently being displayed. I can add another email if I want to or I can remove that email. That’s one way you can edit it. That is how you edit and create your profile. There’s many fields you can fill in. I’m not going to go through all of those fields today, but you can go through them and figure them out on your own.
The next thing we’re going to get into is the privacy which is a big deal. Well, no, the next section I want to do is we’re going to insert a photo. We’re going to go back to our homepage which m.facebook.com is Alt-0 and Enter. It takes me back to my Facebook homepage on m.facebook.com. The reason that I’m using m.facebook.com for this is that it’s so much easier for anyone who’s using a screen reader to do these tasks.
We’re going to select the profile link again. I’m going to pull up my list of links. Hit P for profile. And it’s profile and press Enter to activate that link. Then I’m going to select the upload of picture, profile picture link and there it is. Upload of profile picture. Press Enter on that link. It didn’t place me where I wanted to go, so I’m going to go back to top of the page and come down. There we go.
You can type the name of the file if you know it by heart including all of the C, colon, backslash and everything that goes along with it or you can chose the browse button. I’m going to choose the browse button and press Enter. It places in a chose file to upload. It is an open or save as dialogue box, just like anything you’d encounter in Microsoft Word or Excel or any of the other programs.
What you want to do is locate where that file is. I’m in my My Photos, but that’s not where I want to be. I’m going to backspace. I went too far so bare with me. We’re going to look in my folder. There’s my C drive and then I’m going to documents, Amy Salmon. Then I’m going to my pictures folder, my documents first, and then my pictures. There’s My Pictures, Enter, and there’s a picture of me that I actually put in this folder. I’m going to spacebar to select it, enter to load it.
Now I can add a caption to my photo so I’m going to type in and what I wrote was a picture of me at Hadley. Then I’m going to click the upload button. I now have a profile picture on my Amy Salmon Facebook page. So that’s how you upload a photo. Next we’re going to cover configuring the privacy settings and we’re going to stay in m.facebook to do this.
It’s really important that you configure your privacy settings in Facebook. It’s constantly changing these settings, so you may want to go back and check and see if they’ve made any changes. Again, we’re going to go to m.facebook. We’re going to go back to our homepage which is Alt-0. We need to use that hotkey, it places you on it and then you have to press Enter.
Now I’m back on my homepage for Amy Salmon. You want to select the link for settings. I’m going to use my links list. I have a lot of friends with S and there’s settings. Okay, under settings you get several options. You’ve got general settings, privacy, security, Facebook notifications, apps and websites, email, and text messaging. Today we’re just going to focus on privacy.
We’re going to go to privacy and press Enter. You can read about your rights and responsibilities as a Facebook user from this link. You can learn more about your privacy on Facebook. What they’re talking about here is when you are posting a message or a status update, you can actually choose who you want that to go out to. We’ll do that when we get to this tab. However, you need to be aware that if you say post a status, you may limit it to just your friends. If somebody who’s your friend takes your post and reposts it, they could send it out to general public and it could go out to everyone.
To set your privacy settings for most of your commands, you want to go into your edit profile which we just did. You’re going to set your privacy settings for functions. You can control your default privacy settings there. It applies to status updates, photos. This is really if you are a BlackBerry user only. So if you’re using BlackBerry and Facebook, this next option is for you. We’re going to skip over that. How You Connect is another category you have for Security or Privacy Settings.
Control how you connect with people you know. You can edit your setting here and under this one, I’m just going to read through this. You can choose who can send you emails on Facebook or messages, who can send you friend requests and who can send you Facebook messages. That’s all under How You Connect privacy settings. Then you just select Privacy Settings to return to your main Privacy Settings page.
To change how you share on Facebook, select the edit settings here and that’s here. So it’s under Sharing on Facebook. You have an edit settings option there. This controls who can see your birthday, address, email address, tagging – how they can tag you if they want to tag you. It controls if you want them to use you or tag you. The next or posting or your wall. That’s again under that Edit Settings. Apps and Websites. I know I get real annoyed when I get on a newsfeed that so and so or my friends needs 17 jewels in treasure island because they’re playing a game. You can actually control that by going under there. I’m going to skip ahead here a bit.
If you don’t want to be posted constantly about friends who are playing games on Facebook, you can control all of that here under the Edit Settings. Limit the audience for past posts. You can limit who get those posts of posts of posts. You can block people and apps here. You can manage who you’ve blocked and those are all of your Privacy settings. I just want to make sure I haven’t missed anything for you guys.
The manage your Apps and Websites is a great feature that I recommend you check out and change your Privacy settings there.Manage post visibility, it changes how posts are read or viewed. You can manage the apps for people you’ve blocked. That, I’m going to come back into the room.
Larry Muffett
Alright, we’re going to have question and answer period here. We’re going to take some time, but we’re not going to take the rest of the hour certainly. We want to get some questions and answers in here now for the stuff that she’s covered so far. I see there’s a few hands up so let’s go ahead and get some questions for Amy.
Hello, Amy. As far as me, when I’m setting up a Facebook with an organization when I go to m.facebook.com, do I have to change my username and password to go there? How do I change all of my setting for an organization?
Hi Amy. You just mentioned games. Well, I’m king of wondering if you’ve ever seen any successful games on Facebook.
Can I say something to you folks out there? Let Ms. Salmon answer the questions before you ask your question because when one person’s speaking, then another person comes back and ask her a different question. I’m only speaking only for me.
Amy Salmon
Okay, thank you Roy. Avery, to answer your question, you can use m.facebook and login and check your organizational information and you can logout and go in and login checking your personal Facebook if you want to. At the bottom of the m.facebook page, so if you do a control-end to go to the bottom. These keystrokes I’m giving are not JAWS specific, they’ll work with any screen reader. So control-end to go the bottom of m.facebook. Then up there, there’s a link to logout. You want to hit logout and you’ll be prompted with a login page. Then you can log into your other Facebook account if you want to. On your organization page, you can choose the settings. You can choose profile and you can edit your settings that way for your organization page.
For the other gentleman, I personally don’t play games on Facebook. I just don’t have the time. I’m not even aware if there’s any accessible games because it’s just something I’ve never investigated. If other users have, please share that in the text chat area so that the users can get that information from you.
Larry Muffett
If there’s some other questions out there, let’s get to them right aware because we want to make sure we have plenty of time to cover the rest of Amy’s material and take some more questions at the end. So if you have questions out there, let’s move with them.
Under the family link there, when you click on that, do you just type in somebody’s name or do they need to be your Facebook friend for them to show up?
Amy Salmon
That’s one thing you can do, but I’m going to talk about how you add somebody to a particular group on your Facebook or list. You can add somebody to a list and you can have a list of just family members there.
Larry Muffett
Amy, there’s a question from Tanisha. She’s like to know how you use Facebook for networking.
Amy Salmon
I will get to that at the end of the seminar. I really want to get through the need of how to use Facebook right now.