CLASS:A.O.T.M.L 10/..
A-Whodoesthesejobs? Write thestaffs’ name.(14*2=28 Points)
1) I preparedrinksorderedbytheguests: ………………………………….
2) I tidytheDiningRoomafterthe meal:……………………………………….
3) I'm second in charge in therestaurantandkitchen, belowtheexecutivechef:……………………….
4)I managefoodpreparationandcooking, andensurethatfoodqualitystandardsare met:…………………………………
5) I'm in charge of thewaitersandtheseating of theguests:…………………………………………….
6) I sweepandmopthe bar flooraftertheshift is over:…………………………………………….
7) I recruitandhirestaff:………………………………………………….
8) I controlthe 'Mise en Place' (preparationandcleaning):………………………………………….
9) I Hoşgeldinizguests, takeordersandservefoodanddrink:…………………………………………..
10) I’m the link betweenthe Kitchen andtheDiningRoom:…………………………………………..
11) I preparethebudget, includingprojections (= planlama) of annualfoodandlabourcosts:……………………………….
12) I set upthe bar, includingallliquor, mixers, ice, garnishes, glasswareandstocks:………………………..
13) I dealwithallkitchenoperations:…………………………………………
14) I plan themenuandcreatenewrecipes:………………………………………….
B-Answerthesequestions.(5*5=25 Points)
1-What should a goodemployee be?
2-What do youthink service staffwear?
3-Why do wehavetousedifferentchoppingboards in thekitchen?
4-Write about hotel facilities?
5-Make a shortlist of fourutensilsthatyouthinkaredangeroustoworkwith?
C-Write thenames of theutensils(5*2=10 Points)
1. It is usedfortakingeggs , pancakes, etc, out of fryingpan:………………………………….
2. It is usedfordraining pasta, washingfreshvegetables, rinsingsaladgreens:………………………..
3. It is usedforgratingnutmeg, cheese, gingerandlemonpeel:……………………………….
4. It is usedforservingsoupfromthepan:………………………………..
5. It is usedforturningsteaksandpickingupmealscooked on thegrill:…………………………………..
D-Write thenames of theutensils.(5*2=10 Points)
E-Write thenames of bar tools.(5*2=10 Points)
1…………….. 2 ……………. 3…………… 4…………… 5……………..
F- Look at thetablebelow. Thenmatchthesafetytipswiththetypes of accidentsthat can happen in a bar/kitchen/restaurant.Writetheletter (A-F) in thespaces(6*2=12 Points)
1) Holdtheknifewithyourstrong (usuallyright) hand. ___ a) poisoning
2) Keepfloorsandstairscleananddry.___ b) slipsfalls
3) Do not leave metal spoons in potsandpanswhilecooking.___ c) cuts
4) Do not usedamagedcordsorreceptacles.___ d) electricshock
5) Usetheleasttoxiccleaningproductspossible.___ e) explosion
6) Checkthegascylinderandallhosesbeforelighting a fire.___ f) burnsscalds
G-Whataretheseutensilsmade of?(5*1=5 Points)
1-Casserole is made of……………………..
2-Tureen is made of………………………..
3-Jug is made of…………………………
4-Shaker is made of…………………….
5-Barstool is made of………………………
TheTeachers of English