Land Rover EVAP Testing-2

EMISSION CONTROL1FAULT DIAGNOSISTESTING EVAPORATIVE EMISSION CONTROL -PRE ADVANCED EVAPSThe following pressure test procedure is intended toprovide a method for ensuring that the system doesnot leak excessively and will effectively controlevaporative emissions.Equipment required.Nitrogen cylinder (compressed air may be used topressure the system when there has NEVER beenfuel present in the fuel or evaporative controlsystems).Water manometer 0 - 100 cm (0 - 30" H2O or more).Pipework and a "T" piece.Method.1.Ensure that there is at least two gallons of fuel inthe petrol tank unless there has never been anyfuel in the system.2.Disconnect, at the EVAP canister, the pipe to thefuel tank vapour separator.3.Connect this pipe to the nitrogen cylinder andthe water manometer using the "T" piece.4.Pressurize the system to between 67.3 and 70.0cm (26.5 and 27.5 inches) of water, allow thereading to stabilize, then turn off the nitrogensupply.5.Measure the pressure drop within a period of 2minutes 30 seconds. If the drop is greater than6.3 cm (2.5 inches) of water the system hasfailed the test. Note that a fully sealed systemwill show a slight increase in pressure.6.Should the system fail the test, maintain thepressure in the system and apply a soapsolution round all the joints and connections untilbubbles appear to reveal the source of the leak.7.Repeat the test and if successful, dismantle thetest equipment and reconnect the pipe to theEVAP canister.LEAK DETECTION PROCEDURE - ADVANCEDEVAPS1.Connect TestBook to the vehicle and confirmthat the fault code(s) displayed relate to anEVAP system fault.2.Examine components in fuel and EVAP systemfor damage or poorly connected joints.3.Repair or replace components to rectify anyfaults found, then reset the Malfunction IndicatorLamp (MIL) using TestBook.4.Carry out Drive Cycle,See this section.5.UsingTestBook confirm that the EvaporativeLoss Control (ELC) Inspection and Maintenance(IM) flag has cleared.This procedure shouldconfirm that the ELC test was carried out duringthe drive cycle and that the fault was cured.6.If the IM flag is still shown, use TestBook tointerrogate the engine management system toascertain which of the following situations exists:•If a fault code is shown, then further investigationis required, proceed to the next step.•If the IM flag is still shown, but no faults areindicated the conditions for the ELC check havenot been met and the drive cycle must berepeated.7.Connect the EVAP Diagnostic Station to theservice port and carry out the procedures givenin the operating instructions supplied with theequipment.8.Rectify faults indicated by the EVAP DiagnosticStation and return to step 4.

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