Canada S Landform Regions 3-D Modeling Assignment

Canada S Landform Regions 3-D Modeling Assignment

Canada’s Landform Regions 3-D Modeling Assignment

Groups Member Names:


  1. In groups of four, using the blank map of Canada provided in class, research and create your own 3-D play-doh model map of Canada’s Landform Regions. Make sure to use proper mapping conventions for effective communication, and be sure to site any sources you use. You may use Chapter 12 from your course textbook.
  1. Each group member is responsible for one of the regions below. Be sure to include your name.
  1. For each landform region compile a list of at least 8 key information facts to be included in your Google document. This will include information such as:
  2. location
  3. age
  4. elevation heights
  5. how it was created
  6. physical features of the landscape (glaciers?)
  7. rock types and minerals found
  8. Other?
  1. Lastly, find an Internet image to depict each region, copy and past the image into your Google Doc. You may also wish to cut and glue images onto the final 3D map.


1. Pages 130-33 -The Canadian Shield (Name: ):

2. Pages 134-36 - The Lowlands (Name: ):

Interior Plains:

Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands:

3. Pages 137-138 - Lowlands – (Name: ):

Hudson Bay- Arctic Lowlands

Highlands – pages 139-140

Appalachian Mountains:

4. Pages 140-42 - Western Cordillera: (Name: ):

Innuitian Mountains:

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Evaluation
The map includes the expected conventions (title, legend, cardinal directions), geographic elements (e.g. region type), and appropriate landform Internet image
Organizer key notes identifies the characteristics of each landform region in Canada / The map contains few of the expected map conventions and geographic elements.
Organizer identifies few characteristics of Canada’s landform regions / The map contains some of the expected map conventions and geographic elements.
Organizer identifies some characteristics of Canada’s landform regions / The map contains most of the expected map conventions and geographic elements.
Organizer identifies most characteristics of Canada’s landform regions / The map contains all of the expected map conventions and geographic elements.
Organizer identifies all characteristics of Canada’s landform regions / /10
The map clearly communicates with, clear expression and logical organization / Expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness / Expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness / Expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness / Expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness / /10
Clear connections are made between regional characteristics and Model (appearance, height, topography etc.) / Connections between regional characteristics and Model are rarely made / Connections between regional characteristics and Model are sometimes made / Connections between regional characteristics and Model are competently made / Connections between regional characteristics and Model are thoroughly made / /10
Comments / /40

CGC1D: Geography of Canada Canadian and World Studies