Lesson plan

Key Stage 3Year 9

Lesson number: 7Date:

Time: 1 hour

Lesson title: All about standards

In this lesson the pupils will investigate further consumer information including food assurance schemes. They will also consider the preparation and shaping of dishes, such as spring rolls or samosas, which include the use of food assured products.


Learning objective / Learning outcomes
To investigate the information and guidance available to the consumer regarding food labelling, availability, traceability, food assurance schemes and animal welfare. / All pupils will … / investigate the information and guidance available to the consumer regarding food labelling, availability, traceability, food assurance schemes and animal welfare.
Most pupils should … / investigate and explain the information and guidance available to the consumer regarding food labelling, availability, traceability, food assurance schemes and animal welfare.
Some pupils could … / investigate and summarise the information and guidance available to the consumer regarding food labelling, availability, traceability, food assurance schemes and animal welfare.
To recognise and explain food standard schemes. / All pupils will … / recognise food standard schemes.
Most pupils should … / recognise and explain food standard schemes.
Some pupils could … / recognise and explain food standard schemes and the benefits to the consumer.
To describe methods of filling and shaping a dish, such as spring rolls, samosa or pasties. / All pupils will … / state methods of filling and shaping a dish, such as spring rolls, samosa or pasties.
Most pupils should … / describe methods of filling and shaping a dish, such as spring rolls, samosa or pasties.
Some pupils could … / demonstrate methods of filling and shaping a dish, such as spring rolls, samosa or pasties.

Teaching and learning activities

Time / Activity / Resources and equipment
5 / Introduction
Register. Review learning objectives for the lesson.
Write down a related word for the subject/topic (or another of your choice) for as many letters of the alphabet as you can.
10 / Main activity 1
Ask the pupils what they think is meant by the terms traceability, sustainability, consumer confidence, food security.
You may wish to show the pupils selected slides from the presentation to facilitate the discussion.
  • What is the supply chain?
  • At what stages could checks be made to help ensure traceability and safety?
  • What information is available to the consumer?
An example list of criteria might be:
  • Lot number;
  • Date of harvest;
Identity of the:
  • Farm (plot or field);
  • Producer;
  • Country of origin.
Chain of ownership of the material
  • From grower to recipient;
Agricultural inputs (e.g. manure/fertiliser, irrigation, pesticides)
  • Dates of application.
Challenge the pupils to think about the link between sustainable sourcing, the supply chain and food security. What are the benefits of more local and sustainable food supply?
Food security is a complex topic, defined as “the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food”.
Discuss with the pupils:
  • What are the 3 main aspects of food security? (Availability, access, use.)
  • What are the factors that affect food security? (Food production, social, economic and environmental.)
/ Examples – press cuttings, articles.
Food quality, safety, traceability PPT
Example packaging or advertising.
20 / Main activity 2
In the UK there are:
  • Assured food standards (Red Tractor);
  • Lion eggs.
You may wish to show use the Food Assurance presentation and notesheet.
Ask the pupils:
  • What are the benefits of using ingredients that have been assured?
Explain there are many other accreditation schemes such as:
  • Soil Association Organic;
  • Freedom Food – RSPCA ;
  • LEAF Marque – Linking the environment and farming;
  • Marine Stewardship Council – sustainable fishing.
Main Activity 3
Explain to the pupils that they will be making a dish that uses ingredients that are ‘assured’.
Demonstrate the preparation and shaping of your selected recipe(s) such as spring rolls, samosa or pasties.
Discuss with the pupils the use of ingredients that are ‘assured’.
Review the recipes the suggested recipes with the pupils and encourage them to identify ingredients that can be sourced under an assurance scheme.
Review the options and any adaptations that the pupils may wish to make. / Food assurance
Red tractor
Lion eggs
Range of logos – printed or digital
Know your logos
Recipes, e.g. spring rolls
55 / Plenary
How does today’s learning link with three other subjects?
What links today’s topic to the subject?

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy
Require pupils to: /
  • use Standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom discussion.

Main activities:
Requires pupils to: /
  • develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text.
  • give short speeches and presentations, expressing their own ideas and keeping to the point.

Requires pupils to: /
  • use Standard English confidently in their own writing and speech.


  • What is the Fairtrade Foundation and what does it do?
  • What Fairtrade products are covered by the Fairtrade mark?
  • What does the Fairtrade mark mean?

© British Nutrition Foundation 2014