Lesson Plans Mclees Academy of Leadership Amy Janssen

Lesson Plans McLees Academy of Leadership Amy Janssen

Standards/Leadership / Grade level / Activities / Assessment
National Standards 1-5 / How does a choir think win-win? / 5 / 1. Review SATB with Drummer Boy
2. Discuss the dynamic symbols
3. Listen to Whitney and Lady A’s version of Star Spangled Banner
4. How did they use dynamics in their version?
5. Listen to the Virtual Sheet music
6. Pass out copies of the sheet music and have groups add dynamic markings to the song
7. Perform the versions of each group
Star Spangled Banner
Whitney Houston (Star Spangled Banner)
Lady A (Star Spangled Banner)
Virtual Sheet Music for Star Spangled Banner
Drummer Boy
Come thou Long expectant Jesus
http://youtu.be/u7Oh6DrKqJE / will identify SATB
identify dynamic markings
will use different dynamic markings for “The Star Spangled Banner”
National Standards 1-5 / How does a choir think win-win? / 3 / 1. Review SATB with Drummer Boy
2. Discuss the dynamic symbols
3. Listen to Whitney and Lady A’s version of Star Spangled Banner
4. How did they use dynamics in their version?
5. Listen to the Virtual Sheet music
6. Pass out copies of the sheet music and have groups add dynamic markings to the song
7. Perform the versions of each group
Star Spangled Banner
Whitney Houston (Star Spangled Banner)
Lady A (Star Spangled Banner)
Virtual Sheet Music for Star Spangled Banner
Drummer Boy
Come thou Long expectant Jesus
http://youtu.be/u7Oh6DrKqJE / will identify SATB
identify dynamic markings
will use different dynamic markings for “The Star Spangled Banner”
National Standards 1-5 / What is our plan for our Halloween show?
How do you get ready for an audition? / 4 / Finish auditions for Halloween Misfits
Learn and review the first 5 songs / Sing songs for the Halloween performance on correct pitch
National Standards 1-5 / Why do we need to work together when singing and playing instruments? / 1 / Finish from last week……..
1. Walk it our as a warmup…Talk about how fast or slow the music was.
Walking song
2. Listen to This is Me
This is Me
Listen Head, Shoulders, Knee, and Toes
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
/ Sing songs and play instruments using correct rhythm and pitch
National Standards 1-5 / Why do we need to work together when singing and playing instruments? / K / 1. Listen to the following song while doing the motions
2. Add instruments to songs and keep the steady beat.
5 senses song
With my eyes I can……
The “O” song
Letter “R” Song
Letter “N” Song
Listen Head, Shoulders, Knee, and Toes
/ Identify parts of the body
Identify the senses
Identify Fast and slow part of a song with their bodies
Sing songs and play instruments using correct rhythm and pitch
National Standards 1-5 / How would an animal prepare his/her home? / 2 / 1. Listen to the Habitat song and identify the homes
2. Discuss tempo and pitches of the song
3. Listen to Give Me a Home
4. Act out the songs with groups
5. Perform
Habitat Song
Give me a Home
http://youtu.be/PlY0rbEY9wg / Identify the tempo/pitches for each song
Perform the habitats
Echo simple rhythmic and melodic patterns / What are some examples of being in charge of yourself when singing in a group? In the theatre? / LL / 1. Sing songs below while performing in movement
(following directions, making sounds)
Let it go
Five little monkeys
Where’s the monkey?
Colors / TTW observe the students echoing simple rhythmic and melodic patterns with Let it go, Five Little Monkeys, Where’s the Monkey, and Colors

*lessons will be modified based on the age and needs of the students