What is a Cell?

Name ______per_____

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All living things are made up of ______. Each cell is a sort of bag made from a sort of skin called a ______. The inside of the cell is ______and jelly-like. You can’t see them just using you eyes. You need a ______.

A cell can be considered the smallest part of an ______that can ______on its own. Some organisms have only ______cell, while more complicated organisms are made out of lots of cells. All cells have a ______, which separates them from the outside world. The membrane ______the cell and allows the cell to be selective about what is allowed ______.

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Plant cells are ______than animal cells. Plant cells in a ______are different to those in the stem or in the ______. Animal cells, including the cells in our bodies, are all sorts of different ______and sizes. Different cells ______different things.

Give examples of two different types of cells and their jobs below.



Despite all the differences between types of cells, there are also ______. All cells have ______. All cells contain ______for storing information and ______for building proteins.

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When the time is right, an animal cell or a plant cell ______into two, forming new cells called ______cells. The two new cells are ______the same as the original cell. This process is called ______.

Although a cell is small, it is not stupid – before it ______it makes an extra copy of everything in the ______. This means the two daughter cells have a ______nucleus. This is important because the nucleus contains the “______” (DNA) which is used to tell the cell what to do. They do share the ______but they can make more of that and end up the same size as their ______cell.

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A single-celled animal is an animal cell that lives on its ______, without other cells. It can move around. It can get its own ______. It gets rid of ______. It divides to make more cells. It can tell something about what is happening around it. The single cells of a ______animal could not do this. They need to live ______by lots of other cells. (Click next at bottom of web page.)


A single-celled plant, such as an ______, is a plant cell that lives on its ______. It does not need to be a part of a larger plant ______. Algae always live in ______.

What are Cell Organelles?Go back to the main list and click on More Organelles. Move the arrow over the different organelles and use the info. boxes to fill in the blanks. Those organelles with an * next to them can be found back at the main list.

Both in animal and plant cells:

  1. Mitochondrion is the ______of the cell. It is the site of ______. It has a ______membrane. The inner membrane is where most ______respiration occurs. The inner membranes is ______with a very large surface area. These ruffles are called ______. Mitochondria have their own ______and manufacture some of their own ______.
  2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a series of double membranes that ______back and forth between the cell membrane and the ______. These membranes fill the ______but you cannot see them because they are very ______. The rough E.R. has ______attached to it. This gives it its texture. These ribosomes manufacture ______for the cell. The ribosomes are the ______which manufacture proteins.
  3. Smooth E.R. ______ribosomes. It acts as a ______throughout the cytoplasm. It runs from the cell membrane to the nuclear ______and throughout the rest of the cell. It also produces ______for the cell.
  4. Cell Membrane performs a number of critical functions for the ______. It regulates all that ______and leaves the cell; in multicellular organisms it allows ______recognition
  5. Golgi Body is responsible for packaging ______for the cell. Once the proteins are produced by the ______E.R., they pass into the ______like cisternae that are the main part of the Golgi body. These proteins are then squeezed off into the little ______which drift off into the cytoplasm.
  1. Nucleus is called the ______of the cell. It is a large ______spot in eukaryotic cells. It ______all cell activity. The nuclear membrane has many ______. The thick ropy strands are the ______. The large solid spot is the ______. The nucleolus is a ______chromatin. It manufactures ______. The chromatin is ______in its active form. It is a ______of DNA and histone proteins. It stores the information needed for the manufacture of ______.
  2. *Cytoplasm is the ______- ______material inside the cell membrane and outside the nucleus. Cytoplasm contains a large amount of ______and many chemicals and structures that carry out the life ______in the cell. These structures that the cytoplasm contains are called ______. Unlike a gelatin dessert, however, cytoplasm constantly ______or streams.
  3. *Vacuole: They are sort of like a ______bubble in the cytoplasm. Vacuoles in animal cells are considerably ______than those in plant cells. In animal cells, vacuoles may store food that needs to be ______. Vacuoles can also store the indigestible ______until they can ______with the cell membrane and squirt the wastes outside. The cell sap vacuole in plants is much ______than animals. In addition to storing important substances, it also helps ______the plant. The ______of water filling the cell sap vacuole pushes out against the cell wall. This gives the wall enough strength to hold up fairly large green (non-woody) plants.
    Animal cells only:
  4. Lysosomes are called ______sacks. They are produced by the ______body. They consist of a single membrane surrounding powerful ______enzymes. Those lumpy brown structures are digestive ______. They help protect you by ______the bacteria that your white blood cells engulf. ______act as a clean up crew for the cell.
  5. Centrioles are only found in ______cells. They function in cell ______. They have _____ groups of _____ arrangement of the protein fibers.

Plant cells only:

  1. *Cell wall: Since plants don't have ______, they need a little something extra to ______them. The cell wall is made of a tough fiber called ______she s:which does this job. When you combine the stiff cell wall with the outward ______of a full cell sap vacuole, you get enough ______to hold up large plants. Tree cell walls contain other tough materials such as ______, which make them even stronger.
  2. *Chloroplast: Located in plant cells are large irregular shaped green structures called chloroplasts. They are ______because they contain a green pigment called ______. Chlorophyll ______the energy of sunlight which can be used to help ______food for the plant cell. This process is called ______.