Alicia Ordaz & Erin Pollack
LAE 4335
“Setting as a Writing Tool”
Class: 9th grade English
Date: February 2008
- Objectives:
- Students will:
- Identify and name characteristics of a setting.
- Create an authentic passage about a setting
- Predict a setting based on a description
- Discuss and analyze a sample passage from the novel
- Reflect on activities and own writing.
Objectives for ESOL students if different (including consideration for all four levels)
- Sunshine State Standards:
- LA.910.1.7.1: use background knowledge of subject and related content areas, pre-reading strategies (e.g. previewing, discussing, generating questions), text features, and text structure to make and confirm complex predictions of content, purpose, and organization of a reading selection.
- LA.910.1.7.2: analyze the author’s purpose and/or perspective in a variety of text and understand how they affect meaning.
- LA.910.2.1.5: analyze and develop an interpretation of a literary work by describing an authors use of literary elements (e.g., theme, point of view, characterization, setting, plot), and explain and analyze different elements of figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, allusion, imagery).
- LA.910.3.1.1: generating ideas from multiple sources (e.g., brainstorming, notes, journals, discussion, research materials or other reliable sources) based upon teacher-directed topics and personal interests.
- LA.910.3.1.2: making a plan for writing that addresses purpose, audience, a controlling idea, logical sequence, and time frame for completion.
- LA.910.5.2.1: select and use appropriate listening strategies according to the intended purpose (e.g., solving problems, interpreting and evaluating the techniques and intent of a presentation);
- Materials:
- Index cards
- Of Mice and Men
- Photos/power point
- Copies of example passages from novel
- Pen/paper
- Highlighters
- Dry Erase markers
Additional Materials for ESOL students if necessary
- Lesson Sequence: (Lead-in; teacher explicit instruction/directions; guided practice; independent practice; closure) OR (Focus; before reading / front loading/ tapping prior knowledge, during reading; after reading; review)
Initiating Activities:
1. Display a photograph or painting of Salinas Valley (or another image relevant
to the story’s setting.)
2. Ask students to describe the photograph.
3. Choose volunteers to name characteristics that stand out to them.
4. Read opening passage to Of Mice and Men.
Lesson Development:
6. Ask students, “What do you think setting is?”
7. Begin a concept map on the board for “setting”.
8. Provide a couple examples (e.g; geographical, socio-economic, and details)
as category headings and allow time for student responses.
9. Fill in any gaps that students may have missed.
10. Shortly discuss the use of setting as a writing tool. (Refer back to opening passage in novel.)
11. Introduce “Guess the Setting” game and model how it’s played. (Students will receive a photo of a place, and create an original passage that demonstrates use of setting as inspired by their photo. Afterward, students will share their work with a partner and allow them to guess what the photo/passage may represent.)
12. Pass out the index cards with photographs of various settings.
13. Instruct students to study their photograph without revealing it to any classmates.
14. Ask students to write an original passage inspired by the photo.
15. After guessing, have students name one thing they enjoyed about their partners’ piece.
16. Have a couple students volunteer their writing.
17. Place students into groups of 4 or 5.
18. Pass out sample passages from novel.
19. Ask one person in each group to read aloud for their peers.
20. Have group highlight significant sentences or details that contribute to the setting.
21. Have students briefly discuss the sample passage.
22. 3-2-1 assessment.
Adaptations for different levels of ESOL students if necessary
- Assessment:
3-2-1: Ask students to respond to the following-
List 3 things you learned about setting today.
Name 2 ways your photo inspired your piece.
Describe 1 thing you enjoyed about today’s lesson.
Adaptations for different levels of students if necessary.