LESSON PLAN: Alternative Medicine

Lesson content:Alternative Medicine, Giving Opinions

Grade/Level:Adults/Upper Int./Private LessonLesson Length: 70mins

Overall Objectives:Student will learn or review names of treatments and medical symptoms

Student will be able to discuss forms of alternative medicine and give opinions on their efficacy

Student will practice reading newspaper articles and evaluating them.

Time / Group / Activities / Materials/
Resources / Specific
Review / 10 min / Student and teacher / Show student picture of a symptom (coughing, head ache, fever).
Ask student name of symptom and one possible treatment / Health Problem sheet (seperate attached file) cut into cards (just images, not text) / Student will remember names of symptoms and kinds of treatment
Lesson / 30 min / Student and teacher
and teacher / Student skims Alternative Medicines:A Guide quickly to get the jist of what each therapy is.
Discuss each therapy briefly, what it is, if he knows about it, is it effective?
Give student opinion cards and have student put them in 2 columns:Agree or Disagree, in approximate order of strength. Clarify new words or misunderstandings as student works.
Student must pick one symptom and one form of therapy and give his opinion on whether the therapy will help this symptom or not, using one opinion card. Student may look at article in more detail now. / Opinions Cards
Article Alternative medicines: A guide
Symptom cards / Review names of alternative medicine
Student will learn/review language of giving opinions
apply own medical knowledge and experience to discussion
Practice / 30 min / Student
Student and Teacher / Give student choice of 1 article to read from is it?, The quest for evidence, The alternative set, Your views)
Student should discuss: what kinds of alternative therapy were mentioned, what evidence was given that they work or don't work, and for which conditions or types of patients.
Student should then give his own opinion about the efficacy or dangers of the types of therapy in the article.
Student chooses another article, as time permits, and discusses the same questions, and how opinion has changed or not changed.
Wrap up by asking about his experiences with alternative therapy, whether they are popular in Kazakhstan today, why people use them. / Printed or Saved articles from: / Student will practice reading comprehension skills.
Student will practice giving opinions and discussing application of alternative therapies.
Assessment / On-going /
  • Listen as student speaks. Note down any frequent errors or vocabulary gaps.
  • Note serious errors that inhibit communication
/ Notebook
Homework / 10 mins /
  • Student will listen to podcast on Homeopathy, and be prepared to discuss the doctor's opinion on Homeopathy and his own opinion on the doctor's opinion.
/ Podcast:
/ Student will practice listening skills, specifically someone giving an opinion.