Fahrenheit 451 Anticipation Guide
Read the following statements. Write if you agree or disagree. Write one to two sentences explaining your thoughts about each statement. There are no right or wrong answers!
- Laws are always written for the protection of the citizens.
- Some books are evil and should be destroyed.
- In a world filled with constant, 24-hour news, there are no true facts. (Things keep changing.)
- If it was against the law to read books, I would break the law and read anyway.
- It is impossible to be close friends with people who think differently than you.
- If most people believe something, then it must be true, even if there is no proof.
- Only those who are hired to protect society’s laws, such as police officers, should be allowed to own and use guns.
- There are some things so important in life that they are worth risking your life for.
- In today’s world, writers and artists are not as important to society as scientists and engineers.
- People who follow society’s laws and rules are always people of higher moral character than those who break the rules because of their personal beliefs.
- If something is really bothering you, it is best to put it out of your mind, because thinking a great deal about something that bothers you can never lead to happiness.
- Laws are clear in our society so that we don’t break them.
- Books are written solely to get you to think.
- Most children would protect their families if needed.
- You can escape the ills of the world if you read a book
- Some books should be banned.
- “Ignorance is bliss.”
- Books do not have anything you can teach or believe and contain only non-existent people.
- People are moving faster and faster these days and do not have time for anyone else.
- If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides of a political question to worry him; only present him with one side of the argument.
- Communication through email, the internet, or telephone is just as significant or real as face-to-face communication.
- It is not important to learn in school anything other than what you will need to use in a job.
- All knowledge is power.
- A responsible person performs their job without question.
- Laws are always written for the protection of citizens.
- People who break society’s laws are of low moral character.
- The laws in our society are very clear.
- Doing what is right for YOU is always what is best.
Select three questions below to discuss in a paragraph…..
16. List three reasons if you had power over people why their literacy could threaten your power.
17. How is knowledge power? How do we benefit from ideas and learning different points of view?
18. Why would those in control of a society want to suppress knowledge? Why are ideas “dangerous?”
19. How do books represent us (mankind)?
20. Is there an idea you would be willing to die for? Explain why.
21. If all books in the world were going to be burned tomorrow and you could only save one, which would it be and why?
22. If you were going to write a book, what would it contain? What things do you think are important for the world to know?