United States History Oral History AssignmentDue Date : May 19 (A), May 20 (B)

Oral histories are useful to historians because they “bring to life” a historical event. Many people are living today who lived through pivotal events of the 20th Century. The purpose of this assignment is for students to help gather those individuals’ stories to enhance our own study of the twentieth century.

Assignment Guidelines:

  1. Interview someone about the Great Depression (born prior to 1925) or World War II (born before 1932), the Civil Rights Movement (born prior to 1955), or the Vietnam War Era (born prior to 1955).
  2. Videotape, audiotape, or make a typed transcript of the interview.
  3. Write a summary of that person’s experience in that time period using the information you have gathered, focusing on those things that you think are the most interesting

(3-4 typed pages)

  1. Submit your notes or tape, typed summary, your questions, release form, and interview information packet on the due date.
  2. Participate in a class discussion about the oral histories we have collected.

Interview Tips:

  • You should have a general knowledge of the subject being discussed before you write your questions. Your understanding will allow you to ask better follow up questions and will make the interview go smoother. Do some advance reading and research before you prepare for your interview.
  • It is very important that you arrive to your interview prepared with knowledge, clearlywritten questions, and a professional attitude.
  • You should come prepared to your interview with at least twenty (20) written questions. These questions will be turned in on the due date with your project packet.
  • Consider the feelings of the person you interview. Remember that the period that is the subject of the interview may have been among the most difficult that the interviewee has experienced. Also, some interview subjects might be elderly and may be very emotional as your questions bring back memories of old friends and family who may have died.
  • If you are using recording equipment be sure to ask permission and set up the equipment before you begin talking.
  • If at all possible, prepare your questions and provide a copy to the interviewee in advance. If they have a chance to think about the questions, you will get clearer facts, details, and information. The interviewee may have a chance to look up old documents, bring out old photos and enhance the interview experience.
  • Permission to use the information is critical. Ask your interviewee to sign the attached release and tell him/her in what way the information will be used. This is always a very necessary part of the oral history process.
  • There are sample suggested questions on the class website.
  • Courtesy is the key to a successful interview. Thank the interviewee for his/her time and offer to send him/her a copy of your completed paper. Make him/her realize that you see him/her as a vital link to the past and honor him/her by saying so.
  • It would be wise to bookmark and frequently visit this website throughout your work on this project:

Interview Information Sheet

As you ask these questions, be sure to ask immediately if you do not know how to spell a word or don’t understand a term. This clarification will give you additional knowledge and will allow the interviewee to become a living textbook

Name of Interviewee ______

Address ______

Telephone ______Male/Female ______Age ______

Date of Interview ______Place of Interview ______

Relationship to interviewer ______

Interview topic ______

Background Questions

1. Current Residence ______

2. Previous places lived and approximate dates ______

3. Schools attended and educational background______

4. Father’s Name ______Mother’s Name______

6. Membership, both past and present in clubs, social groups, political organizations ______


7. Current Occupation ______

8. Past Occupation ______

9. Interests and Hobbies ______


10. Honors and Achievements ______


11. Special moments in history that you remember ______


12. List any interesting letters, diaries, photographs, or other documents that would be of interest to archives and history ______

Release for Oral History Interview

I ______hereby give ______

Name of IntervieweeName of Student

permission to use the information obtained from our interview conducted on ______

Date of Interview

I understand that the interview will be used for historical, educational and scholarly purposes.


DateSignature of Interviewee



Address of Interviewee