Lesson 23: WILL and SHALL part 2

A)WILL is NOT used to say what somebody has already arranged or decided to do

Kelly is going on holiday next week. (not Kelly will go…..)

Are you going to do your homework before dinner? (not Will you do…?)

But when we talk about the future, often, we are not talking about what somebody has decided to do.

Jenny is taking her driving license next week. Her parents are talking about it.

Jenny’s mum: Do you think she will pass?

Jenny’s dad: Yes, she’ll pass with flying colors.

Other examples: Peter won’t pass his driving license because he hasn’t memorized the highway code.

Where will you be this time tomorrow? I’ll be at school.

The knife is sharp. If you aren’t careful, you’ll cut yourself.

B)WILL (‘LL) is often used with

probably= I’ll probably be a bit late tonight, don’t wait up!

I expect= I haven’t heard from Jim in a while. I expect he’ll ring me when he has time.

(I’m) sure= Don’t fret about your English test! I’m sure you’ll pass.

I wonder= I wonder what will happen in tomorrow’s episode.

(I)think/ (I) don’t think.= I think tonight’s film will be good./ I don’t think the film will be good.

I hope is usually followed by the present: I hope you pass your exam (or I hope you will pass…)

C)WILL is usually used to talk about the future, but WILL may be used to talk about now:

Don’t bother John at work now! He’ll be in a meeting.

D)I shall… We shall

We normally use shall with I and we.

I shall be late tonight. = I will be late tonight.

We shall probably visit our grandparents in Scotland this summer.= We will probably visit….

When speaking, we use the contracted form: I’ll and we’ll

I’ll be late tonight.

We’ll probably visit our grandparents in Scotland this summer.

The negative form of shall is shall not shan’t.

I shan’t be here tomorrow. = I won’t be here tomorrow.

Don’t use shall with he/she/it/you/they:

My mother will be angry if I don’t phone her. (not shall be angry)

Exercise 1: Which form of the verb is correct or more natural?

1)I’ll go/I’m going to the theatre tomorrow. Would you like to come?

2)I think Ken will/is going to get the job. He has enough experience.

3)I can’t play golf with you tomorrow. I will go/’m going away this weekend.

4)Don’t worry about the cat. It won’t/isn’t going to scratch you.

Exercise 2: Put in will or won’t and a verb: like/fail/watch/live/need

1)Why don’t you come tonight? We will watcha film on TV.

2)You must meet my new girlfriend. I think you will likeher.

3)Do you think people will livelonger in the future?

4)It doesn’t look like rain. You won’t needyour umbrella.

5)Jake doesn’t know his lesson. Hewill failhis test.

Exercise 3: Write questions using Do you think…? and one of the following

Get married/ end soon/ be hungry later/ like them/ rain

1)I’ve bought mum some flowers.=Do you think she will like them?

2)Hazel and Carter are in love.=Do you think they will get married?

3)It’s very cloudy this morning.=Do you think it will rain?

4)The meeting isn’t finished yet.=Do you think it will end soon?

5)I haven’t had breakfast this morning.=Do you think I will be hungry later?