John W Millikin, PhD, LMFT, PLLC


Client’s name: ______Date: / /

Gender:______Date of birth: / /

Address: ______

City:______State: ______Zip:______

Phone (home): OK to leave msg? Y N Phone (other): OK to leave msg? Y N

Highest Level of Education: ______

Current Profession: ______Current Employer: ______

Primary reason(s) for seeking services: ______

Marital Status (more than one answer mayapply):

__Single __Divorce in process __Unmarried __living together __Legally married __Widowed

Assessment of current relationship (if applicable): □Good □ Fair □ Poor

Who is living at current residence? (Please list names andages):

Children not living in the home? (Please list names and ages):

Family Mental Health History:

Has anyone in your family including yourself experienced difficulties with the following?

(Check any that apply and listfamily member, e.g., Sibling, Parent, Uncle, Self, etc.):

Depression: □ No □ Yes

Bipolar Disorder: □ No □Yes

Anxiety Disorders: □ No □Yes

Panic Attacks: □ No □ Yes

Schizophrenia: □ No □Yes

Alcohol/Substance Abuse: □ No □Yes

Eating Disorders: □ No □Yes

Learning Disabilities: □ No □Yes

Trauma History: □ No □ Yes

Suicide Attempts: □ No □Yes

Substance Use: Do you currently use or have you used the following substances.If yes please describe frequency, amount, time of first use, and any current use(within the last 30 days):

Cigarettes: □ No □ Yes Caffeine: □ No □ Yes Alcohol: □ No □ Yes

Street Drugs: □ No □ Yes Prescription Medication (not as prescribed): □ No □Yes

Have you ever been concerned for your partner in any of the above areas?□ No □ Yes

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Medical/Physical Health (please check all that apply and providefurther explanation in the space provided ifnecessary:

□ Dizziness/Fainting

□ Epilepsy

□ Sexually transmitted diseases

□ Allergies

□ Eating problems

□ Sleeping problems

□ Anemia

□ Fatigue

□ Hearing problems

□ Heart Problems

□ Vision Problems

□ Autoimmune Disease

□ Digestive Issues

□ Neurological Issues

□ Reproductive Issues

□ Other Current Medications (please list both prescription and over the countermedication as well as dose, frequency, and reason for medication):

Please list and medical, mental health, or other professionals I should speak within order to provide you with comprehensive services:



Development: Are there special, unusual, or traumatic circumstances that affected your development? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, pleasedescribe:

Has there been history of trauma or abuse as a child or an adult? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, please share as much as you are comfortable sharing in the space provided:

Military experience?: □ Yes □ No If Yes,describe:

Please describe previous experience with counseling including what was helpful and what was not helpful:

Anything else that you believe it is important that I know?