University Link Officer


Partner Link Officer


UK Awards



1. Introduction3

2.Role of the University Link Officer and the Partner Link Officer4

3.Liaison and Communication5


5.Student Voice7

6.Induction and Enrolment7

7.Course Documentation8


9.External Examiners9

10.Accreditation of Prior Learning 10

11.Annual Report Template11

12.Visit Report Template14


This handbook lists the duties and responsibilities of members of the university who are appointed as University Link Officers (ULOs), staff in partners who act as Partner Link Officers (PLOs)and other members of staff who support UK partnerships.[1]

The provision of effective support by designated university and partner staff is critical to ensuring the effective delivery of University of South Wales courses at partner institutions. Teaching staff at some institutions may spend the majority of their time delivering courses other than higher education and will be less familiar with university regulations, policies and procedures and the external quality environment within which the university must operate.

Responsibility for ensuring that the university’s courses are delivered in accordance with its expectations must be shared between the university and the partner. Partners should work with the university to ensure that all staff delivering university courses are aware of the policies and procedures identified in The Framework for Academic Standards and Quality (The Framework) and how they are applied within the context of their course(s).

This handbook complements other documentation and should be read in conjunction with The Framework.


The University Link Officer

Each course or cognate group of courses delivered at a partner will have at least one ULO appointed by the Faculty and the individual must be identified at the point of course validation.

The ULO role is crucial to the successful operation of collaborative provision. Not all of these duties will be directly undertaken by the ULO, but the ULO is responsible for ensuring that they happen.

The ULO is supported and advised by:

  • The Faculty Collaboration Manager
  • The Head of Department (or equivalent)
  • The Faculty Principal Quality Officer
  • The Head of the Collaborative QualityUnit

The Partner Link Officer

Each course or cognate group of courses delivered at a partner will have at least one PLO appointed by the partner and the individual must be identified at the point of course validation. His/her task is to act as a link between the university and its partner, and to oversee the aspects of the partnership for which s/he is responsible.

The PLO role is crucial to the successful operation of collaborative provision. Not all of these duties will be directly undertaken by the PLO, but the PLO is responsible for ensuring that they happen.

The PLO is supported and advised by:

  • The University Link Officer (ULO)
  • Relevant staff from the partner
  • Relevant staff from the faculty
  • The Head of the Collaborative Quality Unit

The University and Partner Link Officer Summary Report

At the end of the academic year the university and partner link officers are required to submit a joint report summarising the actions which have been taken during the year and those which they intend to carry forward or instigate during the next academic year. To facilitate this requirement a report template, which can found at the end of this handbook, has been provided; this asks the link officers to comment on a number of issues.

These reports will be considered during the annual monitoring exercise and form part of the course leader’s report and associated action plans.


A.Liaison and Communication
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
A1. To arrange a planning meeting with module leaders prior to the start of term to discuss the delivery and management of the validated course(s) or before the start of a new partnership. / As a minimum this meeting should confirm that:
- contact details are up to date;
- the partner is aware of any changes to the curriculum;
- assessment procedures are appropriate (including external examiner arrangements and dates of subject assessment boards and award and progression assessment boards);
- the date for a Collaborative Partner Annual Monitoring Event (previously known as a Course Board) has been set;
- the partner has received validation and review documents and details of amendments to courses/modules during the period of approval;
- the partner has received and, where necessary, acted upon relevant external examiner reports;
- the partner has received and, where necessary, acted upon the ULO’s previous report(s). / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
A2. To visit the partner at least once during the academic year and maintain regular contact with the course leader at the university (where the ULO is not the course leader) and the relevant PLO/course leader at the partner. / The optimum would be two visits.
The ULO should receive feedback on any issues of concern or good practice and refer such matters to the appropriate university or partner colleagues. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
A3. To meet with students on the course(s) at least once per academic year to identify good practice and issues to be discussed further with the course team. / In cases where courses run at multiple partners, students might be invited to a meeting at the University; however the ULO should ensure that students are visited in situ through a two year rolling programme. / University Link Officer
A4. To produce a written report in June/July each year, in partnership with the PLO which will contribute to the annual monitoring exercise and the subsequent action plan. / A template is available for this purpose. See Appendix 2. / University Link Officer
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
B1. Ensure that the course is operating in line with the definitive document. / The ULO in conjunction with the course leader(s) at the university and the PLO at the partner will oversee compliance with the definitive document. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
B2. Contribute to/assist with the completion of documentation required for the annual monitoring exercise, periodic review and partner approval/re-approval. / The ULO and the PLO will contribute to the annual monitoring exercise, periodic review and partner approval/re-approval. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
B3. Provide feedback to partners from activities such as annual monitoring, periodic review and partner re-approval. / University Link Officer
B4. Work with the PLO and relevant faculty staff to ensure all staff teaching on the course(s) are processed through the Recognised Teacher Status. / See the Procedures for Recognised Teacher Status. / University Link Office
Faculty Administration
Partner Link Officer
B5. Identify any relevant staff development needs and work with the PLO to develop an appropriate response. / These needs might be identified by USW’s module leaders or through an application for Recognised Teacher Status. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
B6. Report any concerns regarding academic standards or quality of the course to the Head of School or other appropriate senior member of staff. / University Link Officer
B7. Review and approve the academic content of promotional material. / Any non-compliance should be dealt with in liaison with the Partner Link Officer and reported to the Collaborative Partner Annual Monitoring Event (previously known as a Course Board) . / University Link Officer
C.Student Voice
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
C1. Ensure that systems are in place for gathering student feedback and that the feedback is acted upon. / These systems should be in place at both module and course level. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
C2. Liaise with the PLO to support and encourage the completion of University surveys and where applicable the National Student Survey. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
D1. Assist in the preparation of the student induction and enrolment processes. / This should encourage students to feel part of the University and its student body.
This may include a visit to the partner during the induction period, or students visiting the University.
Students should be made aware of the relevant progression routes.
Staff should be made fully aware of progression routes, providing advice to students who might wish to progress to further study at the university. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
D2. Ensure that enrolment forms are submitted to the university in a timely manner and respond to any issues with regard to the enrolment process. / Partner Link Officer
E.Course Documentation
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
E1. Review student/course handbooks prior to the commencement of each academic year to ensure the content is accurate, complete and current. / University Link Officer
Course Leader
E2. Review module handbooks prior to the commencement of each academic year to ensure the content is accurate, complete and current. / Module Leader
E3. Disseminate course information to students in a timely manner. / Partner Link Officer
E4. Disseminate documentation related to the operation of the course such as external examiners’ reports and responses, annual monitoring information, course specifications, regulations, policies and procedures and committee minutes relating to the operation of the course to all relevant staff at the partner in a timely manner / Partner Link Officer
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
F1. Ensure all assessment briefs are appropriate for the level of study and that they will enable the students to meet the learning outcomes of the module / Where common assessment tasks are used at a number of partners, course teams must have a common understanding of the assessment briefs and assessment criteria. This might be achieved through a standardisation meeting.
All students should receive an equal amount of time within which to undertake the assessment to ensure parity of treatment. / Module Leader
F2. Check that clear assessment criteria are produced for each assessment and the criteria are closely linked to the learning outcomes being assessed. / Module Leader
F3. Ensure an understanding of the University’s Fit to Sit and Extenuating Circumstances policies. / University Link Officer
F4. Ensure that assessments are submitted in accordance with University policy and that the samples clearly state which partner they are from. / Sample copies of marked assessment scripts are to be retained at the university unless it is agreed otherwise at validation. / University Link Officer
Module Leader
Partner Link Officer
F5. Ensure assessments are marked in accordance with University policy. / The partner course team must be made aware of how these assessments will be monitored by the University and the external examiner. / University Link Officer
Module Leader
F6. Ensure that the partner is aware of the University’s expectations relating to the provision of assessment feedback. / University Link Officer
Partner Link Officer
F7. Ensure the partner is aware of the University’s procedures concerning academic misconduct and how cases will be handled. / The ULO should ensure that the partner HE/FE manager is aware of these procedures.
The partner HE/FE manager should ensure the information is disseminated. / University Link Officer
Partner HE/FE Manager
F8. Ensure that the partner is aware of the Verification and Appeals Procedure. / This should include guidance on the grounds on which students are able to appeal.
The partner HE/FE manager should ensure the information is disseminated. / University Link Officer
Partner HE/FE Manager
G.External Examiners
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
G1. Co-ordinate the nomination and appointment of external examiners for the course. / External examiners should be appointed prior to the delivery of the course within timescales set by the University. / Course Leader
G2. Brief external examiners on the provision for which they will be responsible. / The module descriptors and student handbook should be made available to the subject examiner.
Award external examiners should be provided with the Regulations for Taught Courses. / Course Leader
H.Accreditation of Prior Learning
Action / Additional Guidance / Responsibility
H1. Ensure that partners are aware of the University’s policy for the accreditation of prior learning. / This should be discussed prior to the recruitment of students on to the course to ensure accurate advice and guidance is provided to applicants. / University Link Officer


University and Partner Link Officer

Annual Report

University Link Officer / Partner Link Officer
Name: / Name:
Faculty: / Academic Year:
Partner Institution:
Course(s): / Date(s) of visit(s)*:
Please submit your report to the course leader at the university and the partner and the Collaborative Quality Unit.
Any queries concerning the completion of this report should be made to the Head of the Collaborative Quality Unit by email to by telephone on 01443 483473.
The Faculty reserves the right to request additional information on any areas it believes have not been fully addressed.
ULO signature (electronic): / PLO signature (electronic):
Date: / Date:

* please append the reports of the visits which have taken place.

1. / Summary of activities over the previous year (if applicable)
This section should record the activities which have taken place and how any issues have been addressed.
Add additional rows as required
Action required and indicators of success / Commentary on the action(s)
taken to date / Complete (C) or Carry Forward (CF)
2. / Are you content that the course is operating in line with the definitive document? / Yes / No
Please delete as applicable
If No, where are the issues?
3. / Can you confirm that a Collaborative Partner Annual Monitoring Event (previously known as a Course Board) took place during the year? / Yes / No
Please delete as applicable
If No, please provide further details.
4. / Can you confirm that external examiners’ reports have been received by the partner and that any matters noted appropriately addressed? / Yes / No
Please delete as applicable
If No, please provide further details.
5. / Can you confirm that accuracy of promotional materials? / Yes / No
Please delete as applicable
6. / Please comment on the following areas, as appropriate, noting any elements of good practice and areas for enhancement:
6.1 / The operation, management and development of the collaborative courses(s).
6.2 / Issues contained within external examiner reports.
6.3 / Developments relating to learning resources as they impact on the student experience.
6.4 / The student learning experience – as demonstrated through discussions with the students.
6.5 / Student enrolment, progression and achievement on courses delivered by the partner.
(Commentary on trends and/or issues at the partner)
6.6 / Staff development undertaken by partner staff and opportunities for further development.
(additional staff development activities to be carried forward)
6.7 / Associated development(s) at the partner institution or the University that affect the provision.
7. / Please list staff members joining and leaving the partner since the last summary report.
Add additional rows as required
Name / Left/
Joined / RTS
approved / Module(s) and Code / Date approved by
8. / Activities for the forthcoming year
Please list any specific activities which will be undertaken in the forthcoming year.
Add additional rows as required

University and Partner Link Officer Visit Report

University Link Officer / Partner Link Officer
Name: / Name:
Faculty: / Academic Year:
Partner Institution
Course(s): / Date of visit:
Attendance at meetings (include staff and students)
Names / Designation
Record of the topics discussed.
E.g. staff development; external examiner reports; staff changes; resource issues / Actions required and by whom
Issues to carry forward to the next meeting


[1] Where the University or Partner Link Officer is also the Course Leader reference should still be made to the duties contained in the Handbook. A report of each individual visit to the partner is still required and the reports should be appended to the Course Report for Annual Monitoring. The Annual Report for University and Partner Link Officer does not need to be completed.