Registration Form
Name of Child: ______Birthday:______
# Street City Zip
First Parent/Guardian:
Home Phone Number:______Work #:______Cell: ______
E-mail address:______
Second Parent/Guardian:
Home Phone Number:______Work #:______Cell: ______
E-mail address:______
Other People to notify in case of an emergency:
Name:______Relationship:______Phone #:______
Name:______Relationship:______Phone #:______
Other than you, who has permission to pick up your child:
Name:______Address:______Phone #:______
Name:______Address:______Phone #:______
Are there any special issues, including medical, that we need to know about your child?
Are there any foods that need to be restricted to your child?______
Name of Insurance Company:______Policy #:______
Name of Policy Holder:______
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Permission Form
During my child’s tenure at Les Enfants de Seattle
Student’s Name:______
1. Medical Care & Treatment of a Minor Child
I hereby give permission to any staff member of Les Enfants de Seattle to administer first aid/medical treatment to my child or/and transported to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment.
2. Applying Sunscreen
I hereby give permission to the staff of Les Enfants de Seattle to put sunscreen during the course of his/her stay at summer camp and during the school year as is reasonable.
3. Field Trip Permission
I hereby give my permission to the staff of Les Enfants de Seattle to take my child on field trips, and/or neighborhood walks by means of walking, bus or private car. The school will notify parents in advance about upcoming field trips.
4. Photographs
I hereby give my permission to Les Enfants de Seattle to photograph my child individually or in a group for publicity purposes and/or school activities, including school’s website and various school publications. I relinquish all rights, title and interest in the finished product.
5. School Directory
I hereby give my permission Les Enfants de Seattle to include our family name, home address, home phone number, home e-mail address and my child’s name in the school’s directory (for private use only).
Parent or Guardian Signature:______Date:______