TO: / District Administrators, CESA Coordinators, 2R Charter School Administrators, Software Vendors Providing Support for the Coursework Completion System (CWCS), and CWCS Contacts
FROM: / Susan Rose-Adametz, CBAP, Wisconsin CWCS PM/BA
Division for Libraries and Technology | Customer Support Team
SUBJECT: / CWCS Phase 3 – CW1 District Status/Updates/Training
District Status Report
Total School Districts: 445
Districts Working: 157
Districts with No Activity: 256
CW1 should be used for submitting coursework completion records for all reporting terms in the 2012-2013 program year. CW1 opened on February 20 and will close on August 15, 2013. The CWCS team advises all districts begin submitting their CWCS data once a reporting term has completed. Following this process will enable districts to meet the deadline. To access reports go to CWCS | Main Menu | Reports | Progress and Summary Reports to ensure you have accounted for ALL K4 – 12 coursework and student records. CWCS will not have a second collection period (CW2) and summer school data will not be included in SY2012-2013. Please include the following reporting terms as they apply to your school district.
- Quarter 1, 2, 3, 4
- Trimester 1, 2, 3
- Semester 1 and 2
- Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Annual
CWCS Phase 3 – Updates
- Our Coursework Completion SystemProject Abstract IV has been updated and is available from our ISES Coursework Completion System (CWCS) homepage.
- Progress and Summary Reports browser compatibility during download has been updated to include the following browsers. Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x, Chrome, and Firefox 3.x.
- Business rules CT58 and CT59 have been replaced by SC62 and SC63.
- SC62 - (Warning) The student’s grade level is not ‘KG’, ‘01’, ‘02’, ‘03’, ‘04’, or ‘05’ but the World Language code selected for the course is ‘FLES’. Normally ‘FLES’ is reserved for students who are in grade levels KG – 05.
- SC63 - (Warning) The student’s grade level is not ‘06’, ‘07’ or ‘08’ but the World Language code selected for the course is ‘FLEX’. Normally ‘FLEX’ is reserved for students who are in grade levels 06 – 08.
- CT58 - (Warning) Invalid 'World Language' for elementary school type. 'World Language' was provided as a value of 'FLES' and school type was other than elementary and elementary/secondary combined school type.
- CT59 - (Warning) Invalid 'World Language' for middle school type. 'World Language' was provided as a value of 'FLEX' and school type is not junior high and middle school types.
- The WI DPI Course CodesAdvanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate(IB) courses have been updated. New or updated AP and IB courses appear highlighted in ‘blue’. AP and IB courses that have been deactivated are highlighted in ‘red’ and appear with a ‘strikethrough’ the text. These courses have been either replaced or removed by the College Board.
The updated WI DPI Course Codeslisting will be available by Wednesday, April 3rd. We have added a tab titled ‘Updated AP & IB April 2013’ to simplify your validation process.
CWCS Phase 3 - Training & Technical Support
Question & Answer Session 3:
Wednesday, April3, 2013 start time: 9:30 AM - end time 11:00 AM
- Dial Up Number:1-877-820-7831and Participant Pin:782672
- To join the session select the following link:
- To add this Blackboard Collaborate session to your calendar, click the following link:
File Upload | Status & Results:
Tuesday, April 10, 2013 start time: 9:30 AM end time 10:30 AM
- Dial Up Number:1-877-820-7831and Participant Pin:782672
- To join the session select the following link:
- To add this Blackboard Collaborate session to your calendar, click the following link:
Validation and Lock:
Wednesday, April11, 2013 start time: 9:30 AM- end time 10:30 AM
- Dial Up Number: 1-877-820-7831and Participant Pin:782672
- To join the session select the following link:
- To add this Blackboard Collaborate session to your calendar, click the following link:
Question & Answer Session 4:
Wednesday, April24, 2013 start time: 9:30 AM- end time 11:00 AM
- Dial Up Number: 1-877-820-7831and Participant Pin:782672
- To join the session select the following link:
- To add this Blackboard Collaborate session to your calendar, click the following link:
- Submission of WSLS/ISES and CWCS records for any student enrolled at the Challenge Academy administered by the Department of Military Affairs depends on the role of the district in overseeing the PK-12 educational services provided to the student.
- Students with disabilities enrolled at the Challenge Academy who have district IEPs should be submitted by these districts in WSLS/ISES/CWCS.
- Students enrolled at the Challenge Academy who don't have district IEPs (e.g. students without disabilities) should be submitted by the district where the student resided prior to enrollment in the Challenge Academy.
Submit questions, comments, and suggestions about the CWCS or ISES to the
24x7 DPI Online Helpdesk Application or call 800-507-5744.
Thank you,
Coursework Completion System (CWCS) Team