Leo Solar Eclipse -- August 21, 2017

This New Moon is a rare second consecutive New Moon in Leo and is also a total solar eclipse. It is becoming known as the “Great American Solar Eclipse,” being the first total eclipse in 99 years to be visible across the continental United Sates. Solar eclipses occur when the orbital paths of the Moon and Earth align precisely enough for the Moon to temporarily block the light of the Sun. As we witness a solar eclipse, we experience the magic of a fast-forward nightfall, until the light of the Sun is turned back on. For a few minutes, time seems to stand still, as a wormhole in hyperspace. As the normal flow of solar radiation is interrupted, energetic matrices are opened. The higher energy frequencies and dimensions are more available to us, facilitating a reconfiguration of consciousness. Spending time in contemplation and meditation will facilitate receiving important spiritual insights. During a Solar Eclipse, the Navajo people would adjourn respectfully inside their hogans. Taking a sacred moment to reflect deeply inside themselves, they honored the rebirth of the Sun and the divine spark within their own souls.

“Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred.” Hafiz

Eclipses are closely aligned with the Moon’s nodes, the points in space where the Moon crosses the ecliptic, the path of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The magnetic properties of the lunar nodes draw upon the energies of nearby planetary bodies to a powerful degree. Thus the lunar nodes act as portals through which cosmic energy flows. They have long been associated with dragons and serpents, symbols of transformation that in pre-patriarchal times represented the death and rebirth mysteries of the Goddess. The dragon’s tail, or south node, denotes the death of the old outworn patterns, the energies we are releasing. It is sometimes referred to as the “tide out” of celestial energies. The dragon’s head, or north node represents our spiritual frontier. It signifies a powerful insurgence, or “tide in” of cosmic energies, bringing an opportunity to begin anew at a higher level of consciousness. The August 21 Solar Eclipse is a north node Solar Eclipse in the sign of Leo, signaling the potential for a major shift in our priorities and direction that will bring us in closer alignment with our creative essence (Leo) in order to understand more clearly our true spiritual purpose. It reveals where we stand on our spiritual path as we journey through these tumultuous times. Each one of us is the creative architect of our world. Everything we do matters. We are now in the process of determining the future of all life on Mother Earth. Never before has it been so crucial to be conscious of this truth. Each one of us is being called to express our spiritual fire, to contribute our creative gifts (Leo) to forward the evolution of humanity and all life on our magnificent garden Planet.

“Our way is not soft grass, it’s a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upwards, forward toward the sun.” Ruth Westheimer

The power of an eclipse brings forth new archetypes for us to incorporate into our consciousness and into our lives, personally and globally. This Solar Eclipse is conjunct the north node and Mars in Leo and forms a dynamic Fire Grand Trine with Uranus and Eris in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. The new planet Eris, archetype of the rebellious re-emerging feminine Goddess energy, is demanding equality with the masculine. We are participating in the breaking up (Uranus) of the old, outworn attitudes of patriarchy, helped by Saturn who is cracking his cosmic whip, urging us to walk in harmony with the great laws of the universe. There is a part of us that is ready to die, our ego self, so that we can expand into the expression of our true spiritual Selves (Leo). Mars in Leo signifies the spiritual warrior within each one of us that is striving for the Light…. that is striving to move beyond the shadow of our negative masculine, the qualities of intolerance, pride, anger, aggression, selfishness, greed and arrogance…. into the embodiment of the heart-centered consciousness of our Spiritual Father, the sacred masculine, to walk hand in hand with Divine Mother, honoring our spiritual kinship with all life, to bring Peace on Earth.

“Every being is a spark of the Divine.” Eckhart Tolle

This solar eclipse is conjunct Regulus, known as the heart of the Lion, the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Leo is the Latin word for Lion the animal long associated with devotion, power, generosity and courage. We have reached a crucial turning point, a time for each of us to fully own our power and to share our gifts. Where this New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Leo falls in our charts we are developing the courage to follow our hearts, to allow our hearts to show us the way. In this area of life we are challenged to be true to ourselves, to express the spark of God within, to be love. The 29th degree of a sign is known as the critical or karmic degree. It indicates a very important transitional time. We must master the spiritual lessons and highest goals of that sign, which will provide the pathway for the evolution of consciousness, personally and collectively. Thus the powerful radiance of our shining spirit within, the love in our hearts (the highest expression of Leo), can bridge the worlds of separation in the glorious unfoldment of this unprecedented evolutionary process we are now experiencing.

“We see the dawn of an entirely new way of life….but remember that the problems of earth are only solved when love so fills the consciousness of man that he puts not his own good but the good of his companions first. All men must live in the one spirit, the one spirit of love.” White Eagle

The Sabian symbol for this Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Leo: “A mermaid.”

This symbol urges us to care for our souls, to connect with others at the soul level. Thus we are participating in the rebirth of the Divine Feminine and forwarding the integration of the feminine and masculine principles, the yin and yang. This mystical marriage of spirit and soul will bring a giant shift in the collective consciousness, forwarding the evolution of Planet Earth.

“When the spirit of the Mother works hand in hand with the Father principle, you will get a return to sanity, to harmony, to happiness.” White Eagle

Heather Threlfall – August 2017 –