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Victory Everlasting Gospel

Free Seventh-day Adventist Church

May 9, 2015

Title of Sermon: “The Answer to Cancer – God’s Plan”

I have often wondered if mortal man would ever truly find a cure for this dreaded disease calledCancer!

As long as I can remember from a child, there has been an American Cancer Society asking for donations to find a cure for cancer. Are we any closer to finding that cure? A total of 1,658,370 new cancer cases and 589,430 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States in 2015.

It is important first to understand the NATURE of cancer. There are hundreds of trillions of cells that make up the human body, which was fashioned by our Creator, and each of our cells are governed by laws which determine its function and controls its activity.

In looking at the anatomy of a human cell, which would measure about one – one-thousandth of an inch, which would be too small to see with the naked eye; we find within each cell a nucleus.

Inside the nucleus of each cell God has placed a substance called DNA, which contains the Creator’s specific commands for that cell.

There is a law within each of our cells containing the genetic material which determine our sex, height, skin color, texture and color of our hair, and almost everything else about us that makes each person unique and different from all others.

God said in Jeremiah 31:33, “I will put my law in their inward parts …”

Most of the cells in the body divide, creating two new cells every 21 days. This means that we have practically a new body every year.

Just as God keeps the planets in our solar system in their orbits, so God has set in operation natural laws which regulate the activity of the cells and keep them from getting out of hand.

He announced through Solomon in Ecclesiastes3:1 “To everything (including cell division)there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

What then is this condition called cancer. Simply put, it is a condition in which the cells of the bodydisobey the laws which regulate how fast they are to divide. When a person ignores God’s Plan, these cells begin to divide at a rapid pace, seemingly unchecked. They are like children refusing to obey father and mother, and so these cells are given over to anarchy and lawlessness. They can overtake the body causing good cells to become cancerous. They compete with the good cells for nutrients until at last the life forces are ebbedaway. It could be said of a cancer cell:

Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, … and think to change times (cell division) and laws: (DNA)”

It is not by chance that good cells become cancerous. Something must occur in the DNA of the cells before a mutant cell is created. The next scripture illustrates the process:

“Her prophets … her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.” Zephaniah 3:4 As toxins build up in the system, many foreign substances are introduced into the body, These polluting substances cause the DNA to be altered. Once the LAW has been altered or changed, the cell divides at its own rate, setting the stage for cancer.

God foresaw this condition and in His infinite wisdom He created a defense system in our bodies which is able to search out and identify foreign substances in the body, destroy them and remove them from the body. This defense system is called the immune system and here you can see all the organs of the immune system.

The wonderful immune system composed of T cells which possess highly specific cell-surface antigen receptors - called also T lymphocyte;macrophage, which function in the destruction of foreign antigens, such as bacteria and viruses;

B-cells, anti-bodies and other warriors comprise a very powerful army of microscopic soldiers patrolling the internal environment of the body.These warriors work around the clock using a sophisticated communications system and powerful weaponry to annihilate unwanted offenders.

Listen now, microscopes reveal that with a strong immune system, even cancer cells don’t stand a chance. They would be defeated every time. So what is key in the prevention of cancer? A strong immune system!

“Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21. The immune system is a powerful kingdom without which human life would cease. The thoroughness with which the immune system executes its work can be likened to the work of the angels of God.“The Son of man shall send forth his angels, AND THEY SHALL GATHER OUT OF HIS KINGDOM ALL THINGS THAT OFFEND.” Matthew 13:41. This isthe work of the immune system. After battling and defeating free radicals, toxins and wastes, the blood carries the spoils of war to organs for elimination where they can be excreted by the body.

For cancer to thrive and overtake the body, the immune system must be weakened. The army of workers must be suppressed or there would be no hope of survival for cancer cells.

Sir McFarland Burnett, who received the Nobel prize for his work in immunology discovered that over 100,000 cells become cancerous in the body every day, but if the immune system is functioning normally, it destroys all the cancer cells.” It is not God’s will that anyone should suffer the diseases so common to man today, especially cancer. He designed the body to be disease free. So what can we conclude?

Ecclesiastes 12:13 gives us a clue, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Is it possible that God has given us a plan with commands to keep our bodies in vibrant health and our immune systems working at their designed efficiency? We will explore this today.For good cells to become cancer cells, the DNA which determines the rate at which a cells divides must first be altered by foreign substances. The immune system attacks these foreign substances as well as the cancer cells and arrests the development of cancer, destroying the intruders. Only as the immune system is suppressed can cancer spread. Therefore a true understanding of physiology leads us to define cancer, not as a disease, but as a symptom of an inefficient immune system.

So now we need to know “What causes CANCER?”

Job 29:16 “…the cause which I knew not I searched out.”So far we have discussed the nature of cancer and show that this condition begins when the DNA in healthy cells become sick. We also discovered that cancer develops as a result of an inefficient immune system. Every process of the body involves cells. Therefore, to determine what causes cancer, it is of vital importance that we learn what healthy cells need to keep them from being altered. Doesn’t that make sense?

There are Five Needs of the Cell. The very first need of every cell is OXYGEN. Without oxygen, cells die within a matter of three minutes. The second need of every cell is WATER. Without water, cells die in a few days. The third need of every cell is NUTRIENTS. Without nutrients, cells would die in several weeks. The fourth need of every cell is WASTE ELIMINATION. Without waste elimination, cells would die in a matter of hours.The fifth need of every cell is that ALL POISONS BE KEPT OUT. Poisoned cells die prematurely.

Although the cell is the smallest structural unit of the body, a healthy cell will ensure a healthy body, because the body was formed from one cell which divided, and the process of cell division continued until a human was formed. Therefore, the body is an organized collection of cells.Luke 16:10 tells us, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much:”When the five needs are met, the alteration of DNA will be kept at a minimum, and the answer to cancer will become a reality.

When these five needs are not met, the DNA is more susceptible to being altered, and cancer colonies will be formed at a more rapid pace. Now this is very important to understand. It is by our habits of life, that we are creating an internal environment that will either feed cancer or starve it. Did you get that? What you do, what you eat and what you drink may be fueling the rapid growth of cancer, or it may be causing it to starve.

Cancer will thrive in a blood stream where harmful bacteria and germs are present in abundance, and that kind of environment is not healthy for good cells, rather it favors the growth of cancer.

Another important consideration in discussing the internal environment is the acid/alkaline condition. A neutral pH factor is 7.0 and in order to maintain good health our body pH should never be below 7.0. In fact a higher alkaline factor is desirable for optimal health. There is plenty of research showing the link between acidic pH and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid.

So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and the blood has become too acidic, and germs and bacteria multiply in an acidic environment. Well a good question at this point is how can we keep the bloodstream slightly alkaline? The main controlling factor in keeping the blood slightly alkaline is in the food we eat and the liquids we drink. We will enlarge on this as we look at GOD’S PLAN for optimal health.

Mosquitoes breed, flourish and multiply in stagnant water. To get rid of mosquitoes, it is necessary to get rid of the stagnant water.The important point to remember in learning the causes of cancer, is that we must get rid of the “stagnant water,”Or in other words, we must keep our internal environment free from unnecessary germs and bacteria.

We must realize that the immune system is our first line of defense. The most important causative factor however in the development of cancer is a suppressed or depleted immune system.Remember, more than 100,000 cells in the body become cancerous every day, but a healthy immune system keeps us from developing cancer. A weak immune system just can’t do a good job in fighting cancer and other diseases which God designed it should.

In Proverbs 26:1 God tells us that “… the curse causeless shall not come.” In other words cancer cannot come without a cause. This principle should inspire us to avoid all habits, practices and lifestyles which weaken the immune system.

There are the obvious such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. But there may be some on this list which may surprise you: Overuse of antibiotics; vaccinations; Ibuprofen; poisoned air, water and food; prolonged stress; cosmetics; negative emotions such as guilt, fear, grief, depression and anxiety; blood transfusions, immunizations, operations; toxic family and work environments, radiation and stress all weaken the immune system. Refined white sugar, whether in cookies, cakes pies and other deserts or soda beverages feeds and promotes rapid growth of cancer cells and especially should be eliminated from a cancer patient’s diet as best as possible.

Also, the body’s defense forces are broken down when there is a lack of oxygen and pure water in the blood. God tells us in Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: …” And without adequate exercise and sunlight, circulation is hampered.

The strength of the immune system is charged during periods of rest. But we are more susceptible to illness when we stay up late at night. Other causative factors include harmful substances as chemical pesticides and herbicides, toxic metals, refined oils, vinegar and spicy foods. Animal products should be avoided because they carry a high bacteria rate, excess protein and fat as well as lacking fiber. They also have are highly acidic.

The cell must receive its five needs in order to remain healthy. Healthy cells are less likely to divide improperly. As we follow GOD’S PLAN taking note to consume plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, the pH of the blood would remain slightly alkaline.This is necessary for good health and an internal environment that starves cancer.

So what are the 8 laws in GOD’S PLAN that has been given to us by the Creator that if we are to violate any one or a combination will make us more susceptible to cancer?I will go down the list and please note, the first letter in each law ends up spelling GOD’S PLAN. We will enlarge on each one following the list.

  1. Godly Trust; 2. Open Air; 3.Daily Exercise; 4. Sunshine; 5. Proper Rest; 6.Lots of Water; 7.Always Temperate; and 8. Nutrition

So the First Law in God’s Plan is Godly Trust.

Proverbs 3:5, 8 says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” “… It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.”

In Proverbs 17:22, the Bible declares that, “A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

When people are happy and cheerful, a hormone called endorphin is produced in our bodies.

This hormone is called our “happy hormone” and comes as a result of a trusting relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.“Whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.” Proverbs 16:20. It is noteworthy that Godly trust produces endorphins because the hormone builds the immune system and therefore aids the body in fighting cancer.

When depressed and gloomy or even grieving, the body produces other chemicals that suppress the immune system and therefore allow cancer to thrive in our bodies. The fact that “a broken spirit drieth the bones” is significant because many of the white blood cells (which are the soldiers that destroy cancer causing agents) are produced in the bone marrow. Therefore negative feelings minimize the immune systems effectiveness.

Godly trust is the foremost antidote for stress.It is absolutely essential that cancer patients eliminate the stress producing effects of worry, anxiety and fear because emotions drain the cells of needed oxygen. Calcium and potassium are essential for normal cell division and when there is more stress, these two minerals are sharply reduced.

Godly trust is the same as faith, and the scriptures tell us this in Romans 12:3, “… God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Now this means that God has given the ability to exercise Godly Trust to every human being. What a person does with that trust is up to them.

The first step in exercising this Godly trust is to accept Jesus Christ, our Creator, as our personal Savior. We must repent of our sins, asking Him to forgive us of all unrighteousness and He will do that. See 1 John 1:9 It is very important to ask God to forgive us for not only disobeying His moral laws, but also for disobeying His natural laws for which action brings on disease. We are to, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16

There are many scripture promises and God desires that we have good health by obeying the laws of health. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”When we are assailed by temptations and obstacles, we should quote scripture as Jesus did. “It is written” was the Savior’s weapon against Satan.

David wrote in Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

The Second Law in God’s Plan is Open Air

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Genesis 1:6

Fresh air, which is composed of 78% oxygen, 21% Nitrogen and 1% other gases is essential to our health.The cells of our immune system, along with all other cells in the human body, will begin to die without adequate oxygen. If we were deprived of oxygen, we would only have a few minutes to live.Therapeutic fresh air inspires every cell of the body and purifies the blood, causing the body to rapidly eliminate carcinogens (cancer causing agents).As we breathe in, oxygen sweeps through the alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs, and vitalizes the bloodstream. As we exhale, carbon dioxide, which neutralizes healthy cells, is eliminated.

Open air carries electrical charges. We refer to these charges as negative and positive ions. The more negative ions in the air, the healthier it is. This is because negative ions help the immune system destroy poisonous germs and bacteria. Positive ions, found primarily indoors, cause the body to secrete a hormone called serotonin which is known to contribute to cancers found in epithelial tissue, (skin, breast, colon, cervix, bronchi, stomach, etc.).

Open air is therapeutic and essential in keeping the internal environment pure. We must go out into the open air and breathe deeply so that the circulation of blood can be equalized and every cell can receive its share of oxygen. Open air is an essential ingredient in the answer to cancer.