A meeting of the Leisure & Community Services Committee was held in the Town Hall, Market Hill, Huntingdon on Thursday 4th February 2016.

Present: Councillors: A Beevor, A Blackwell, A Dovans, J Dyne, T Forster, S Gifford, S Hassell, W Hensley, P Kadewere, A Mackender-Lawrence, B Manning, S McAdam, S Mulcahy, T Sanderson (Chairman), and R Valatka.

In Attendance: Bob Pugh from the Friends of Cromwell Museum, Celestina Rowley from Celestina’s Breakfast & Afterschool Club, and 2 residents from Hartford.

Absent: There were none.


Apologies were received from Councillors D Brown; L George, J Jacobs and B Morrell.


There was none.


Members of the public wished to address the committee and therefore it was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting.

Celestina Rowley of Celestina Rowley’s Breakfast & Afternoon Club addressed Members regarding an application for sole usage of a meeting room at the Medway Centre. She explained that an application for sole usage of a room, at a fee of £250+VAT per month, was submitted to the Leisure and Community Services Committee (Via the Medway Centre Manager) in November 2015. The minutes of this meeting show that it was resolved to accept the recommendation of an Occupational Licence as previously prepared for HCR.

After two weeks Ms Rowley contacted the Medway Centre about arranging use of the room, and was asked to meet with the Deputy Town Clerk/Property Manager to discuss the Occupational Licence. At this meeting Ms Rowley was informed of the charges which would be included under the Occupational Licence. Ms Rowley stated that these additional charges were not made clear to her when she submitted her application for sole usage.

Ms Rowley claimed that she had requested further information and reasons for the additional charges, but has received no communication to this effect. She had since received a letter informing her that the offer of an Occupational Licence was withdrawn. Ms Rowley felt that the Council should allow her sole usage as agreed in the minutes of the previous meeting.

The Town Clerk wished to clarify the minutes of the previous meeting with members and explained that the minutes clearly state “Occupational Licence would be appropriate as prepared previously for HCR”, the Deputy Town Clerk had explained to Ms Rowley that a hire agreement would mean that she would not be able to utilise the room as a storage facility and would be required to remove all belongings after every hire, therefore an Occupational Licence would be more suitable.

The Town Clerk further commented that Ms Rowley had complained about noise levels within the room as there would be babies utilising the space. The room neighbours the main hall which would be utilised by groups such as ‘Line Dancers’. It was noted that noise generated from the Breakfast and Afterschool Club could also cause issue with other hirers due to loud children. There was further concern on the impact the need for additional heat may cause to the heating system and electronic heaters. Members noted that the room was also in need of re-wiring. Surveys of the Medway Centre were being conducted, and that contractors had refused to access the roof or ceilings as these areas are now unsafe.

Ms Rowley wished to clarify that she was not aware of these concerns when she applied for sole usage and that as the minutes show that an Occupational Licence was approved she should be allowed the room, as per her original proposal of £250+VAT.

The Town Clerk wished to inform Members that communication with Ms Rowley showed that offers of an Occupational Licence to Ms Rowley had been turned down as she felt that these did not suit her needs.

The Chairman suggested that as a decision could not be made within the meeting, it would be preferable to schedule a meeting of the Lettings Sub Committee, inviting Ms Rowley to attend so that the matter can be discussed fully and a resolution reached. Ms Rowley was thanked for her comments and it was agreed to meet with the Lettings Sub Committee.

Amanda Cook, a resident of Hartford, wished to draw Councillors’ attention to the recent replacement of an ornate lamppost in Hartford. The lamppost was considered a local point of interest, creating a picturesque view of the neighbouring grade II listed cottages. The newly installed modern lamppost was not in keeping with the surrounding area and was seen as an eyesore. At the meeting of the Town Council on Thursday 7th January, it was resolved to replace the ornate lamppost. It was however minuted that members were held by strict time restraints as a decision was needed the following day. No costings were available from Balfour Beatty at this time. Residents asked that Members reconsider this decision and seek to reinstate the ornate lamppost, so that residents can conserve the street scene, for the benefit of future generation.

The Town Clerk clarified to members that the office had requested costings prior to Christmas 2015, but due to delays within Balfour Beatty these were not received. The Office had spoken to Balfour and was informed that Huntingdonshire District Council did not identify the lamppost as ‘Heritage’ status, which meant that it would not be protected. The old Lamp was deemed not to comply with regulations and therefore would have required upgrading for a fee, or Balfour Beatty would replace the light at no cost to the Council.

Members discussed what could be done and it was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to investigate the matter further and consider reversing the previous decision, as per Standing Orders.

It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting.


Copies of the minutes of the Leisure and Community Services Committee meeting held on 12th November 2015 (M4) had been circulated to Members before the meeting, the draft having received informal approval by the Chairman.

It was therefore proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve the minutes, which were duly signed by the Chairman.


Members had before them copies of the minutes of the

i.  Newsletter Sub Committee meeting held on 18th November 215 (M16) and 5th January 2016 (M7)

ii.  Events Sub Committee meeting held on 5th January 2016 (M5)

iii.  Neighbourhood Plan Sub Committee meeting held on 14th December 2016 (M3) and 20th January 2016 (M4)

iv.  Play Area Sub Committee meeting held on 21st January 2016 (M2)

It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to receive and approve the recommendations in the minutes.


The Town Clerk gave a verbal update on the following:

·  Information had been received from BID Huntingdon footfall counter which showed that the Christmas Lights switch on attracted approximately 13,500 people to the Town for the event. This was higher than an average Sunday (9,500 visitors) throughout the year, and the same event the previous year.

·  The Town Clerk had received a letter explaining the upcoming Electoral Review of Huntingdonshire on behalf of the Local Government Boundary Commission. It proposed new electoral arrangements for the total number of councillors elected to the council in the future, the number of wards, the number of councillors representing each ward, ward boundaries and names of wards.

·  The Town Clerk had received a request from the Cricket Club who wished to make internal upgrades, they would be making a formal request and drawings would be submitted. The Cricket Club wished to express their sincere thanks to the Council Groundstaff who had maintained the cricket pitch over the winter period.

·  A letter had been received from Balfour Beatty requesting customer feedback regarding their continued works to Huntingdon Street Lighting. Members were advised of how to leave feedback should they wish to.

·  Currently an audit of Traffic Flow entering/exiting Lidl Car Park was being completed by Cambridgeshire County Council Highways, following the Town Council’s concerns and recommendations. It was hoped that a ‘no right turn’ would be recommended by Highways.


i.  Members were advised that the transfer had been agreed with Cambridgeshire County Council and that it was proposed that an official ceremony be held on Thursday 31st March 2016 to handover the property. Cambridgeshire County Council would pay for a small reception to be held at the Town Hall after.

Mr Bob Pugh was invited to comment, and stated that the friends of Cromwell Museum would be willing to support the ceremony and reception, and would like to attend if possible. The Town Clerk commented that the event should be open to the public, welcoming all those who are interested. The Town Clerk would confirm this with Cambridgeshire County Council. Members were also invited to nominate a trustee for the Cromwell Museum Trust and a trustee for the Friends of Cromwell Museum. This would be an agenda item from the Town Council meeting on 3rd March 2016. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve the transfer of the Cromwell Museum from Cambridgeshire County Council to Huntingdon Town Council.

ii.  Members were asked to approve the Lease and Service Level Agreement for the Cromwell Museum. Mr Pugh pointed that the document stated ‘as of 2015’ whereas it should read ‘as of 2016’. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve the Lease and Service Level Agreement, subject to the amendment.


Members had before them various crests relevant to Huntingdon. Members were reminded that this process had taken significant time due to complications with the formal separation of Huntingdon and Godmanchester in 1982. Following additional materials being submitted to the Earl Marshal. The Council was now at the stage where an Officer of Arms may draft Arms. Members were asked to consider what items they would wish to see included within the crest.

It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to recommend that the Crest potentially include: Lion Rampant, Hunting Horn, Huntsman with Bow, and Castle. It was further agreed that a design to incorporate the Town Seal would also be provided.


A copy of Huntingdon Town Council’s Memorial Safety Policy had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to adopt the policy.


Members had received a list of forthcoming events. The Town Clerk wished to confirm that the Pensioners Lunch would be taking place on 9th June. This would be a ticketed event for pensioners as always, and would be held on the Market Square.

It was also noted that the Town Council would be participating in ‘Clean for the Queen’. A Member commented that OCAG (Oxmoor Community Action Group) would be interested in participating. It was

RESOLVED that Members interested in participating with ‘Clean for the Queen’ should contact Natasha Pierson for more information.


A comprehensive report had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting. It detailed previous, current and forthcoming Huntingdon In Bloom projects and events. A Member noted that they would like to see Huntingdon In Bloom and Moor In Bloom working together. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to note the report.

The Chairman wished to inform members that a financial opportunity had become available through unspent Section 106 funding for Door Step Greens in and around Huntingdon North ward, granting the Town Council up to £100,000. The Chairman suggested that some of the funding be put towards Huntingdon In Bloom projects such as a community bulb planting activity at Hunters Down Care Home, raised planters at Thongsley School for pupils to grow their own produce and assistance for senior citizens with their gardens.

Images of the floral Lancaster structure, which was being designed and built to commemorate the 75th year from the first flight of the Lancaster, were displayed to Members.


Members had received a written report about the Neighbourhood Plan and the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to note the report.


Members received a written report by the Property Manager/Deputy Town Clerk, regarding the provision of Play Areas in Huntingdon. Preliminary visual schemes and costs from Sutcliffe Play, Wicksteed Leisure and Fenland Leisure were displayed at the meeting. These included provision for:

·  2x Ball End Units at Frenches Field by the Gymnastics Club and at KGV Sapley Road

·  Multi Use Games Area on the land behind Stukeley Meadows School

·  Play area equipment at Sallowbush Road (by the existing MUGA) or at Kent/Surrey Road

The Chairman commented that play provision and maintenance would be funded from S106 money held by Huntingdonshire District Council. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve Sutcliffe Play as the supplier of play equipment.

Members suggested the installation of benches at play areas for parents/guardians to utilise.


The Chairman informed Members that a sum of £100K was potentially available to Huntingdon Town Council for green space based projects. Suggested projects were discussed during the agenda item about Huntingdon In Bloom. Members agreed that the fund could be used to benefit the town and further discussion would take place at the next meeting of the Finance Committee on 18th February.