Minutes of the meeting of Leire Parish Council held on Tuesday 23rd October2012in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30p.m.

Those present: Mr. P. Pickering,Mr. N. Cotton, Mr. K. Brown, Mrs D. Morgan, District Councillor Mr. N. Bannister andMrs R. Bones. (Clerk) and twenty members of the general public.

Apologies were received from County Councillor Mr. W. Liquorish.

5126Minutes of theMeeting held on Tuesday 11th September 2012were proposed byMrs. D. Morgan and seconded by Mr.N. Cottonthat these were a true record.

RESOLVED: That they be duly signed.

Following approval of the previous month’s minutes, the meeting was adjourned to allow a general discussion on Planning Application 12/01323/FUL (construction of a new retail unit) with Mr Singer representing R.D. Assets Ltd (the developers).

The Chairman opened the discussion by reading a letter handed to him from Mr. Matthew Gilliver of Greenacres Outdoors Ltd (the proposed proprietor of the retail unit), sending his apologies as he was currently out of the country. He stated in his letter his intention to commit to a 20 years lease on the retail unit if the planning application was successful.

Mr Singer then gave a short preamble explaining his position and why he believed the development would be beneficial to the village and therefore worthy of support. In his view, the majority of the 95 objections submitted by villagers to HDC were very subjective and based on an emotional response rather than well thought out arguments.

This view was strongly contested by the members of the public present who pointed out that objections based on the unit being outside the village boundary, little or no evidence of any demand for such a retail unit, and concerns over increased volumes of traffic on the narrow country lanes approaching Leire, were both objective and relevant.

Following an animated debate lasting about half an hour, District Councillor Mr. Neil Bannister introduced himself to the meeting and gave a review ofthe Planning Applications procedure within HDC.

The Chairman then closed the discussion by reading an e-mail from the Planning Officer indicating that the Planning Application had been recommended for rejection. Mr Neil Bannister explained that although a recommendation by the Planning Officer was not final and could be overturned by the Planning committee, it did carry considerable weight with the committee.

Having concluded the debate, the majority of parishioners left the meeting with only 5 remaining. The meeting was then resumed.


i)12/01323/FUL – R.D. Assets Limited – Erection of a new retail unit, store yard, car parking and access Land OS 3000, Frolesworth Road, Leire.

COMMENTS– submitted to HDC on 23/09/2012

  • We do not believe the proposed retail unit to be a viable business proposition, even if the 34 additional dwellings were built. (A farm shop established in Ashby Parva, just a mile away, has closed in the last couple of years). There is no evidence of any demand for such a facility.
  • We are concerned over the impact of heavy delivery vehicles on the old railway bridge on the Frolesworth Road as the Parish Council have certain responsibilities for the repair and maintenance of this bridge. The current precept falls a long way short of the funds that would be required for maintenance/repair work. The Design and Access statement declares that 90% of deliveries will be by vans of less than 7.5 tons (leaving 10% more than 7.5 tons). Who will monitor and control the size of vehicles to ensure that the 10% more than 7.5 tons is not exceeded?
  • The application makes clear that the building of the retail facility would only proceed following approval of the housing development. Therefore, approval for the retail unit would indicate a tacit approval of the housing development, and a development of this size would have a significant and detrimental impact on the character of the village.
  • There are insufficient amenities within the village to support a development of this size (e.g. schools, community/leisure facilities, medical practice etc.)
  • Given the irregular nature of public transport, most households within the village require at least two cars (many with three or four), and we believe the dwellings proposed will be no different. The rural nature of the lanes leading into and out of the village are not designed for this volume of traffic.
  • We also have concerns over the safety issues posed by speeding traffic as it enters the village. Our own (observational) evidence would suggest this to be a serious issue.

ii)12/01374/FUL – Mr. Rob Cant – Erection of single storey rear extension – Orchard View, 1 Back Lane, Leire.


iii)12/01375/TCA- Mrs C. Burrell – Works to trees – Dunsmore House, Main Street, Leire


iv)12/01262/FUL – Mr. N. Burrell – Erection of a garage – Laurel House, Main Street, Leire.


Planning Approval

i)12/01019/FUL – Mr. Phil Warden – Change of use from retail to ancillary residential, The Post Office, Main Street, Leire.

5128Matters Arising

i)The Bridges – It was reported to the meeting that e-mail correspondence had been received from LCC who have been out to have a quick look at the two bridges. LCC stated that to have the bridges fully surveyed would incur significant costs, but in their opinion, only the clearing of undergrowth on top of the Broughton Lane bridge was necessary. A further quote is still awaited for this work from a local contractor and it is hoped that this will be available for the next meeting to allow a decision on the way forward to be made. The next application for the village precept will include an allowance for these costs.


i)PCC – Churchyard Extension – Mr. C. Hirst asked if the Parish Council could assist more with the finances of the up-keep of the Churchyard extension as this is very much viewed as a village amenity. The Council was sympathetic to this request, and the clerk will look at the accounts and report back at the next meeting to see if there is scope for an increase the amount normally provided (£400.00 for the past few years).


Mr. Hirst then informed the meeting that the Development Group which had formed to help with raising money for the church interior alterations wished to continue with fundraising to provide further facilities for the village. Examples given were:

i)Water supply to the playing field

ii)New bus shelters

iii)Funding to make the top of the village more attractive where the flower beds are situated.

The Parish Council were very supportive of this initiative.

ii)HDC – Register of Members’ Interest – The clerk has received the paperwork back from HDC who stipulate that scanned copies (with signatures redacted) are to be uploaded to the parish website.

ACTION: Mr. Bones

iii)National Westminster Bank – Review of Customer Information – Will be completed and returned.


iv)HDC – Noise from Dog Barking – Information has been received from HDC recommending a course of action to tackle the issue of dog barking. They advise writing a polite letter to the owner of the property on Stemborough Lane requesting their dogs be controlled as there have been a number of complaints received. .


v)New Police Commissioner Election 2012 – Received communication from Sir Clive Loader

with a survey “Local Residents Crime Survey” This was completed and will be retuturned.

vi)HDC – Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Proposal – Erection of 111 dwellings, a sports hall, neighbourhood centre, sports pitches and associated parking, open space, access and landscaping (outline application – all matters reserved) Land South of Hallbrook Primary School, Crowfoot Way, Broughton Astley,

Planning – 12/00494/OUT Appeal Reference – APP/F2415/2183653

Appellant: Mr. I.P. Crane

Our comments will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.

5130Parishioners Participation

i)Mr. Brown reported that he had received complaints about the state of a small piece of ground at the end of Little Lane. It is hoped that this will be resolved, but a quick response is not likely.

5131Playing Field –No Issues

5132Jubilee Walk– No issues


i)Clement KeysExternal Audit£144.00

ii)Lamley BrosPlaying Field cut£156.00

iii)E.onQuarter Bill£121.49

iv)RBL Poppy AppealAnnual Wreath£ 17.00


LutterworthTown CouncilMoney to Purchase New

Notice Board£ 223.00
