Leicestershire Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

Family Carers Sub Group

Monday 1st February 2016

10.00 – 12.30 Room 501, County Hall

  1. Present

Gill Huddlestone (GH)

Linda Wright (LW)

Clive Hadfield (CH) (Chair)

Jenny Lacey (JL)

Phil Linggood (PL)

David Huddlestone (DH)

Deb Baker (DB) – Acute Liaison Service – For Item 4

Katrina Dickenson (KD) – Acute Liaison Service – For Item 4

Monica Pandit (MP) (Minutes)


Jeanne Lamb (JeL)

Lyn Spence (LS)

Mike Lamb (ML)

Charles Huddlestone (CDH)

Margaret Hadfield (MH)

Julie Gamble (JG)

Ros Jarvis (RJ)

Sheila Smith (SS)

Roger Smith (RS)

Additionally Circulated to

Cllr HousemanMichael Pickering

Heather PickGlyn Edwards

Jane RobinsTerry Bedford

Stephanie ChapmanHelen Pickering

Chris DettmerDiane Aspin

Jo LilleyLyn Bedford

Kathy Edwards

The meeting started at 10.30 due to room confusion. The room was of inadequate size and it was a struggle to fit in 8 people and a person with a wheelchair. MP apologised for the room which was booked as none of the committee rooms were available. It was agreed that in the future if a committee room was not available MP will contact GH and

CH to see if the date of the meeting can be changed.

  1. Review and Ratify Minutes of the last meeting
  1. Financial Procedures, Budget and Funds, and Payment Runs
  • The Budget sheet was presented and agreed.

CH said that he has applied for funding for 2016-17 but does not know the amount that will be allocated.

It was agreed to purchase an additional day of support for the next two months from GH. CH asked for a budget projection for this.

CH to send the revised figures for the budget sheet to MP.

GH to get official costing for printing leaflets and send to printers.

  1. Presentations by Katrina Dickenson, Acute Liaison Nurse and Claire Cluer on the Preparation of LD Services.

The group welcomed Katrina and Deb to the meeting.

Katrina said that she had received the email from LS with the issues that the group wanted clarifying.

How can hospital staff help if person cannot tolerate the hospital beds? There are beds that can do a lot of manoeuvring to go to the floor. The hospitals have low beds, the rails touch the floor or with the rails taken down. Therefore the person would just roll of onto the floor.

How accessible are the low beds? We would have to put in a request for the bed but if we had advance notice as to who it is needed for we could inform the LRI and it could be in place for admission. Otherwise the delay should be about 1-2 days; this should be available on weekends as well.

Sometimes Learning Disabled patients are noisy, how can you assist with this? We try not to segregate people but an assessment would be made by the nurses. A Side room would be given only if needed and the patient would need to be constantly checked on.New emergency department plans have extra side rooms, primarily for dementia patients. If a planned admission they can use the side room to sit in to help keep people calm.

Is there access to the Acute Liaison nurses service out of hours?The Acute Liaison service is a service that runs 9-5 Monday to Friday and there are the equivalents of 2.5 Learning Disability nurses that operate between all 3 hospitals.There is an Out of Hours phone number to contact me (KD) and I do come in to the hospital if I am needed. Normally I would come in once the person has moved out of the emergency area and into the bays as sometimes having too many people in the emergency area can be overwhelming. The liaison nurses were set up to act as a liaison between doctors and nurses and the family carers of the learning disabled patient, to make sure that the appropriate information is passed back and forth.

Can you help with special dietary needs? KD said that she would take back issues to the hospital to make them aware that these do not occur again. But there is a Core group on each ward that would be able to do a dysphasia assessment.

KD also informed the group that

  • LD nurses will visit those daily who have no outside support.
  • LD nurses have been given some money to buy equipment to give activities for people in hospital who have Learning Disabilities.
  • On admission or as soon as they are identified, people who have Learning Disabilities should be added to list of people that the LD nurses are aware of.
  • People that came into hospital who had LDwere audited about emergency grab sheet to give information about person. It was found most do not bring them in with them, out of 600 with LD only 1:6 came in with it. KD said that if people want to send her a copy of their Traffic Light Booklets then she can upload them so the if they are forgotten at least they can be accessed and printed out in an emergency.
  • KD reminded everyone that when patients are admitted to hospital they should take in all the medication they take.
  • KD is also will be sending out questionnaires, by the end of the year, about the work that the UHL has done regarding what kind of emergency grab sheet people would prefer to use.
  • Some hospital doctors can link in to GP information by internet to give them discharge letters. When a person is discharged from hospital they are given 2 weeks’ worth of medication. This should give the GP’s enough time to take make changes to the medications.
  • I think they said only 3 people with LD have support via GEM for the two weeks prior to hospital having to arrange support.
  1. Shared Interest Meetings – Attended and Scheduled

Deferred due to time pressures.

GH to arrange speakers:

Speaker re: Health Budgets from Gem Arden for June meeting

Someone regarding information on Integrating LLR Points of Access

Claire Cluer

GH to compile a list of all meetings (papers given to her at the meeting) and sendto CH

  1. Training

Deferred due to time pressures.

  1. (Time Permitting) Items from “Ongoing Matters” list

Deferred due to time pressures.

  1. Any Other Urgent Business

Deferred due to time pressures.

  1. Any other Business.

PL to contact Janie B to get GH put on Circulation list for Partnership Board papers

Everyone was asked to get together a list of anything they want addressing at future Partnership Boards meetings. To be given to PL,LS, and LW to be brought up at the Partnership meetings.

  1. Date and time of Next Meeting

7th March 2016, 10.00am-12.30pmGuthlaxton Committee Rm County Hall Leicester.

Future Meetings:

4th April 2016, 10.00am-12.30pm – Goscote Committee Room

9th May 2016, 10.00am-12.30pm – Gartree Committee Room

6th June 2016, 10.00am-12.30pm – TBA Committee Room

4th July 2016, 10.00am-12.30pm – TBA Committee Room

1stAugust 2016, 10.00am-12.30pm – TBA Committee Room

On-Going Problems List

Date Started / Issue / Date Completed
Social Workers closing Cases too early.
Positive response from HP. She stated that if cases need to be reopened, then where ever practical they will be referred to the same case worker as they had before. / October 2014
Transportation – early morning cancellations – cannot use bus passes on these buses until after 9.30 am
LW to put together a list of the top 2 or 3 questions raised regarding transport and send to CDH who will answer them according to the legislation then these questions and responses are to be sent out to everyone. This will then be discussed at the meeting in February. / December 2014
Fairer Charging - need more details about charging
The need for Familiar faces when working with LD Adults
No Remittance advice notes sent out for those on Personal Budgets which causes administrative burdens for Carers
Meeting Name / Meeting Lead / Family Carers Reps / Date of meetings
Leics LD Partnership Board / Linda Wright
Phil Linggood
Ros Jarvis
Lyn Spence / Thursday 2nd July 2015, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, County Hall
Thursday 1st October 2015, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, County Hall
Thursday 7th January 2016, 10:00 am to 1.00 pm, County Hall
Thursday 7th April 2016, 10:00 am to 1.00 pm, County Hall
Steering Group of Leics LD Partnership Board / Linda Wright
Ros Jarvis
Leics LD Partnership Board joint meeting with Locality Groups / Linda Wright
Ros Jarvis
Commissioning Advisory Group for LD and Autism / Louisa Whait / Linda Wright
Ros Jarvis
Lyn Spence / October 28th 2015 , 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, TBA
November 25th 2015, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, TBA
January 27th 2016, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, TBA
February 24th 2016, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, TBA
March 30th 2016, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, TBA
Care Act Information and Advice Reference group / Louise Melbourne / Linda Wright
Ros Jarvis / Ad Hoc when work required.
Keep Safe Sub Group of the Leics LD Partnership Board / Gurjit Samra-Rai / Linda Wright
Health Watch Carers Reference Group / Jenny Darlow / Linda Wright
Lyn Spence
Making It Real Workshop / Alison Maullin / Linda Wright
Phil Linggood / TBA
Leics LD Partnership Board Locality Groups / Phil Linggood - Chair
Ros Jarvis - Harborough Action Team
Leics LD Partnership Board Communication Sub Group ( now known as Giving Voice) / Phil Linggood
Ros Jarvis
Leics LD Partnership Board Better Health Sub Group / Phil Linggood
Leicestershire and Rutland Autism Partnership Board / Gill Huddlestone / July 7th 2015
Meets Bi-monthly on a Tuesday
CLASP Autism Forum / Gill Huddlestone / July 16th 2015, 10am -12.30pm, Carers Centre
Meets Bi-monthly

Action Points from Family Carers meeting

on 1st February 2015

Action For / Action
Gill H / To email all her contacts to advise that going on the Debit Cards scheme is not mandatory.
Jenny L & Linda W / Email individually a list of issues with Debit Cards scheme to Gill H.
Gill H / To put together the list of top 6 Issues with Debit Cards and circulate to group before the next meeting then once agreed send to Mandy Stott for her response.
Clive H / To send revised figures on Budget Sheet to MP
Gill H / To get official costing for printing leaflets and send to printers
Gill H / Arrange speakers:
  • Speaker re: Health Budgets for June meeting
  • Someone regarding information on Integrating LLR Points of Access
  • Claire Cluer

Gill H / Compile a list of all meetings (papers given to her at the meeting) and send to CH
Phil L / Contact Janie B to get Gill H put on Circulation list for Partnership Board papers
All / To get together a list of anything they want addressing at future Partnership Boards meetings. To be given to Phil L,Lynn S, and Linda W to be brought up at the Partnership meetings.