Legal Technology Planning Survey
This brief survey is intended to help gather feedback as part of the Legal Technology Planning initiative. The survey is organized in the following sections:
1)Current use of IT systems
- How frequently used
- How useful to you on a day-to-day basis
- If not used, why?
2)Future needs and priorities
- Needs for new or improved technology
- Priorities
The results from this survey will be incorporated into our planning to help us develop a strategyfor improved technology support.
We would appreciate your completing this survey by <Insert date>.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Legal Systems Assessment - Survey
- Which of the following best describes your current role?
- Department Head
- Attorney / Director
- Paralegal / Manager
- Administrative Assistant
- Other (please specify) ______
- Please select your department
- <DEPT 1>
- <DEPT 2
- <DEPT 3
- <DEPT 4
- <DEPT 5
- Etc.
- Please indicate your location
- US Locations
- OUS Locations
- Please indicate the frequency that you use the following systems:
Never / Rarely / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly / Comments
eCounsel (matter management)
eCounsel (invoice approval)
Secretariat (entity management)
iManage (document management)
IP Manager (intellectual property management)
ALeRT (legal hold order tracking)
Nuix (litigation data collections)
Contract Advantage (contract management)
Ariba (contract management)
Espaider (contract management)
Legal Portal (Abbott Legal intranet)
Workshare Compare (file comparison)
Other (list)
- The following systems are veryuseful to me on a day-to-day basis:
Disagree / Slightly Disagree / Neutral / Slightly Agree / Agree / NA
(do not use) / Comments
eCounsel (matter management)
eCounsel (invoice approval)
Secretariat (entity management)
iManage (document management)
IP Manager (intellectual property management)
ALeRT (legal hold order tracking)
Nuix (litigation data collections)
Contract Advantage (contract management)
Ariba (contract management)
Espaider (contract management)
Legal Portal (Abbott Legal intranet)
Workshare Compare (file comparison)
Other (list)
- The reasons that these systems are not useful to me are (indicate as many reasons as apply):
Technical issues (too slow, PC issues, etc.) / Does not meet my needs / Need more training / Not required by my business function / Other / NA
(do not use) / Comments
eCounsel (matter management)
eCounsel (invoice approval)
Secretariat (entity management)
iManage (document management)
IP Manager (intellectual property management)
ALeRT (legal hold order tracking)
Nuix (litigation data collections)
Contract Advantage (contract management)
Ariba (contract management)
Espaider (contract management)
Legal Portal (Abbott Legal intranet)
Workshare Compare (file comparison)
Other (list)
- Please provide any comments related to current Legal IT systems that you would like the assessment team to consider.
- To better support me in my day-to-day work, I need either improved or new technology for:
Process / Description / Disagree / Slightly
Disagree / Neutral / Slightly
Disagree / Agree / Comments
Collaboration (internal)
- Intranet
Collaboration (external)
- Extranet
Contract Management / Monitor and manage agreements related to the provision of services in line with the specified contract terms and conditions
Document Management / Manage and control documents including indexing and retrieval, revision and version control, work flow and information content
Intellectual Property (IP) Management / Support for IP docketing, annuity payments, patent application filing, trademark registration & maintenance, inventor data management and inventor awards
Legal Records / Management of physical and electronic files related to legal matters
Litigation / eDiscovery Support / Support for legal hold order tracking, collection of electronic files (email, network shares, and PC workstations), and pre-processing review of collected electronic files
Matter Management / Support for legal matters tracking, staff assignment, evaluation of outside counsel performance, outside counsel / vendor invoicing and analysis of legal spending trends
Metrics / Dashboard Reporting / Prepare and present key performance Indicators in simple visual graphics, such as gauges, charts and tables
Workflow Process Support / Provide automation of service request and approval process
Mobile Computing / Provide technology to enable access to key information while outside of the Abbott office
Communications / Provide technology to enable “virtual meetings” and improve visual communications with and between internal staff globally (e.g., video conferencing, webcams
- Please assign a priority to each of the potential technology support areas below (1 = low priority to 5 = high priority):
Process / Description / 1
Low / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
High / Comments
Collaboration (internal)
- Intranet / Teamrooms
Collaboration (external)
- Extranet
Contract Management / Monitor and manage agreements related to the provision of services in line with the specified contract terms and conditions
Document Management / Manage and control documents including indexing and retrieval, revision and version control, work flow and information content
Intellectual Property (IP) Management / Support for IP docketing, annuity payments, patent application filing, trademark registration & maintenance, inventor data management and inventor awards
Legal Records / Management of physical and electronic files related to legal matters
Litigation / eDiscovery Support / Support for legal hold order tracking, collection of electronic files (email, network shares, and PC workstations), and pre-processing review of collected electronic files
Matter Management / Support for legal matters tracking, staff assignment, evaluation of outside counsel performance, outside counsel / vendor invoicing and analysis of legal spending trends
Metrics / Dashboard Reporting / Prepare and present key performance Indicators in simple visual graphics, such as gauges, charts and tables
Workflow Process Support / Provide automation of service request and approval process
Mobile Computing / Provide technology to enable access to key information while outside of the Abbott office
Communications / Provide technology to enable “virtual meetings” and improve visual communications with and between internal staff globally (e.g., video conferencing, webcams
- Please add any other comments related to Legal IT systems that are not covered above.
Thank you for your assistance!
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