March 29 – April 2
Objective: To highlight the importance of learning a new language.
Specifics: During National Foreign Language Week not only will you have the opportunity to promote the importance of learning a new language, you may also earn a variety of extra credit points. All activities are due on or before Friday, April 2, 2010. Please read carefully as some activities are due earlier.
Over 100 pts. - 5 pts. to add onto a test
100 points - drop the lowest quiz
75 points - 5 pts. to add onto any quiz
50 points - free H.W. pass
25 points - a sweet treat
La entrevista: Interview someone from a Spanish-speaking country. Write a transcript of the interview. Take a picture of the person and save it on your computer. Present your findings to the class. (75 pts)
Un restaurante auténtico: Go to an authentic Spanish language restaurant order and eat an appetizer, meal or dessert. Have a conversation with the waiter. Bring in the receipt as evidence and report to the class about your experience. (25 pts)
De compras: Visit a store or market that caters to a Spanish speaking clientele. Browse the store and speak with other customers and workers (in Spanish). Make a small purchase. Bring the item to class and report about your experience. (25 pts)
La prueba: Teach 10 words or phrases from a second language to your parents or grandparents. The points will be awarded when you bring in the signed quiz you prepared for them to complete. (25 pts)
La camiseta: Design and wear a t-shirt that promotes the theme “Spread Your Wings! Learn a New Language”. (50 pts—must be completed on Monday, March 29th)
El restaurante: Buy the groceries and prepare an authentic meal from another country. Take pictures of yourself at the grocery store, preparing the food and your family eating it. Make a menu of what you will serve. You will hand in a scrapbook with the pictures mounted, the menu and the surveys prepared and signed by the family members who ate at “your restaurant.” Decorate the cover creatively and neatly. (100 pts)
La piñata: Follow internet directions and design a piñata that will be broken during class before spring break. (75 pts)
El espectáculo: Perform a song, dance or skit in class in a second language. (50 pts)
El sombrero: Wear a sombrero to show everyone that you study a second language – SPANISH! (25 points Must be completed on Monday, March 29th)
El cartel: Create a poster promoting the theme “Spread Your Wings! Learn a New Language” (25 pts Must be turned in on Monday, March 29th)
Investigar en la Red: Research a popular sports team from a Spanish speaking country. Design and present a PowerPoint presentation containing at least 8 slides. (50 pts)
Una persona famosa: Research a famous Hispanic person. Come to class dressed as the person and tell your life story. (75 pts Presentations on Thursday April 1st or Friday April 2nd)
La entrevista #2: Find 3 teachers who have traveled to a foreign country. Ask them what they liked most about the trip and what they learned from the experience. Present your findings to the class. Include visuals. (25 pts)
El cocinero: Locate a recipe for an authentic Hispanic dish. Prepare the dish at home and then bring it to class for your classmates to sample. The student should bring paper products and/or utensils as needed. (75 pts)
**CIRCLE the prize you earned:
5 pts-on-Test Drop the lowest quiz 5 pts-on-Quiz HW pass sweet treat
over 100 points 100 points 75 points 50pts 25 pts.