Child’s Name
Getting to Know Your Child
Please answer the following questions as realistically as possible
FOCUS QUESTIONS / RATING SCALE(Please tick the most appropriate box)
Never / Rarely / Sometimes / Usually / Always
Can your child talk about what they have made?
Does your child recognize his/her own name?
Is your child able to write his/her own name?
My child:
is able to count to 10
names basic colours
knows some letter names
knows some letter sounds
is outgoing and confident
mixes happily with other children
separates easily from parents
is timid and shy
expresses himself/herself clearly
shares equipment
toilets independently
can focus on a task for a given time
plays/works independently
looks after own belongings
follows directions and instructions
is able to sit still and listen as part of a group
holds scissors correctly
uses a computer/ipads at home
Has your child attended any specialists in the past such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, optometrist, etc? Please provide details.
Who is in your child’s friendship group?
Please only list children coming to MVPSPlease note: we do try to put at least one friend in a class with your child, however, this is not always possible.
Does your child have any challenging behaviours or disorders?
Does your child have any special needs? e.g. English as a second language, hearing, vision.
Does your child have a particular strength? e.g. can read fluently/can add and subtract numbers
All children are special so please add any other comment or information you think necessary to ensure your child’s successful transition to school.
Please return this questionnaire to the school office by Friday 11 September 2015