Tier lll Procedures


No Later Than Two Weeks from the Beginning of School

Decisions regarding the types of interventions that will be provided and the data to be collected for progress monitoring, along with a standard protocol of frequency and duration should be determined at the beginning of the school session. The principal or designee will inform staff of the intervention programs and standards that will be utilized during the school year.

No Later Than Two Weeks From TST Chairperson Receiving Initial Request

Upon the TST chairperson’s receipt of the Request to the Teacher Support Team Form, the chairperson will meet with the referring teacher(s) to review the student intervention file as well as the progress monitoring data from Tier ll to ensure graphs support the need for a Tier lll intervention. If progress monitoring from Tier ll does not support the need for a Tier lll intervention or the documentation for Tiers l and ll are incomplete, the Tier ll intervention will continue until appropriate data is available.

The timeline for Tier lll does not begin until the required data from Tiers l and ll are completed. If the data is complete and it supports the need for Tier lll, the Referral to TST Packet (refer to Forms 18 and 19) will be completed appropriately by the referring teacher and submitted to the TST chairperson.

When the chairperson receives the appropriately completed Referral to TST Packet, this will begin the eighteen (18) week timeline for making a “final” decision regarding the Tier lll intervention. The designated staff member must enter the date of referral to the TST into MSIS.

If a Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is warranted, the chairperson will contact the parent by telephone or schedule a conference to discuss the need for such an assessment. Parent permission will be obtained using the Parent Consent for Assessment Form (refer to Form 8) prior to the assessment being completed.

No Later Than Two Weeks From TST Receiving Referral Packet

The TST will meet with the referring teacher within two (2) weeks of receipt of the packet. Parents will be given the opportunity to meet with the team.

The TST chairperson will forward an invitation to the parents (refer to Parent Invitation to Attend Teacher Support Team Meeting, Form 11). Documentation of parent receipt will be maintained on file. Documentation will consist of returned receipt verification (Form 11c) or the indication of parent contact on the Parent Contact Form (refer to Form 4). If the parent does not attend the meeting, the chairperson will contact the parent to discuss the results of the meeting.

Tier lll Documentation

No Later Than Two Weeks From TST Receiving Referral Packet

The TST will meet and review the data from Tiers l and ll as well as the Referral to TST Packet. The TST Meeting Summary form will be completed (refer to Form 9).

If the parents attend the meeting, the TST will complete the Teacher Support Team Parent Interview Family and Medical History form (refer to Form 12). If medical records are needed, the Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Educational and Protected Health Information (refer to Form 13) will be completed.

If it is determined that a Tier lll intensive intervention is not necessary or appropriate for the student (i.e., the student will remain in Tier ll with interventions), the decision will be documented on the TST Meeting Summary Form (refer to Form 9). The MSIS screen must be completed by entering the TST Decision Date and indicating, “Intervention Success-Remain in Regular Education.”

The Tier Intervention Form (refer to Form -21) will be completed for each student in need of a Tier lll intervention by the TST, including the teacher/interventionist responsible for implementing the intervention. The form will be maintained in the student’s intervention file.

When developing an intervention(s) for Tier lll, scientifically or researched-based strategies must be utilized. If behavior is indicated as a problem area for a student, a behavioral plan may be needed to assist in identifying the specific inappropriate behaviors to target and for the development of theplan

Upon completion, the teacher/interventionist will notify the chairperson of the TST and/or Case Manager that the intervention has begun. The chairperson of the TST or the case manager will review the Tier lll – Student Intervention Plan to ensure appropriate completion of the intervention.

Within Three Weeks of Beginning Tier lll

An integrity check will be conducted to ensure the intervention is being implemented as addressed on the Tier Documentation Form (20). The observation will be conducted by the principal or designee and documented on the Tier Integrity Monitoring Checklist Form (refer to Form -10). The principal will be notified by the teacher/interventionist responsible for implementation of the need for the observation and the time period when the intervention is implemented.

Progress Monitoring

Within Six Weeks of Beginning Tier lll

Progress monitoring data will be collected as indicated on the Tier ll- Student Intervention Plan and maintained upon completion in the student’s intervention file. The intervention should be reviewed by the teacher and case manager or TST chairperson to determine if the student is making progress after the completion of at least four (4) data points. If a change is warranted due to lack of progress, the TST must meet to consider other interventions.

If no meeting has taken place, after six (6) data points has been charted, the intervention must be reviewed by the TST to determine if continuation is recommended, if a change in the intervention is needed or if a Tier ll intervention is necessary. Documentation of the TST’s determination will be made on the Tier Intervention Form (refer to 21) under the TST Evaluation of Intervention and Summary of Meeting section on the form. This documentation will serve as the TST meeting summary.

The TST chairperson will forward an invitation to the parents (refer to Parent Invitation to Attend Teacher Support Team Meeting, Form 11B). Documentation of parent receipt will be maintained on file. Documentation will consist of returned receipt verification (Form 11c) or the indication of parent contact on the Parent Contact Form (refer to Form 4). If the parent does not attend the meeting, the chairperson will contact the parent to discuss the results of the meeting.

No Later Than Eighteen Weeks From TST Receiving Referral Packet

Prior to the final determination by the TST that a student may be in need of special education, a District Internal Review Team meeting will be held. The TST chairperson will notify the designated contact person in the special education office using 14, Request for Internal Review Meeting. This meeting will be held with the chairperson of the TST, the teacher or interventionist responsible for Tier lll, at least one member of the Local Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (LET). The RTI Summary Report Form 16 will be completed and available at this meeting. The purpose of the internal review meeting is to determine if data are available to demonstrate that Tiers l - lll have been implemented according to district procedures and that appropriate supports in the academic and behavioral problem area(s) has been provided. The summary decisions made by the team will be documented on the Internal Review Team Meeting Documentation form (refer to 15). The TST will include Form 16 as a summarization of the file.

If data does not demonstrate that Tiers l – lll have been implemented according to district procedures, the review team will outline the problems noted. The TST will be responsible for gathering the additional data necessary to ensure procedures have been implemented appropriately. If this situation occurs and a decision must be made due to the eighteen (18) week timeline, the district will enter into MSIS the option of “Intervention success – remain in regular education.” This option will provide for continued success in the tier process while gathering data to determine if there is a need for a comprehensive assessment.

If data is available to demonstrate that Tiers l – lll have been implemented in accordance with district procedures, the team will support the recommendation of the TST to initiate a referral to the LET to determine whether a disability exists and whether special education and related services are necessary. The TST will ensure a Teacher Narrative is completed. A copy of all documentation for Tiers l – lll will be forwarded to the chairperson of the LET, along with the Teacher Narrative.

Following the internal review, the TST will meet to make a “final” determination. The TST chairperson will forward an invitation to the parents (refer to Parent Invitation to Attend Teacher Support Team Meeting, Form 11B). Documentation of parent receipt (11c) will be maintained on file. Documentation will consist of returned receipt verification or the indication of parent contact on the Parent Contact Form (refer to Form 4). If the parent does not attend the meeting, the chairperson will contact the parent to discuss the results of the meeting.

Documentation of the TST’s final determination will be made on the Tier Documentation form (refer to 21) under the TST Evaluation of Intervention and Summary of Meeting section on the form. This documentation will serve as the TST meeting summary.

Based on the student’s progress monitoring data, the team must determine whether -

  • The intervention was successful and should be continued. The TST will continue to monitor and review progress. This decision would be considered “Intervention success – remain in regular education” and entered into MSIS as such. The intervention shows some success and should be continued or another intervention tried.
  • This decision would be considered “Intervention success – remain in regular education” and entered into MSIS as such.
  • The intervention was successful and the student’s performance indicates a need for Tier ll interventions. This decision would be considered “Intervention success – remain in regular education” and entered into MSIS as such.
  • The intervention was not successful and based on the data the TST suspects the student may have a disability and be in need of special education. This decision would be considered “student referred to LSC” and entered into MSIS as such.

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