Lees Corner PTA Meeting Minutes (October 2, 2012)

The meeting was called to order by Liz Persell the PTA president, in LCES cafeteria at 7:00 PM on

October 2, 2012.

In attendance

Tina PivarnikRenee ClarkJanet Clark

Dawn GareyCassandra TakieddinPam Hixson

Barbara GillisonTricia WolfBilly Anderson

Lindsey DavenportBeth EarleLiz Persell

Kristen WhiteLinda BracewellMarilyn O’Connell

Kim ProppeJasmine GeddisPaula Kramp

Rachel DibartoloSheri Hodinko

Josh DoudsDionne McGlothin

Bob D’Amato (Principal)MyaLwin

Monica Mohr (Asst. Principal)LpsitaGhosh

Meetings are open to public and please note, voting is restricted to PTA members only.

2012 –2012 Budget

PTA President LizPersell reviewed the 2012-2013 PTA budget for the 2012-13. The major changes to this year’s budget include removing the Book Fair from the PTA budget since this is actually a school event that the PTA helps manage. The PTA will be relying heavily on PTA Membership, Grocery Loyalty (including our new store, Target), Dining Days, Hallowingo and the Track-A-Thon for incoming funds. At this time, our projected income is lower than our expenses. Marilyn O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Renee Clark to approve the budget. All present voted in favor of approving the budget changes for the new school year.


The Lees Corner PTA Bylaws expired in May 2012. A committee, led by Sheri Hodinko, reviewed the guidelines provided by the Virginia State PTA. The proposed bylaws were uploaded to the PTA website in August 2012 and a KIT was sent to the community to provide 30 day notice of the changes to the bylaws. Liz Persell noted that a majority of the bylaws cannot be edited and the template provided by the Virginia PTA was used. The major changes to the bylaws included distributing responsibilitiesacross the PTA Executive Board so that the President isn’t the sole decision maker for all of Lees Corner PTA committees, as well as to reduce the administrative burden on the current and future PTA Presidents. Marilyn O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Tina Pivarnik to approve the bylaws. All present voted in favor of approving the PTA Bylaws.


Assistant Principal Monica Mohr discussed how the SOLs will be online this year and how the children will be prepared to take the online tests. Mrs. Mohr also announced that through technology, many tests for grades K-6 will now be administered online. She also discussed how to get access to the results of these tests through your child’s blackboard accounts. A question was asked about whether or not the school has enough laptops and netbooks for the students to practice and take online tests. Mr. D’Amato indicated that there was a shortage and that he would like to see every grade level have enough computers or netbooks.

Online textbooks

Mr. Josh Doudsgave a presentation with regards to online textbooks and let the PTA know that there are no longer hard copy versions of the math textbooks. They are online now. All parents willreceivelogon instructions to this new resource.


Mr. D’Amato discussed our first Walk to School Day to be held on October 3, 2012. This event will include a parade of students and he is hoping there will be more of these types of events. He discussed a new anti-bullying program called “Stand by Me” that is getting ready to kick off the week of October 12. 2012. Mr. D’Amato announced that a new self-contained 10x10 restroom facility for the Special Needs children has been installed and had met the ADA code. He also talked about how the Special Education classes have received iPads. The music teachers will be starting a Drama Club for the 2nd graders and their first presentation will be “Bugs” and that the music team needs volunteers to help out. With the success of “Bugs”, he hopes to expand the club to other grades in the future. Mr. D’Amato also reviewed the 1 to 1 for the 5th graders and their involvement with netbooks. He also mentioned that our second row of cafeteria tables were ordered and should be arriving soon. Mr. D’Amato also discussed how he would like to eventually get a track for LCES.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’sReport was presented by Paula Kramp. Some highlights were that we had a successful night out at Chick-Fil-A, where we earned $811.00. We received a check for $532.00 from Target. We have 117 Giant cards registered by Lees Corner families and that we still processing PTA membership. There was also a discussion about starting a Friends of Lees Corner to solicit donations for a new technology fund and the possibly a new track. We also discussed getting back in contact with Booster-A-Thon to help us raise funds for the bigger initiatives.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 9:00 and was passed unanimously.