Lecture Meeting on “Force lift Hand Pump and its Innovation”
held on 22ndNov., 2013
A Lecture Meeting was organized by the U.P. State Centre of the Institution of Engineers (India) on 22ndNov., 2013 at U.P. State Centre, Lucknow. Mr. A. C. Mishra, Retd. Director (HRD), UP Jal Nigam delivered a lecture on “Force lift Hand Pump and its Innovation”. In his lecture he said 85% of the drinking water supplied to rural India owes its origin to ground water. The India mark-II hand pump is a safe and economical system of supplying clean ground water to the community and has been used successfully for 30 years or so. Almost 16 liters of safe water comes out of India mark-II hand pump but it is not possible to utilize its full quantity. Normallyonly 40 % water that comes out ofit’s spout is utilized and remaining goes waste.
(L-R) Mr. J. S. Mishra, Mr. A. C. Mishra & Mr. V. B. Singh
For eliminating this wastage of water, some modifications in India Mark-II hand pumps have been tried. By these modifications thousands liter of safe drinking water could be conserved with neat and clean environment. This was possible when the diameter of spout of India Mark-II hand pump was divided into two branch pipes, one for direct use and other for storing water.During the optimization of the diameter of upward pipe outlet of hand pump 1 inch diameter was found optimum, whereas ½ inch diameter was sufficient for direct use to reduce the maximum wastage of drinking water. Apart from saving precious water, it also provides force to lift water upto 4 meter height. If this modified India Mark – II Force Lift Hand Pump is installed in schools, railways stations, bus stands and aanganbadicentres etc., then water can be stored in an overhead tank and if it is installed in residential area then the excess water can be stored in cattle’s trough.The stored water can be used for different purposes as for sanitation, gardening etc. The system is favorable and user friendly. Finally it can be said that the modifications carried out in the spout of India Mark-II Force Lift Hand Pump were successful in reducing the wastage of drinking water to a great extent and preventing the splashing of water around hand pump site and keeping neat and clean environment around the platform of the hand pump.
Many senior engineers were in the audience. Earlier Er. V. B. Singh, Chairman, The Institution of Engineers (India) welcomed the guests.In the end Er.J. S. Mishra, Hony. Secretary moved vote of thanks.