Learning & Youth Inspire Mentor

Section: Lifelong Learning Team

Responsible to: Learning Quality Manager and Placement Coordinator

Hours: 1 to 4 daysper week Monday to Thursday only (09:00am – 4:30pm)

Duration: Minimum of 10 weeks

Contact Details: Louise Ross, Tel: 0113 238 0601, Email:

Location:Delph Hill Community Centre, Summer Hall Ing, Wyke, Bradford, BD12 8DF

Minimum Requirements for Volunteer Role: Applicants must be 21yrs+ (or 18+ if you have a mature attitude to work with young people of a similar age) and be undertaking, or hold a relevant college or university qualification and have some teaching, youth work or mentoring experience ideally. This position will require volunteers to undergo a full CRB (now known as DBS) Clearance as it involves working with children and young people. The role also requires an advanced level of written and spoken English. For details on the courses we deliver visit our website:

Access:Based on the ground floor with accessible toilets. Please feel free to contact us regarding any access queries.

Purpose:The Learning & Youth Inspire Mentor will support the Lifelong Learning Tutor to prepare young people from 16 to 19 years old (up to 25 year olds with learning difficulties) to access employment, full-time education or training in Bradford, working in a small group with a maximum of ten young people. This role is predominantly class room based education with the chance of occasional visits to take photos and go on day trips, along with time spent on administration.

The course offers a NOCN accreditation in Arts and Media, Functional skills Maths and English (up to level 2) and Employability and work placement opportunities. Our aim is to work with those who have previously been disengaged from education and employment to improve their confidence and team working skills so that they are able to pursue the career path of their choice.

Key roles and responsibilities:

1. Give support to young people on expectations at work, career choices and the next steps to accessing employment through employability support sessions

2. To support individuals and small groups during the delivery of sessions to improve literacy and numeracy skills delivered by the tutor, with the potential to lead a session if desired.

3. To support the delivery of functional skills i.e. English, Maths, ICT as well as Art & Media and Personal Social Development (PSD e.g. drug and alcohol awareness sessions) delivered by the tutor

4. To support the delivery of practical sessions like pyrography, photography and collage-making.

5. To motivate and support learners on a one to one basis with individual tasks

6. To support Tutors to ensure that accurate records, statistics, learner files and portfolios are of a required standard to help learners achieve a photoshop qualification, or similar NOCN qualification

7. To support Tutors with applying health and safety policies

8. To deal with learners’ needs and problems diplomatically

9. To act as a positive role model

10. To help with administration. This may include telephoning learners to track their progress, collating and recording data, chasing up learners’ timesheets and filing etc.

Volunteer Application Form

Please complete this application form electronically and return to

Telephone number/s:
Email Address:
Date of birth:
Driving license – do you hold a full valid UK driving license?
Where did you find out about us?
What volunteer role(s) are you interested in?
(See volunteer information booklet and request suitable role descriptions)
What days and times are you available to volunteer?
Approximately how long are you looking to volunteer with us for?
(Most placements are from 3 months up to 1 year – there are currently no placements for a duration less than 10 weeks)
If you are a student looking for a placement as part of your course, when do you have to start and finish it by?
(Please give approximate dates and number of hours you must complete on your placement – also detail exactly what your placement requires of you and us e.g. you have to develop your own activity, deliver a class or produce some research etc. Also please could you provide contact details of your placement tutor in this section)

EDUCATION – Please give details of your full time education since the age of 15.

From To / Name of school, college or university / Examinations taken
(Give subjects, dates, if passed and grade, Diploma or Certificates awarded)

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY- Please give details of jobs you have held starting with your present or most recent employer

From To / Employer’s name, address, type of business / Position held, duties, responsibilities and reason for leaving


Please use up to two additional sheets of paper if needed.

Please list your relevant skills and experience; describe what you want to achieve from the placement; and why you feel you are a good candidate for the volunteer position: (give as much detail as you can and refer to the role description/s – this information helps us to select applicants for an interview and match applicants to a suitable placement)
Please give details of two people (not relatives) that we could approach for references, one of which should be your current or most recent employer / supervisor. Please ensure that you have obtained their permission prior to submission.
Job title:
Capacity in which you are known to the referee:
………………………………………………… / Name:
Job title:
Tel.No.…………………………… ……….....
Capacity in which you are known to the referee:
Please declare any criminal conviction whether pending:
Do you possess a current driving license? Please list any endorsements or convictions:
Please give details of any medical conditions, access requirements or disabilities you feel we should be aware of when selecting a suitable placement for you:

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, Groundwork is required to notify applicants and prospective volunteers on how their data will be processed and used. Your application details will be retained by Groundwork in paper and computer format, to assist us with our recruitment process. Some of the data you provide is covered under the Act to be Sensitive Personal Data, i.e. sex and race. This information will be used to assist us with recruitment monitoring. It will also be retained on the personnel file of the appointee. By signing this form you are giving consent to Groundwork to use this data in the way described above.

I believe that, to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form to be true and understand that this will form part of any subsequent employment.

Signed…………………………………… Date ……………………………

Please ensure that you have read and checked this application form thoroughly, prior to submission, ensuring that you have followed the instructions carefully.


Surname ………………………….…………Forename(s) ……………...……………......

NI No: ………………….……………………………. Unique ID No: ………...……. (Office Use Only)

Groundwork is striving to be an equal opportunities employer, and tries to ensure that all job applicants are treated fairly and appointed only on the basis of their suitability for the job. It also seeks to ensure that no applicant receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justified.

In order to effectively monitor all stages of the recruitment process to ensure that discrimination does not take place, all applicants are requested to complete this form as far as possible. This page will be separated from the application form and used for monitoring purposes only, in the strictest confidence.

I describe myself as (please tick relevant boxes):

Marital status: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Age group: / Under 25 / 25 - 34
35 - 44 / 45 – 54
55 - 60 / Over 60
Origin: / African / Chinese/Vietnamese
Afro Caribbean / British
Indian / Irish
Pakistani / European
Bangladeshi / Other

I describe my nationality as:

Gender: / Female / Male
Disability: I consider myself to be someone who has a disability: YES NO

Please specify any arrangements necessary for you to attend an interview below, i.e. signer, ground floor facilities, wheelchair access etc: