/ Archiving and Reassigning E-learning Modules

Archiving and Reassigning E-learning Modules

An E-learning module is made up of one or more lessons and optional checklists and is used to deliver the lessons to Learners.

You may archive and reassign modules as needed.

·  Often you may need to reassign modules for licenses and other certification renewal information

·  As modules are completed by your Learners, you may want to ‘archive’ for maintenance purposes.

Note: Completed lessons will not be deleted.

Archiving E-learning Modules

You can archive modules for one or more Learners at-a-time.

Steps to Archive a Module

1.  From the menu bar, select Administration — eLearning — and then select either Edit Existing Modules or Assign Training.

2.  From the ‘Module Menu’ on the left, click Archive and Reassign.
The Module Archive and Re-assignment page opens on the right.

3.  From the ‘Available Modules’ drop-down, select the module to display the users in your administrative scope assigned the module. The page refreshes.

4.  From the list of Learners, click the checkbox to the left of each Learners name that you want to ‘Archive’ the lessons for.

5.  Click the ‘Archive’ checkbox below the names.

6.  Click the Process Selected Users button.
You should receive a message across the top of the page, that “You have successfully Archived and/or Reassigned this module.”

7.  From here you can continue to archive other modules, OR reassign modules.

Reassigning E-learning Modules

You can reassign modules for one or more Learners at-a-time. Lessons are frequently reassigned for compliance.

Steps to Archive a Module
  1. From the menu bar, select Administration — eLearning — either Edit Exiting Modules or Assign Training.
  2. From the ‘Module Menu’ on the left, click Archive and Reassign.
    The Module Archive and Re-assignment page opens on the right.

  1. From the ‘Available Modules’ drop-down, select the module to display the users in your administrative scope assigned the module. The page refreshes.

  1. From the list of Learners, click the checkbox to the left of each Learners name that you want to ‘Reassign’ the lessons for.

  1. Click the ‘Reassign’ checkbox below the names.

  1. Click the Process Selected Users button.
    You should receive a message across the top of the page, that “You have successfully Archived and/or Reassigned this module.”
  2. From here you can continue to reassign other modules, OR archive modules.

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November 25, 2008