Learning Outcomes

The objectives of this assignment is to asses individual behavior of employees and to recommend practical solutions with knowledge of motivational theories.

Assignment Specifications

Students are required to read the following case and prepare an analytical report to answer the questions given at the end of it.

Word Limit: 2000 Words [excluding References & Appendices Page]


Jim Santana had worked as a cost accountant at Todd Brothers Chevrolet for nearly five years and is the Head of the Accounting Department. Jim supervises four people: Stella Mc Carthy, Judy Lawless, Tina Rothschild, and Mike Sohal.

All the staff in the department have good knowledge and experience to accomplish their respective tasks. They know their job backward and forward. Judy, Tina and Mike have been easy to work with and require very little time of Jim’s time. Stella however, has become a problem.

Stella was a pleasant and friendly girl who was hired about three months before Jim was promoted. Her age and qualification is no different from the other employees in her department. She has a degree in accountancy and is in her early 30’s. Her job is to handle general accounting records and acts as an accounting link to the service department.

Three weeks ago, Stella called in sick on both Monday and Tuesday. When she showed up for work the next day, she looked like she had not slept in days. Jim called her into his office and in an informal manner tried to find out what was going on. She admitted that she was not ill but called in sick because she did not have the emotional strength to come to work. She revealed that her marriage was in trouble and that her husband had a drinking problem. He had lost his third job that week and so she was concerned about her three children and finances. Stella has three year old twin daughter and a six year old son. Jim tried to console Stella. He encouraged her to keep her spirit up and reminded her that the company’s health plan provided six free counseling sessions. He suggested she consider using them.

Since that initial encounter, little has been changed with Stella. She continued to take more sick days off and when she came to the office it was clear her mind was somewhere else. She does not interact with her colleagues or go out for lunch with them but spends a lot of time on her cell phone dealing with personal matters. Jim has noticed her crying at her desk. Stella’s performance has been severely affected as she had failed to complete the closing of last month’s books. This is a crucial part of Stella’s job. Jim had approached her about missing the dateline but she did not respond. Instead, she broke into tears. Jim is lost on what to do. He is reluctant to loose Stella as she has the potential and the much needed experience. Plus, if she goes, he would need to hire or train someone to handle her responsibility. Her slack performance has started to affect the others in the department and Jim realizes that he needs to act on this situation before it gets worse.

Discussion Questions

  1. Explain the problematic situation and the individual behavior of Stella by applying the components of the MARS model to the case.

(20 marks)

  1. If you were Jim Santana, what strategy would you use to motivate Stella to stay and perform at her job.? Illustrate your answer using at least two motivational theories.

(20 marks)

Adapted Source: Robbins, S.P. 1998, Organizational Behavior, 8TH ed. Prentice Hall, USA.

Marking Criteria for each Question

1.  Content 10 %

There is logic and accuracy in the answer presented and the application of concepts or theories used. Case was well understood and problem was well analyzed.

2.  Presentation of Documentation

References: 5%

Supporting research clearly explained and presented. Thoroughly lists references that are relevant to the topic. Harvard Referencing is a must.

Language: 5%

There is clarity of sentence structure and grammar.

TOTAL (20%)

Performance Criteria

Grade / Description of performance level
80% – 100% / There were mature and interesting points discussed based on your supporting research. There was critical application of relevant theory where each point supported with valid explanation and justification. Shows a thorough understanding of case and subject matter. Minimum 3 references given. No grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.
60% – 79% / There were sufficient points raised with valid explanations provided and a fair understanding of the case. Theories were applied but to an extent with some minor omissions.. There is adequate understanding of subject matter. Minimum reference of 3 given. Minor grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
40% – 59% / No clear understanding of subject matter, theories or case. Insufficient points given and explanations are unclear or not helpful in clarifying points. Not enough reference given. Major grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Below 40% / You did not show understanding of the subject matter or case. Severe failings in answer. Points are off-topic and do not tie back to research. No understanding of theories and concepts taught. Not enough reference given. Numerous grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Submission and Administrative Information:

·  Students should include the Coursework Submission and Feedback Form with their submission. The lecturer will give the CSFF before the submission dates.

·  Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Representation of another person's work as your own, without acknowledgement of the source, for the purpose of satisfying formal assessment requirements is considered plagiarism. The possible consequences of plagiarism include:

Ø  Reduced grade for this module

Ø  Referral for this module

Ø  Failure of this module

Ø  Expulsion from the Institution

·  All submissions must be made before the stipulated time. If the work is submitted after this time it will be given 0 (zero).