CourseEvaluation Form – Gymnastics Module 1

We believe that quality professional development is a critical part of the development of the PE and School Sport Programme

Please take a little time to complete the evaluation form. The information that you provide will help us to continually develop and improve our training provision.

Course title:Venue:Date:


1. Pre course:

Did you receive information in advance that described the aims, purpose and format of the training provision?


If so, how helpful was this information in enabling you to decide whether the training is relevant to your needs?

Not at all 12345Very helpful

What other precourse information, if any, would have been helpful

2. Arriving at the course venue

How accessible was the course venue – location, parking and access?

Not at all 12345Very accessible

How welcome were you made to feel on arrival?

Not at all 12345Very welcome

About the training provision:

We measure the quality of our training provision against a set of standards, listed in the table below. Please indicate how you would score this training provision against these standards.

Poor Excellent

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The course is well organised, with evidence of good planning and preparation
The course is relevant to your learning needs
Course staff create a positive, professional learning environment, are helpful and supportive
Course staff communicate clearly and present information at an appropriate pace
Delegates are able to share ideas and learn from one another
Delegates are actively involved – through group discussions, activities and tasks
Delegates are given time to reflect on the things they are learning and are encouraged to apply their learning to their own work situation
Course staff are accessible throughout the day – for group or individual discussions
The course resources (handouts, publications) are of good quality and relevant to your learning needs
Learners special needs are met in a positive and inclusive manner

The learning outcomes for this particular course are listed below. Please indicate the extent to which these learning outcomes were met.

Not met Fully met

By the end of this course, teachers should have a basic knowledge and understanding of; / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The body schooling activities and use these activities to deliver safe, purposeful and fun learning activities that meet the requirements of the National Curriculum PE
‘RECIPE’ and how to apply this to achieve successful lessons
The introduction and progressive use of simple apparatus
Identify how they might incorporate this approach to enhance existing practice in their school

And finally,

Please give any additional feedback about the content or delivery of the course in the box below

Thank you.

Our quality improvement team may wish to ask you for further information about your evaluation of this course. If you are willing to receive a short phone call or email, please provide your contact details below.


Contact details:

Email address:

Work telephone contact details: