Longforgan Primary School Newsletter January 2015
- The children have been working on their annual Scottish culture topic which involves them in learning a Scottish poem and performing songs, poems and dances at the over 60s Club in the village. This is always very well received. This year the children will also be doing a similar performance for parents, relatives, friends 16.2.15 at 1.45 and 6.30pm alongside Longforgan’s Got Talent. As part of this work all children are involved in enterprise activities to help raise money to pay for the trips in the summer term.
- There have been students in Nursery and P4-7.
- The library and the mobile library have now moved to Fridays. This experience is very valuable for the children however there is the possibility that it will have to stop as we do not have enough parent helpers. If you feel you could give up an hour of your time on a Friday afternoon, to help please let me know. You will be working with other parents who will soon show you the ropes.
- The gymnastics team, coached by Pam Walker, continue to practise in preparation for their competition in February
- So far we have registered 17 children for starting Primary 1 in August 2015. If you know of anyone who has still to register please urge them to contact us.
- Nursery registration starts 9.2.15
- P5-7 are learning basic Mandarin and about Chinese culture from a visiting teacher each Monday. This seems to be very popular.
- We have held Open Doors
- P7 participated in a very exciting and whacky day learning about the dangers of smoking.
- A very big thanks to Aileen Johnson who trained a group of parents in Heartstart. If anyone else would like to do this but could not making the date arranged please let me know.
- There have been a number of meetings held in Longforgan and in Dundee schools regarding the proposed closure of Menzieshill High School. It is important that parents get involved in this consultation process. For further information please contact Lianne Laing, parent Council Chair.
- We have helda meeting for P2-4 parents. Feedback is that these meetings are very useful and we definitely see a positive impact on the children because parents get a better understanding of how school / curriculum works and how they can help at home. There areP1/ p5-7 meetings scheduled over the next few weeks.
- We have had the first of our talks from parents about their jobs. Children really learn and enjoy these so much so please volunteer to give a short talk about your job. It really isn’t difficult but very worthwhile. Let me know if you can help.
Parent Council
This was cancelled due to bad weather forecast.
Parking outside the school
A very big thank you to all parents who are supporting the initiative to keep our children safe. If relatives/ friends are collecting children can you remind them that they must not park in the hotel car park or in front of the hotel. We have had a few grandparents who have not been too happy when they have been asked to move.
This impacts negatively on the learning of the stressed, late child and also on the whole class as the teacher has to stop teaching and waste time repeating instructions and explanations. This is not fair on anyone. Please try to get your children into school by 8.55am. All late children must come in through the front door. They must not go directly to class through other doors. Lateness must be recorded and dinners done.
Fun House
The beginning of 2015 and Longforgan Funhouse continues to provide a variety of activities and we have a street dance instructor coming the first 2 Wednesdays in February, and if the children enjoy this this could become a regular activity.
We have now recruited a new Lead Practitioner for the Funhouse. Could we also again give a gentle reminder to parents to call the Funhouse office if children are not coming into the club but are already booked in, or also to avoid children turning up to the club when they are not booked in. This does cause a concern for us as staff are allocated for the amount of children and if we go over the amount we are not complying with Care Inspectorate regulations.
That would be greatly appreciated.If you are interested in using the after school club please email us or
Mother and Toddler Group
This group meets in the church hall on Mondays between 10.00 and 11.30am. They would love new members to join.
Dates for the Diary
2.2.15P1 Parent meeting 7.00pm 6.2.15UNICEF Day for Change
10.2.15Open doors for parents 3.15pm11.2.14Community Council meeting, Bowling Club, 7.00pm
11.2.15Parent Surgery (parents with apps only)13.2.15Dress down day for donations for event 16.2.15
16.2.15Longforgan’s Got Talent / Scottish entertainment / children’s enterprise stalls 6.30pm
18.2.15in-service day19/20.2.15 mid term holiday
18/19/20.2.15 Fun House open for children19.2.15 Post Office re-opens in Longforgan Shop
27.2.15Rag Bag collection (please put bags in early)2.3.15Parent Council 7.15pm
4.3.15P5-7 meetings inc trips discussions 7pm5.3.15Book Fair arrives – World Book Day
13.3.15Red Nose Day13.3.15Personal achievement homework to be in school 16.3.15 Open Doors for parents and children 3.15pm 26.3.15 Parent Surgery
28.3.15Spring Fair including children’s enterprise work30.3.15 Cycle Training bike check for P6
2.4.15holidays start 3.15pm