2015Professional Learning Community

Learning and Student Success Analytics


FLC Facilitators

Co-Facilitator: Todd Migliaccio, Professor, Department of Sociology

Co-Facilitator: Joel Schwartz, Senior Research Analyst, Office of Analytics and Institutional Effectiveness

Co-Facilitator: Lynn Tashiro, Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning

FLC Focus

The mission of the PLC/FLC is to mobilize teams of faculty and/or program directors/staff in a collaborative process to develop and implement a plan to evaluate a primary outcome of their class/program. The focus is to not just evaluate data at the end of the semester or program but rather to infuse data points throughout to evaluate student success early in the semester to be able to offer interventions if desired as well as to develop predictive measures for future semesters/years. This includes identifying and introducing threshold concepts and/or early warning measures for the courses/programs. Throughout the process, you will also develop a project that will be able to presented at a professional conference.

FLC Outcomes:

  1. Identify data sources relevant to the program/project/course.
  2. Identify threshold concepts/early warning factors
  3. Develop evaluative process for project/program/course outcome for both formative and summative data
  4. Identify and introduce intervention practices for student who do not meet/achieve identify goals
  5. Develop research protocol for professional conference (e.g. IRB)

FLC Deliverables:

  1. Key question/outcome to evaluate and data sources to help evaluate it.
  2. Inquiry project that evaluates student success and plans for intervention.
  3. IRB application
  4. Poster summarizing project

FLC Meetings:

Select TBA

Fall 2015 dates listed below.

Spring 2016 dates TBD.

FLC Tentative Calendar Year 2015:

Meeting / Date * / Topic and Tools / Homework /Activity/Deliverable Due
1 / Sept /
  • Introduction to FLC
  • Intro to Analytics and Data Sources
  • Brainstorm questions/outcomes and data sources
  • Start to develop concept/early warning factors plan
/ • Identify and discuss the ways data is used presently at the university; discuss other ways it can be used
• Introduction to Data analytics and student success
HW – Read article ??
2 / Oct / Conceptualize
  • Develop threshold concepts/early warning factors
  • Discuss program evaluation vs research: IRB process
/ • Discussion of article
• Discuss what are threshold concepts/early warning factors
• Working time for designing a concept/early warning factors plan
HW: Read Threshold article; Gender threshold article (optional)
Del. #1a due: Identify key question/outcome to focus on
3 / Oct / Real-world application
  • Example from Gender course
  • Identify key concepts and how to measure them
  • IRB application
/ • Group activity using examples from Gender course
• Working time
HW: Read article on data sources??
Del. #1b due: Identify data sources needed to evaluate question/outcome
4 / Nov / Data and Evaluation
  • Statistics: Correlation vs Causation
  • Qualitative data and analysis
  • Develop plan for integrating data into program/course/project
/ • Discuss different types of data that might be useful
• IRB process discussion
HW: Review IRB application (id key questions)
Del. #2a due: Key threshold concepts/early warning factors
5 / Dec / Intervention and Response
  • Identifying students in need of intervention
  • Discuss options of how to intervene
  • Collaborative work with other programs
/ • Discuss concepts/factors to be used
• Introduction to different types of interventions
• Work time to develop plan
Del. #2b due: Plan to introduce and then evaluate concepts/factors
6 / Feb / Integration
  • Discuss how data is gathered and what it will tell you (evaluation)
  • Collaborate on intervention plan
/ • Discuss integration of variables into program/course/project
• Group activity on intervention ideas and responses
• Working time on interventions
Del. #2b due: Plan to intervene, including directly, indirectly or collaboratively
7 / Mar / Evaluation and Intervention
  • Discuss findings, responses, limitations and struggles
/ • Discuss evaluation and Working time
• Creation of intervention plans that work with other groups
Del. #3 due: IRB application
8 / Mar. / Impact
  • Identify changes to course/project/program, both during the semester and in future semesters
/ • Discuss plan, difficulties
• Discuss IRB/research process
• Discussdebriefing protocols
9 / Apr. / Future
  • How to integrate data plans in other ways
  • What is needed?
/ • Report out on observations and data collection
10 / May. /
  • Culminating Event
  • Stipend Awarded upon completion
/ • Project presentations
Del. #4 due: Project Poster Summary

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