for office use

Department of Economics

University of Colombo, Sri Lanka


Study Programmes in Economics - 2018

/ Application Status
Academic Year
Application No.


/ Bank Accounts Number
MPhil / PhD in Economics / 304142500005
Masters in Economics / 304142600004
Master of Financial Economics / 304142700003
Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Development / 304142900001
Postgraduate Diploma (leading to Masters) in Tourism Economics and Hotel Management / 304143100006
Diploma in Travel and Tourism Economics and Hotel Management / 304143300004
Diploma in Micro Finance / 304143400003
Executive Diploma in Business and Financial Economics (EDBFE) / 304143500002
Certificate Program in Travel Tourism and Hospitality Management (CTTHM) / 304143800009

Please credit your application fee Rs. 2000/=to the University of Colombo main collection Account of Timbirigasyaya People’s Bank branch, under the relevant Bank Accounts Number.

Applicant’S Information

Last Name / Mr / Ms / … … … … / Initials
Names denoted by initials
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) / NIC No. (for Sri Lankan applicants)
Nationality / Passport No.

contact details

Mobile Phone / Other Phone / Fax
Mailing Address
Permanent Address (if different from above)


Post / Year of commencement
Official Address
Phone / Fax / Email

Previous Employment

/ list only the last 3 positions, starting from the most recent
1 / Post / Period (years) / To / From
Institution and Address
2 / Post / Period (years) / To / From
Institution and Address
3 / Post / Period (years) / To / From
Institution and Address

Higher or professionalEDUCATIon

/ list only the highest 3 qualifications (degrees, professional qualifications, diplomas etc), starting from the most recent
1 / Qualification obtained / Year
Class/Status / Duration / Medium
University / Institution
Major subject(s) offered
2 / Qualification obtained / Year
Class/Status / Duration / Medium
University / Institution
Major subject(s) offered
3 / Qualification obtained / Year
Class/Status / Duration / Medium
University / Institution
Major subject(s) offered

secondary education

/ not mandatory for postgraduate applicants
GCE (AL) or equivalent / Sri Lanka / London / Other (specify) / Year
School / Medium
(Subjects and Grades)
GCE (OL) or equivalent / Sri Lanka / London / Other (specify) / Year
School / Medium
(Subjects and Grades)

Other study programmes

/ if you are currently registered for any other study programme, provide following information
Study Programme / Registration No.
Starting Date / Ending Date
No. / Surname with Intials and postal address. / 1st Degree/ posgraduate qualifications and valid year of Certificate / Other Qualifications / Present Employment, address and Total work Experience / Land phone/ Mobile, Email
01 / Mr. Smith, JSK
No.25, Reid Avenue, Colombo 07. / B.Sc Mathematics & Economics,(Special) 2rd Class, University of London, 2005.
MA Human Recourse Management, Keele University, UK, 2009. / Associate Member, CIMA- United Kingdom, 2010.
International Diploma in Business Administration, Distinction, Thames, UK 2009. / Research Analyst,
ABC Securities (Pvt.) Ltd.,
500, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02
02 years / +112582666/ 0714289577
Your Ref. Number is 02. Please follow Mr. Smith of Ref. Number 01 and insert your information accordingly


/ provide following details of 2 non-related referees
1 / Name / Prof / Dr / Ms /Mr / Other
Designation / Institution
Phone / Email
2 / Name / Prof / Dr / Ms /Mr / Other
Designation / Institution
Phone / Email

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that the information provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I am prepared to abide by the rules and regulations governing the registration and award of degrees of the University of Colombo.
Signature / Date
  1. Applicants are advised to print 2 copies of the REFEREE REPORT form (page 4), fill in PART 1 and, hand over to the respective referees. The referees are requested to complete PART 2 and, send directly to the Administrator – PMU of the Department of Economics within 2 weeks after the closing date of the application.
  2. Applicants for MPhil/PhD Programme should provide a brief outline of the research project on a separate sheet and, attach to the application. The outline should includethe research topic or area, basic research issue and its importance and, should be less than 1 type-written page on an A4 sheet.
  3. Foreign Application fee is payable at the program registration.

Department of Economics

University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

referee report

Study Programmes in Economics

part 1

/ information filled in by the applicant
Study Programme applying for
Name of the Applicant
Name of the Referee
Application closing date
Dear Sir / Madam,
The above applicant mentions your name as one of the referees in his/her application for the proposed Study Programme in Economics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. I shall be grateful to you if you could kindly send (within 2 weeks from the application closing date) your confidential assessment of the applicant’s suitabilityand ability to follow this programme and your recommendation in the space given below.
Administrator – Programme Management Unit
Email: / Department of Economics, University of Colombo, Colombo 00300, Sri Lanka

part 2

/ confidential assessment by the referee
use additional sheets, if required
Signature / Date
Name / Designation
Email / Phone
1 / referee report | Department of Economics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka