You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council of the above parish, to be held at Burton on the Wolds Village Hall, on Tuesday3rd April 2018 at 7.30 p.m. to transact the following business:
Stephanie Massey, Clerk to the Parish Council 28th March 2018
- To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve the reasons given.
- Disclosures of interest, disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests or personal interests that may lead to bias, by the Parish Councillors to items on the agenda.
- To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th March2018.
- Questions/comments from the floor (limited to 15 minutes).
- Borough Councillor’s Report (Cllr J Bokor).
- County Councillor’s Report (Cllr R Shepherd).
- Police report.
- Correspondence from Cllr McDermott regarding the control and duration of Parish Council meetings.
- To make observations and agree any action on the following planning applications:
a)P/18/0591/2 8/10 Melton Road, Burton on the Wolds
b)P/18/0457/2 Brook Farm, Cotes Road, Barrow upon Soar – for information only.
c)P/17/1311/2 Land at Back Lane, Cotes – Planning appeal.
d)No notifications of decision received.
Items in italics are included for notification of decision
e)Update 17/01374/OUT Six Hills Golf Course, Six Hills, Old Dalby [external development]
f)Update P/17/2591/2 Loughborough Road, Burton on the Wolds
- To receive the clerk’s report including the playground safety checks reports.
- To receive reports from Councillors.
a)Plantation Management Committee – Cllr Best
b)Joint Neighbourhood Plan Committee – Cllr Shields
c)Playing Field Association – Cllr McDermott
d)Other councillors’ reports – for information only
- Business.
a)To consider arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting to encourage attendance with a view to recruiting more volunteers to various village working groups.
b)To approve the review of the system of internal control conducted by Cllr Best.
c)To consider the Gardening Club grant application.
d)To receive the draft Plantation Committee meeting minutes held on 20th March 2018.
e)To consider a request from the Village Hall Committee who wish to purchase and replace the vinyl flooring in the main room of the village hall and consider a suitable replacement.
f)To approve expenditure of £35.99 for the refitting of the gas pipe to the wall of the village hall.
g)To receive GDPR guidance from LRALC.
h)To consider a request of £300 for part funding of fixed costs for a community enhancement event taking place at Towles Fields on Sunday 1st July 2018.
i)To receive the minutes of the March Joint Soar Valley Villages minutes, agenda for the forthcoming meeting on 15th May 2018 and discuss attendance.
j)To receive consultation documents on Passenger Transport Policy & Strategy from Leicestershire County Council.
- Finance.
a)Financial update.
b)To approve the schedule of payments totalling £2061.39
- Correspondence for discussion.
a)Email from a resident regarding the bush on the roundabout and potential dangers to road users due to lack of vision.
- To agree items for inclusion in the press release.
- The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st May at 7.30 p.m. This will be preceded by the Annual Parish meeting at 7.00 p.m.
Members of the public are always welcome at meetings of the Parish Council.