St. Stephen’s School PTA Meeting

October 9, 2012

In Attendance:

Andrea Lovasi Wood HarrioH

Amanda Smith Cristiana Burns

Lisa Fougere Tyler Rutledge Maria Arsenault

Kelli Bishop Heather Cosgrove Smith Bonnie Batten

Martha Brown Cathy MacDonald June Bredy

Jenny Duck


1. Welcome

2. Review and Additions to Agenda


School board candidate meeting

Public health nurse

3. Review and Approval of September 11, 2012 Minutes


A motion was tabled by Kelli Bishop to approve the September 11, 2012 minutes

Seconded by Cristiana Burns

Motion approved

4. Update from Administration –Tyler Rutledge

·  Assessments completed for grades 3 and 6

·  Stadacona Band Student concert – held last week and it was awesome

·  Skip-a-thon – 19th October

·  Maureen MacDonald will be coming to the school on Oct 22nd

·  Theatre troupe will be presenting an anti-bulling workshop for the grades 4 to 6

·  Terry Kelly will be at the school on Nov 22nd – he comes with a great message of overcoming obstacles - Cost for this event is $690

5. Teacher Representative – Martha Brown

Martha asked the teachers if they used the movie copyright and the two that responded said they use it quite a bit and like it.

6. SAC – Lynn Hill

Lynn was absent so there was no update

7. Treasurer – Amanda Smith

$693.67 raised from the movie Brave. To date, $1,230.16 raised.

8. Update re: Sign and Outdoor Classroom

The sign is in place. The gravel has been added to the playground. The outdoor classroom is outstanding. Andrea is having difficulty connecting with the contractor as he is not returning calls. Tyler will contact HRSB about this to see if his contact can follow up with the contractor. All that is required at this point is to receive the quote. Andrea can then get the money from Jerry Blumenthal.

The upper elementary playground is in need of repairs. Bonnie will contact her old playground contact at HRM to see what the status is on getting these repairs addressed.

9. Review of Ice cream Social September 13 –

This was a very successful event. The grade 6 students really helped out with the setup and helped the teachers. For future we need to get pre-cooked burgers. Barbeque wasn’t working that great. Feedback that Tyler received was that people didn’t realize that there was a cost for the event. Maybe next year we could offer the ice-cream for free and charge for the other food items. There was a short discussion around purchasing a new BBQ.


Heather Cosgrove Smith tabled a motion to purchase a new barbeque (up to $400 including tax).

Seconded by Lisa Fougere.

Motion approved

June Bredy will look for a barbeque.

10. Review of Movie Night Brave – Sept 27

The movie was well attended. It was the best attended movie so far. We sold out of most food items.

11. Forum Bingo – Oct 18th

Coupons will go home tomorrow. We will sell raffle tickets that night at the forum on a basket full of scratch tickets ($100 value). Cost will be $2.00 a ticket or 3 tickets for $5.00.

12. Catalogue

Catalogues are enroute. They should arrive later this week. They will be send home next week and need to be returned by Nov 16th.

13. Halloween Sock Hop Oct 25

·  Jody confirmed she will be the DJ again this year. She would like a list of songs so she is prepared

·  Costume contest – different themes. Judging panel. 4 or 5 prizes. Judges wear badges

·  Smoothies, witches brew, chocolate milk and water

·  Sold out of most food items last year

·  Stick, stones and bones mix, chocolate pretzels, chips, pretzels, pizzas

·  low fat pumpkin cupcakes that kids can decorate

·  photo booth

·  Entry fee covers haunted house $3.00 per person/$10.00 per family

·  Grab bags – Heather and Andrea will coordinate

·  Candy apples

·  Glow sticks

14. Toy Bingo Nov 16

Send out a few reminders for toy bingo items. Grand prize – 3D DS or new Wii.

Tables already ordered for bingo.

Additions to Agenda

Ø  Candidates forum – Oct 11th at 7:00 – 52 Alex Street

Ø  Holiday Movie night – kids will vote (Polar Express, Elf, Arthur’s Christmas, Jack Frost, Grinch, Prep and Landing, Christmas carol (Muppet or Mickey Mouse version)

Ø  Public Health Nurse – there are no topics that we need her to discuss with the PTA

15. Adjournment to next meeting November 6

Adjourned 7:40 PM

Next meeting Nov 6, 2012