Learning Contract
Please complete the below questions prior to attending the course. The trainer will discuss it with you.
Completion of this form will help to ensure that you are attending the correct course for your needs and help you and your manager assess how the learning will be implemented in your job.
1. Title of course …………………………………………………………………………………… Course Code………………
2. Please list your personal objectives for attending this course and how this course will help you in your job?
3. Have you read the course objectives to see if this course covers the appropriate material for your needs? (Please circle)
Yes / No
Thank you, we value your comments
Course Validation Form
Course Title / Code:Course Date:
To help us improve the quality of the service that we provide, please answer the questions by ticking the relevant boxes and making any suggestions for improvements, overleaf. It is particularly important that we know whether the course met the stated objectives.
How did you hear about this course?
Thank you, we value your comments
Brochure Newspaper
SCC Intranet Line Manager
Other Learning Centre
Thank you, we value your comments
(Please state)
In Your View… / Yes / NoDid the course fulfil its stated aims and objectives?
Was the administration prior to the course efficient and effective?
Were you satisfied with the style of delivery?
Were the course materials useful for you?
Were you satisfied with the venue?
Would you recommend this course to someone else?
If you answered No to any of the above questions, please state your reasons.
Thank you, we value your comments
Action Plan
Action from learning
/ How will you implement the action in your work? / What do you need to make this happen? / Date you will do this by / How often will you review progress / Progress reviewed1.
Thank you, we value your comments
Behaviour Evaluation
Course Title: / Course Code:Date of course:
/ Date of Post Learning follow up:Name:
Describe one example of how you feel the course has helped you improve in the following areas:-
a) Quality of outcomes for customers (I put customers first)
b) Contribution to Performance Improvement (I deliver excellent results/make a real difference)
c) Team working (I work for a team that has no boundaries)
d) Personal Development (I learn, I adapt, I create)
Thank you, we value your comments