Lealholm Primary School

Lealholm, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 2AQ

Headteacher: Mrs H Ward Tel: 01947 897401


Web site: www.lealholm.n-yorks.sch.uk

3rd February, 2017

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Jack and the Beanstalk Reading Initiative Last week’s lucky winner of our reading initiative was Tommy and this week’s winner is Kaitlyn.

Chinese visit On Thursday last week we had some Chinese visitors in school to talk to the children about the Chinese New Year, 2017 is the year of the Rooster. This was an interesting afternoon with pupils asking various questions about the Chinese culture. The children also experienced Chinese food and had a lesson on how to eat with chop sticks. Thank you to Mrs Thomas and her students for organising this visit.

Kwik Cricket on Wednesday afternoon the junior cricket team took part in the kwik cricket tournament at Whitby Leisure Centre. “We played against Oakridge, Fylingdales and St. Hedda’s winning two matches but unfortunately losing one match. It was great fun to be playing cricket again” – by Robbie.

Safer Internet Day On Friday 10th February we will be taking part in Safer Internet Day. Please see www.saferinternet.org.uk where you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

World Book Day On Friday 3rd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. The children are invited to bring their favourite book into school and to dress up as a character from their book.

FOLS Burns Night Thank you to all the parents and teaching staff who helped at last week's FOLS Burns Night fundraiser, we made an incredible £797.44!!!! This money will directly benefit all the children in school, to be used towards swimming, trips etc and we are currently looking into replacing the wooden benches on the field. We have had nothing but positive feedback about the event, with people saying what an enjoyable evening it was and what an amazing team we had helping to make the event a success. Particular thanks must go to those who gathered/made/donated things needed, prepared the vegetables, set up the hall, helped cook and serve the food and even came back to clear up at midnight! - M Thompson.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers We are once again collecting the Active Kids vouchers which are now available to collect from stores, petrol stations and online until Tuesday 2nd May 2017.

Yours sincerely

H Ward


Key Dates- Spring Term


Monday 6th February Gymnastics – Ley Hall

Monday 13th February Gymnastics – Ley Hall

Friday 17th February Break up for half term 3.30 pm

Monday 27th February Dance begins on Monday afternoons


Thursday 2nd March Y5/6 Hockey

Wednesday 8th March Y3/4 Hockey

Tuesday 14th March Middlesbrough Theatre

Wednesday 15/22nd Y3/4 Multiskills

Friday 24th March Comic Relief


Tuesday 4th April Parents Evening

Thursday 6th April Spring Sale

Friday 7th April Egg Rolling

Holiday Dates 2017


Friday 17th February Close for half term 3.30 pm

Monday 27th February Return to School

Friday 7th April Close for Easter Break 3.30 pm

Monday 24th April Staff Training Day

Tuesday 25th April Return to School

Monday 1st May Bank Holiday

Friday 26th May Close for Half Term 3.30 pm

Monday 5th June Return to School

Friday 21st July Close for Summer Break

Holiday Dates 2017-2018


Monday 4th September Staff Training Day

Tuesday 5th September School Opens for Autumn Term

Friday 20th October Close for half term 3.30 pm

Monday 30th October Return to School

Friday 22nd December Close for Christmas Break 3.30 pm


Monday 8th January Staff Training Day

Tuesday 9th January School Opens for Spring Term

Friday 9th February Close for half term 3.30 pm

Monday 19th February Return to School

Thursday 29th March Close for Easter Break 3.30 pm

Friday 30th March Bank Holiday

Monday 16th April Staff Training Day

Tuesday 17th April School Opens for Summer Term

Monday 7th May Bank Holiday

Friday 25th May Close for half term 3.30 pm

Monday 4th June Return to school

Friday 20th July Close for Summer Break 3.30 pm