GEM Summer Internship 2017Application

(Completed Application should be emailed )

Applicant Information

*Last Name:*First Name: Middle Name:

*Date of Birth:Country of Citizenship:

*Address: *State: *Zip:

*Cell Phone: Home Phone:


Emergency Contact Information

Full Name: Maiden Name:

Address: State: Zip:

Cell Phone: Home Phone:

Please List All Information:

Name / Years / GPA
Elementary / N/A
High School / N/A

Are You Currently in School? Yes NoFull Time Student? Yes No

Level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate

Anticipated Date of Graduation:

Have You Ever Studied Abroad?YesNo

What Program?


Do You Speak Any Other Languages?Yes No

Language: Fluent Semi Fluent Basic

Fluent Semi Fluent Basic

Fluent Semi Fluent Basic

Computer/Software Skills: (highlight all that apply)

Windows Macintosh Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel QuickBooks Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesignOther:


Are You Currently Employed? Full-Time Part-Time Not Employed

Employment History
Company / Contact Information / Position / Dates
Professional References*
Name / Supervisors name and contact information (Email and/or Phone Number)

*References should not be a family member

Volunteer History
Organization / Role / Contact Information

Personal Information

Area of Interest: (highlight top three interests) Accounting ComputersBusinessFashion

Writing Computer Programming SalesMedicineFinance Law


Please list any community/professional organizations, honors and awards:

Activities relevant to the GEM Internship/Leadership Program:

Approximate dates of availability for internship

Start Date: Ending Date:

Approximate length of Internship: (desired # of weeks)


Please submit the following materials as part of your application package

  1. Resume: Attach a resume which lists relevant coursework, work experience, and other experiences that relate to the internship project which you are applying for. Email to
  1. Personal Statement: On a separate sheet please write a short proposal (maximum one page) stating: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this internship program? What do you hope to learn? What do you think will be the greatest challenge for your summer job? How does it relate your academic and career goals? Email to
  1. Unofficial Academic Transcript: Please provide a copy of your academic transcript for review. Transcripts can be found at theregistrar’s office at your respective University. Please attach a copy of your unofficial transcript to this application or email it to

Understanding the Acceptance Process

Please review the checklist below to understand the screening process for this program.

Completion of GEM Application Form

First Round: Interview with Career Services Network Staff

Second Round: Interview with Employer

April 6th 2017: Applicant will be notified if accepted into program

All applications must be submitted as a complete package. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

All applications will be reviewed by a panel made up of CSN and employer representatives.

Deadline for 2017GEM Internship Program is 2/29/16all applications must be submitted before then.

I certify that all of the statements in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false or incomplete answer may be ground for not considering me or for my dismissal.
