Jesus said – Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

As a Pastor I often get asked – what is God’s will in my life – does He want me to buy this or that, does He want me to go here or there. I usually answer that question, with a question – How is your relationship with God?

You see if you have a good strong relationship with one another, which obviously means you are spending some time with that person, you will learn through that relationship what that person wants and expects for you and from you. It is the same with God – if you are investing time in your relationship with Him, you will know His will in your life.

God loves us, even when we don’t invest in our relationship with Him. And there are things He tells us in Scripture, things He so much wants us to have in life. The scripture verse above is one of those things. God loves you, so He wants you to build your house upon the rock – upon Him and all His promises that He makes us in His word.

God loves you and He knows that storms are going to come in life. I remember when the most severe storm a parent could face hit a couple in a former congregation. Their six- year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Just six weeks after the diagnoses she was dead. Her dad spent those six weeks in prayer and bible study. He came to worship. He leaned on the congregation. Her mom hit the bottle and became angry and bitter toward God. After the funeral service, her mom told me she hated me, the church, and God and she would never see me again. She divorced her husband because he would not turn his back on God like she did.

Dad built his house on the rock and though he experienced a grief that is incomprehensible God saw him through it. He built his house on God and on His promises.

God has already seen your life. It’s like a movie. He sat there and watched it. So now because He loves you so much, He doesn’t leave you on your own, but He gives you His Son, Jesus. He gives you His word – we call it the Bible. He has given you His prophets, we call them Pastors and He has given you His church – we call it St. Michael’s. And His will for you is to build your life upon those things, for when the storm comes, and it will, you will not fall, but you will actually find that your house becomes stronger.

God loves you! Just accept that – and take what God, out of His love so much wants for you – a life built on Him and all the blessings that He will bring to that life.

God loves you!

Pastor Bob






Theme - “The Parables of Lent”

Written by Rev Dean Nadasdy and Rev Tim Eggebrecht

Wednesday March 4th held at St Michael’s/hosted by Trinity

Noon time written liturgy

Evening Time – Holden’s Evening Prayer

March 11th – held at St Michael’s/hosted by St Michael’s

Noon Time written liturgy

Evening Time - Evening Prayer

March 18th - held at St Michael’s/hosted by Trinity

Same as above

March 25th – held at St Michael’s/hosted by St Michael’s

The Evangelism Fellowship Team will be contacting you for help in providing food for our lunch and dinners.

Sunday Morning Bible Class

A Study of the Book of Jeremiah

Sunday March 1 – What Makes God Cry

Sunday March 8 – Can God Love Rags?

Sunday March 15 – How Certain Is Our Future?

Sunday March 22 – Can You Imagine A Different World?

Sunday March 29 – Will God Turn to Save Us?

(Lamentations 3:1-39)

All are welcome to attend this most interesting and provocative Bible Study

See you in the Fireside Room at 9am


Sunday March 29 – Palm Sunday

Processional Service with Palms

Thursday April 2 – Maundy Thursday Worship

10:10am and 7pm

Friday April 3 – Good Friday Worship

Noon and 7pm


·  On Sunday March 8th we spring forward – set your clocks one hour ahead before you go to sleep

·  March 17th we all get to be Irish. Happy St Patrick’s Day

·  March 20th – Spring begins on the calendar – we have been enjoying spring since January

·  The Jewish Holiday of Purim is March 6th

·  Our prayers and wishes go out to the new governor of Oregon – Governor Brown

·  For those who care – the Iditarod begins in Anchorage Alaska on Saturday March 7th – Go Aaron Biermeister!

·  Jesus is out in your neighborhood doing some amazing things – will you join Him?

Saint Michael’s Lutheran Church

March 2015 (Lent II – Palm Sunday)

Second Sunday in Lent – March 1

Celebrant: Bob Martinek

Deacon: Erika Muenich

Lector: Jan Albrecht

Organist: Richard Wrye

Communion Assistant: Joel Schuldheisz

Lead Usher/Greeter: Don Kranich

Sound: Tim Schweitzer

Sunday School: Beth Reinisch

Third Sunday in Lent – March 8

Celebrant: Bob Martinek

Deacon: Steve Reinisch

Lector: Kris Kuhn

Cantor: William Kuhn

Communion Assistant: Dave Albrecht

Lead Usher/Greeter: Marcia Wittrock

Sound: James Rykken

Sunday School: Karen Wrye

Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 15

Celebrant: Bob Martinek

Deacon: Joel Schuldheisz

Lector: Beth Reinisch

Cantor: William Kuhn

Communion Assistant: Beau Beoulieu

Lead Usher/Greeter: Steve Reinisch

Sound: Luis Segovia

Sunday School: Mary Schuldheisz

Fifth Sunday in Lent – March 22

Celebrant: Bob Martinek

Deacon: Norm Carlson

Lector: Karen Wrye

Organist: Richard Wrye

Communion Assistant: Joanne Carlson

Lead Usher/Greeter: Erika Muenich

Sound: Tim Schweitzer

Sunday School: Rachel Meagher

Palm Sunday – March 29

Celebrant: Bob Martinek

Deacon: Nolan Bremer

Lector: Caroline Tuchardt

Organist: Richard Wrye

Communion Assistant: Carol Wahlers

Lead Usher/Greeter: Joanne Carlson

Sound: Kris Kuhn

Sunday School: Beth Reinisch

Fellowship News & Events

Food Bank: Our next trip to the Food Bank will be from 9-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 21st. If you have questions, please contact Elvis Schweitzer.

Compassion International: We continue to collect OR 5 cent redeemable cans, plastic bottles and glass bottles to support Wilmer, our sponsor child through Compassion International. Bins are currently stored outside the building, outside the Fireside Room. Please contact Tim or Rachel Schweitzer if you have questions.

Cuisine and Company: On Sunday, March 22nd, we will have lunch at Tamale Boys, located just down the street from church at 1764 NE Dekum St. Their menu includes a large variety of tamales, tacos, burritos, quesadillas and more, all at a very reasonable price! Please contact Rachel Schweitzer if you have questions, would like to participate, or need transportation.

1st Thursday Community Cooking Group: We will meet on March 5th from 6-8 p.m. to make some Irish dishes! If you have questions or would like to RSVP, contact Rachel Schweitzer.

Soup Lunch and Supper During Lent: St. Mike’s is responsible for providing food for lunch and supper prior to lent services on March 11th and March 25th. Please contact Tim or Rachel Schweitzer if you are able to help purchase or prepare food.

Friends of Trees: Last year Friends of Trees contacted St. Mike’s to ask if they could use our space as home base for a day when they planted trees in the Concordia Neighborhood. They were thrilled with our space, and we were thrilled with the care and respect that they had for our space! We will be hosting them again this year on Saturday, March 14th from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

3rd Wednesday Youth Cooking Group: In February kids from our neighborhood came to learn how to make tacos and a fancy fruit parfait! The next planning meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 13th at 4 p.m. Please contact Rachel Schweitzer if you have questions about this group.

3rd Thursday Community Cook and Freeze Group: We will meet on March 19th from 6-8 p.m. to make beef lasagna and a vegetarian dish! If you have questions or would like to RSVP, contact Rachel Schweitzer.

C.N.A. Easter Egg Hunt: Help support our local neighborhood by helping with their annual Easter egg hunt! If you’d like to help stuff the eggs, you can do so on Friday, April 3rd at 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall at 2104 NE Alberta. If you’d like to help hide the 4,000 Easter eggs filled with candy, meet at 8 a.m. on April 4th at Fernhill Park (N.E. 37th and Ainsworth). Contact Rachel Schweitzer if you would like to help.

Easter Breakfast: Easter is the first Sunday in April—April 5th. As usual, we will serve a special Easter breakfast with pancakes, ham, eggs, fruit and beverages. Donations given will help to support Wilmer through Compassion International.

Sunday Coffee Hour

Thanks to all of you that participate in setting-up our Sunday coffee hours. We are hoping that more people would like to participate by signing up for a Sunday. The sign-up sheet is posted by the drinking fountain near the kitchen. Usually Pastor Bob sets up the coffee and tea for each Sunday so the main tasks involve bringing snacks, drinks, arranging the table and cleaning up afterwards. One does not need to do this alone. As many as three people can sign-up for a Sunday, thus making it quite simple. It does not need to be elaborate. The intent is to provide a treat with one’s coffee; it is not intended to be lunch. The fellowship that it creates is the most important outcome. So please consider participating on an occasional Sunday. Thank you.

Little Lambs Boutique

We are quickly approaching the second year anniversary of Little Lambs Boutique. You have been involved in blessing many families of babies, newborn through age two. There is one mother that comes nearly every time we're open-traveling from nearly Troutdale by bus and MAX. Let us be a blessing for years to come. We are in need of one volunteer to get us to 8 volunteers. That's only 2.5 hours every two months. We are also in need of baby wipes and diapers. Thank you for caring.

In Our Prayers This Month We Remember:

·  Ed Miller dealing with Cancer

·  Carol Wahlers and her family as they mourn Art’s passing

·  Reese Olson, facing serious medical challenges

·  Andrew Curtis, kindergartner, with aggressive cancer

·  Andy Schweitzer – deals with the challenges of daily life

·  Elvis Schweitzer – for strength to minister to Andy

·  Maureen Kranich dealing with illness

·  Carol Zuch dealing with illness

·  Helen Pape dealing with health issues

·  Betty Gregg dealing with health issues

·  Anne Clark recovering from surgery

·  Christa Spalteholz dealing with health issues

·  Pastor Bob dealing with MCI

·  Little Hero – Ann Clark’s grandson in Japan dealing with Leukemia

·  Bob Peck, Alison Tuchardt’s father dealing with health issues

·  Marie Bullock and family as they mourn Johnny’s passing

·  Do Wagner, our homebound member, now in hospice

·  Ron Carlson, Sharon’s husband, dealing with health issues

·  Lillian Martinek, Pastor’s mother, dealing with health issues

·  Vera Kolarik, Pastor’s Aunt, dealing with health issues

·  For St Michael’s and Concordia University as we work together in ministry

·  Our outreach efforts

·  For growth in God’s Kingdom here at St Michael’s

·  For God’s Guidance for the Congregation in the New Year

·  Concordia University as they search for a new campus Pastor

·  Zion Lutheran, downtown, in the Call process

·  President Linnemann dealing with the weight of his office as District President

·  For Pastor Gemedo sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Ethiopia.