LEADER – Arwain Sir Benfro FORM 3

Expression of Interest Form ID Code

Thank you for your interest in making an application to the Arwain Sir Benfro LEADER project. Applications are welcomed in Welsh or English. Applications submitted in either language will be treated equally.Please ensure you contact LEADER Arwain Sir Benfro before completing the following expression of interest form to ensure you are given a full explanation about the LEADER Themes. Once the form is completed please return If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Arwain Sir Benfro team on 01834860965.

  1. Name of Project

  1. Contact Person

  1. Organisation Name

  1. E-mail address

  1. Telephone Number

  1. Project Summary
(approx. 500 words)
e.g. what activities you intend to do, what difference you hope to make, who or what will benefit, why the project is needed and how you know this, how long it will take, how much it will cost, who will be involved?
  1. Project partnersengaged. What evidence of need do you have? e.g. engagement/ consultation activities?

  1. Identify under which LEADER theme does your project fit?
/ Theme 1: Adding Value to local identity and natural and cultural resources.
Theme 2: Facilitating pre-commercial development, business partnerships
and short supply chains.
Theme 3: Exploring new ways of providing non-statutory local services.
Theme 4: Renewable energy at Community level
Theme 5: Exploitation of digital technology
  1. Do you require any other resources other than financial supporte.g. staff support for consultation events?

  1. Financial Summary
List the anticipated costs:
Expenditure / Cost
1. / £
2. / £
3. / £
4. / £
5. / £
6. / £
Total Project Cost: / £
RDP funding (no more than 70% of the total): / £
Cash matchfunding / £
Contributed goods/services as matchfunding (NB shown under expenditure and income) / £
Total: / £
*Match funding can be in the form of cash or in kind contributions.
Please specify type of match funding:
Please tell us where you where you plan to gain match funding from, and if relevant, when you expect to hear whether you have been successful or not.
  1. Project Period
/ From: / To:
  1. Please consider possible Benefits, Outcomes or Impacts from developing the idea. If unknown please leave blank
/ No.
Number of feasibility studies
Number of networks established
Number of jobs safeguarded through supported projects
Number of pilot activities undertaken/supported
Number of community hubs
Number of information dissemination actions/promotional and/or marketing activities to raise awareness of LDS and/or its projects

Declaration by Applicant

I declare that the information contained in this EOI application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

PLEASE NOTE – You should not commence any work or expenditure until an Offer Letter is issued to you.

Date received
LAG ref:
Date contacted:
Proposal form: (Y/N)






The EOI project proposal will be scored using the following scoring scale:

Criteria / Weighting / Strong / Some / Poor/None / Comments
Is the activity eligible under LEADER? / No score
Does this project link clearly to the LEADER themes? / 25
Does the project respond to an identified need? / 15
How confident are you that this project will deliver on its targets and outcomes? / 15
Does the proposed budget seem sensible? Is the expenditure eligible? Is LEADER the most appropriate source of funding? / 10
State Aid considerations / Y/N
Does the support provide an advantage to the undertaking?
Does the support reduce the normal day to day operational running costs of the enterprise?
**Will the support cause displacement or distortion?
Do you consider that state aid arises from this particular activity?
Displacement = there must be sufficient growth or space in the market for a project.
Distortion = providing one undertaking with an advantage over the rest of the market.
Undertaking = An undertaking is defined as any entity, regardless of its legal status, which is engaged in economic activity and where there is a market in comparable goods or services. It does not have to be profit-making as long as the activity carried out is one which, in principle, has commercial competitors.It can include voluntary and non-profit-making public or public authorities when they are engaged in economic activity.Charities, universities, research institutions, voluntary entities, social enterprises and public sector bodies may therefore be deemed to be undertakings when they are engaged in economic activity. Support in favour of non-undertakings (i.e. entities which are not involved in economic activity) is not state aid.

Page 1 Arwain Sir Benfro, PLANED, The Old School, Station Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire. SA67 7DU

Y:\LEADER 2014-2020 MAIN\Pembrokeshire\FORMS\Arwain Sir Benfro - FORM 3 - LEADER-EOI-appli-form-eng-v2 18-02-2016.doc