03. Revues sans comité de lecture
Gaudin, R., Gary, C., Wery, J., Coulon, V., Cazes, E., 2014.Monitoring of irrigation in a Mediterranean vineyard: water balance simulation versus pressure chamber measurement. In: Braun, P, Stoll, M, Zinkernagel, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crop. Acta horticulturae, pp. 295-302.
Jagoret, P., Deheuvels, O., Bastide, P., 2014. S’inspirer de l’agroforesterie. Perspective 27.
Merot, A., 2013, La gestion écologique en vue d’une conversion biologique. Biofutur, 46-47
Lelièvre, F., Norton, M., Volaire, F., 2008.Perennial grasses in rainfed Mediterranean farming systems.Current and potential role. In: FAO-CIHEAM conference "Sustainable Mediterranean grasslands and their multi-functions" Elvas, Portugal, April 2008, pp. 137-146 Options Méditerranéennes.
Lelièvre, F., Satger, S., Volaire, F., 2008, Water use efficiency in a mild season and water cost of summer survival of perennial forage grasses in Mediterranean aeras. Options Méditerranéennes. FAO-CIHEAM conference "Sustainable Mediterranean grasslands and their multi-functions" 259-263
Satger, S., Ruget, F., Volaire, F., Brisson, N., Lelièvre, F., 2008.A model to simulate tiller dynamics of perennial forage grasses under severe Mediterranean. In: FAO-CIHEAM conference "Sustainable Mediterranean grasslands and their multi-functions" Elvas, Portugal, April 2008, pp. 269-273, Options Méditerranéennes.
Volaire, F., 2008. Morpho-physiological traits associated with drought survival in bi-specific perennial herbaceous swards. In: FAO-CIHEAM conference "Sustainable Mediterranean grasslands and their multi-functions" Elvas, Portugal, April 2008, pp. 357-360 Options Méditerranéennes.
Bastos da Veiga, J., Tourrand, J.-F., Quanz, D., Sist, P., Scopel, E., Margarida Alves, A., 2007, La longue marche de l'agriculture durable en Amazonie. La Recherche 406, suppl., 28-29
Kerveno, Y., Dupraz, C., 2006. Le blé et le maïs poussent à l'ombre des noyers. Réussir Céréales Grandes Cultures n°193, 28-29.
Lelièvre, F., 2006. Water use efficiency in Mediterranean types of Medicago sativa L. In: Eucarpia (Ed.) Eucarpia 2006: Breeding and seed production and organic agricultere, Perugia, Italie, 3-7 septembre 2006(1), pp. 279 - 283.
Masson, B., Dupraz, C., 2006. Agroforesterie : et au milieu des blés poussent les arbres. Agra-Valor n°141, 4-13.
Turini, T., Dupraz, C., 2006. Agroforesterie: bon pour l'environnement. Référence Environnement n°6, 30.
Dupraz, C., 2005. Agroforesterie, du côté des arbres. Chambres d'agriculture n°945, 18-19.
Dupraz, C., 2005. Agroforesterie, du côté des cultures. Chambres d'agriculture n°945, 16-18.
Dupraz, C., Liagre, F., 2005. Agroforesterie : l'adaptation des réglementations. Chambres d'agriculture n°945, 37-39.
Dupraz, C., Liagre, F., 2005. Agroforesterie et environnement, du local au global. Chambres d'agriculture n°945, 22-24.
Dupraz, C., Liagre, F., 2005. Présentation du programme SAFE. Chambres d'agriculture n°945, 13.
Liagre, F., Dupraz, C., Gavaland, A., Burnel, L., Sarthou, J.-P., Terreaux, J.-P., Guillet, P., Meghazi, A., 2005. Agroforesterie : produire autrement. Chambres d'Agriculture n°945, 12-42.
Valdés-Gomez, H., Celette, F., Fermaud, M., Cartolaro, P., Clerjeau, M., Gary, C., 2005. Comment évaluer l'importance de la vigueur végétative dans la sensibilité de la vigne aux maladies cryptogamiques ? Progrès agricole et viticole n°123, 243-247.
04. Communications à congrès sur invitation
Wery, J., Metral, R., Gary, C., Guilpart, N., Merot, A., Smits, N., 2013. Designing cropping systems with high productive performance and low use of pesticides: concepts, methods and knowledge, with illustration on vineyards. In: Pertot, I, Loriatti, C, Lescourret, F, Wolf, M (Eds.), Future IPM IN Riva del Garda, Italie 19-21 March 2013(Oral), p. 27.
Lelièvre, F., 2009. Analyse du changement climatique récent sur l'arc Péri-Méditerranéen et conséquence sur la production Fourragère. In: Changement climatique : Conséquences et enseignements pour les grandes cultures et l'élevage herbivore, Paris, France, 22 octobre 2009.
Lelièvre, F., Volaire, F., 2009.Current and potential development of perennial grasses in rainfed Mediterranean farming systems. In: First International Workshop on Summer Dormancy in Grasses, Ardmore USA.
Merot, A., Wery, J., 2009. Designing innovative cropping systems requires the simulation of its biophysical and technical components in interaction: illustration on vineyards. In: Farming System Design, Monterey, USA, 21-23 Août 2009, pp. 189-190.
Norton, M., Volaire, F., Lelièvre, F., Fukai, S., 2009.Identification and measurement of summer dormancy in temperate perennial grasses. In: First International Workshop on Summer Dormancy in Grasses, Noble Foundation Ardmore USA, Avril 2009.
Ruget, F., Satger, S., Volaire, F., Lelièvre, F., 2009. Moddelling tiller density, growth, and yield, of perennial grasslands in Mediterranean aeras with the STICS model. In: First International Workshop on Summer Dormancy in Grasses, Ardmore USA, 2009.
Shaimi, N., Al Faiz, C., Kallida, R., Volaire, F., 2009. Summer dormancy in ochardgrass : evaluation and characterization through physiological and genetic studies. In: First International Workshop on Summer Dormancy in Grasses, Noble Foundation Ardmore USA Avril 2009.
Soussana, J., Volaire, F., Le Dily, F., 2009. Impact des facteurs abiotiques et des changement globaux sur les réserves fourragères herbacées. In: UCBN, C I (Ed.) Les réserves végétales et leurs importances agronmique et sylvicole. Colloque INRA UCBN, Caen, 9-10 juin 2009.
Tittonell, P., Corbeels, M., Giller, K.E., 2009. The interaction between sub-optimally available resources for crop production as implemented in the simplified model FIELD. In: AgSAP conference Egmond aan Zee, Pays Bas, 10-12 mars 2009, pp. 238-239.
Volaire, F., 2009. Stratégies de survie aux sécheresses sérères : le cas des graminées pérennes. In: Seminaire d'ecologie et d'éolution, Montpellier, France, (oral).
Volaire, F., Norton, M., Lelièvre, F., 2009. Summer drought survival strategies and sustainability of perennial temperate forage grasses in mediterranean aereas In: First International Workshop on Summer Dormancy in Grasses, Noble Foundation Ardmore USA, Avril 2009.
Adam, M., Tittonell, P., Bergez, J.-E., Ewert, F., Leffelaar, P., 2008. From detailed to summary models of the crop-soil system for larger scale applications. In: 10th ESA Congress, Bologna, Italie, 15-19 september 2008, pp. 731-732.
Belhouchette, H., Louhichi, K., Flichman, G., Therond, O., Wery, J., 2008. Application of a Crop-Farm-Indicators modelling chain to assess the impact of the EU nitrate directive in the Midi-Pyrenees region. In: 10th ESA Congress,
Italian Journal Agronomie, Bologna, Italie, 15-19 september 2008, pp. 41-42.
Merot, A., Bergez, J.-E., Mailhol, J.-C., Isbérie, C., Charron, F., Capillon, A., Wery, J., 2008.Elaboration of a learning and testing simulation tool to improve water management - The Crau hay cropping system.In: 13ème Congrès Mondial de l'eau, IRWA, Montpellier, France, 1-4 September 2008(invite).
Tourdonnet de, S., Shili, I., Scopel, E., 2008. Utiilisation des mulchs vivant pour la maîtrise des flores adventices. In: Séminaire Cerrefour de l'innovation Agronomique, Dijon, France, Decembre 2008, pp. 43-48.
Adam, M., Leffelaar, P.A., Ewert, F., Rapidel, B., Corbeels, M., Wery, J., Van keulen, H., 2007. Developing a generic crop modelling framework: how to use expert knowledge to define crop models? In: Donatteli, M, J, H, A, R (Eds.), Farming Systems Design 2007 : An international symposium on Methodologies for Integrated Analysis of Farm Production Systems : book 2-field -farm scale design and improvement, Catania, Italy, 10-12 September 2007, pp. 241 - 242.
Blazy, J.-M., Carpentier, A., Ozier Lafontaine, H., Thomas, A., Tixier, M.S., Wery, J., 2007. Integrated ex ante assessment of agro-management innovations by combining crop, Farm and adoption models In: Donatteli, M, J, H, A, R (Eds.), Farming Systems Design 2007 : An international symposium on Methodologies for Integrated Analysis of Farm Production Systems: book 1-Farm-regional scale design and improvement, Catania, Italy, 10-12 September 2007, pp. 17-18.
Lelievre, F., 2007. Plant traits and crop management to limit the effects of water stress in Mediterranean agronomical situations. In: Workshop, M S (Ed.) Conference on Abiotic stress legumes Tunis-Tunisie March 2007.
Tixier, M.S., Malézieux, E., Dorel, M., Cote, F.X., Wery, J., 2007. How to design a model for prototyping cropping Systems? Example of SIMBA for Banana-Based Systems In: Donatteli, M, J, H, A, R (Eds.), Farming Systems Design 2007 : An international symposium on Methodologies for Integrated Analysis of Farm Production Systems: book 2-field -farm scale design and improvement, Catania, Italy, 10-12 September 2007, pp. 241 - 242.
Wery, J., Belhouchette, H., Therond, O., Bergez, J.E., Louhichi, K., Janssen, C., Flichman, G., Hengsdijk, N., Karstens, N., Van Ittersum, M.K., 2007. Integrated assessment of cropping systems using the SEAMLESS Integrated Framework: first application to a French region. In: ASA Congress, New Orleans LA, USA, 4-8 november 2007.
Wery, J., Ahlawat, I.P.S., 2006. Analysing and improving the role of grain legume in cropping systems: a system approach illustrated on chickpea in India and Europe. In: Karkwal, M (Ed.) Proceedings of the IVth International GESCO Viticulture Congress, New Dehli, India, 18-22 October, 2005.
Dupraz, C., 2005. Agroforestry biophysics : are trees and crops compatible? In: Conf. Communauté Européenne, Bruxelles, 30 mars 2005.
Dupraz, C., 2005. Agroforestry is taking roots in Europe; the SAFE project achievements. In: Smallholder Agroforestry options on degraded soils, Malang, Java, Indonesia, 22 August 2005.
Dupraz, C., 2005. Modelling silvoarable systems : the achievements of the SAFE project. In: Hellexpo 2005, Tessaloniki, Greece, 4 February 2005.
Nicolas, D., Malezieux, E., 2005. Les cultures pérennes : implications pour l'Ecologie du Paysage. In: Journée "Ecologie du Paysage", Montpellier, France, 3 mars 2005.
Bonin, M., Cattan, P., Dorel, M., Malezieux, E., 2004. L'émergence d'innovations techniques face aux risques environnementaux en culture de banane en Guadeloupe : entre solutions explorées par la recherche et évolution des pratiques. In: Les Entretiens du Pradel, "Agronomes et Innovations", Le Pradel, 8-10 septembre 2004, pp. 123-135.
Dupraz, C., 2004. Le point sur le succès de l'agroforesterie en France : Historique et développements récents. In: Colloque "Des arbres sur ma ferme", Drummondville, Québec, février 2004.
Dupraz, C., Liagre, F., Manchon, O., Lawson, G., 2004. Implications of legal and policy regulations on rural development: the challenge of silvoarable agroforestry in Europe. In: Parotta, J (Ed.) Meeting the challenge: Silvicultural Research in a changing world, La Grande Motte, France, IUFRO World Series (15), pp. 34-36.
Gary, C., 2004. Contribution des enherbements à la durabilité des systèmes de culture viticoles en régions méditerranéennes. In: Innovigne, Narbonne, France, 26 juin 2004.
Gary, C., 2004, Evaluation, design and control of sustainable horticultural cropping systems.XXVIth International Horticultural Congress. Acta Horticulturae 648, 45-51
Malezieux, E., Seguin, B., 2004. Changement climatique et adaptation des agrosystèmes. In: Colloque "Enjeux et perspectives de la recherche agronomique des pays en développement", Paris, France, 13 octobre 2004.
Malezieux, E., Seguin, B., 2004. Changement climatique et agriculture : évolution ou révolution ? In: Journée du Développement Durable (JDD 2004) - "Le changement climatique : risques ou opportunités", Montpellier, France, 18 juin 2004.
Scopel, É., Triomphe, B., Dos Santos Ribeiro, M.d.F., Seguy, L., Denardin, J.E., Kochhann, R.A., 2004. Direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) in Latina America In: New directions for a diverse planet : Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australie, 26 sep - 1 oct 2004.
Gary, C., Robin, P., 2003. Maîtrise des impacts des pratiques horticoles sur l'environnement : cahiers des charges, évaluation et pilotage. In: Colloque sur les impacts des pratiques horticoles sur l'environnement, Paris, France, 9 décembre 2003, Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France.
Séguy, L., Bouzinac, S., Scopel, É., Ribeiro, M.d.F., 2003. New concepts for sustainable management of cultivated soils through direct seeding mulch based cropping systems : the CIRAD experience, partnership and networks. In: Congresso Mundial sobre Agricultura conservacionista. - Ponta Grossa : FEBRAPDP, Foz de Iguaçu, Brésil, 23-28 september 2002(CD-ROM), pp. 352-361.
Dupraz, C., Liagre, F., Manchon, O., 2002.Agroforesterie, perspectives pour la France. In: Innov'agri 2002, 4 septembre 2002.
Seguin, B., Malezieux, E., 2002. Changements climatiques et effet de serre : quelles contraintes pour les agricultures du Sud ? In: "Agricultures du Sud face aux défis écologiques et économiques mondiaux : regards sur les rizicultures", Salon International de l'Agriculture, Paris, France, 25 février 2002, pp. CD-ROM.
Seguin, B., Malezieux, E., 2002. L'agriculture et la forêt contre l'effet de serre. In: Journée Nature, sociétés et développement durable, Montpellier, France, 29 août 2002, pp. CR-ROM.
Séguy, L., Scopel, É., Bouzinac, S., 2002. Manejo da materia organica no sistema de plantio direto : a experiencia no cerrado umido. In: Congrès national de la POTAFOS, Piracicaba, , Piracicaba, Brésil, 10-12 juillet 2002.
05. Communications à congrès avec actes
André, J., Molto, Q., Talbot, G., Dufour, L., Bourdoncle, J.-F., Sellier, A., Dupraz, C., 2014. Agroforestry silvoarable systems with pollarded walnut trees: first evaluation by modeling and field monitoring. In: World Agroforestry Congress, New Delhi, Inde, Fevrier 2014(Poster).
Cardinael, R., Chevallier, T., Barthès, B., Dupraz, C., Chenu, C., 2014.Soil carbon sequestration in a Mediterranean agroforestry system. In: 2nd European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany, 4-6 June 2014(Oral), pp. 7-9.
Grandgirard, D., Oheix, S., Leclercq, C., Lançon, L., Liagre, F., Dupraz, C., Mézière, D., Poulain, J.L., Wartelle, R., 2014. SCA0PEST, a pesticide-free agroforestry cropping system: ex-ante performance evaluation. In: 2nd European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany, 4-6 June 2014(Oral), pp. 35-38.
Jagoret, P., Malézieux, E., Todem Ngnogue, H., Michel-Dounias, I., 2014. The structure of complex cocoa agroforestry systems is the key of their resilience. . In: Study case of central Cameroon, Montpellier, France, 4-8 may 2014(Diaporama), p. 9.
Marrou, H., Ghanem, M.E., Sinclair, T.R., 2014. Crop simulation of grain legumes under drought: Take home messages for breeders and farmers in the Mediterranean and in the arid Tropics. In: 5th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC V) Saskatoon, Canada, 26-30 2014(Poster).
Mézière, D., Bachevillier, Y., Canet, A., Carlier, B., Grandgirard, D., Liagre, F., Dupraz, C., 2014. RMT "AgroforesterieS": a new Mixed Technological Network for agroforestry development in France. In: 2nd European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany, 4-6 June 2014(Poster), pp. 257-268.
Molto, Q., Dupraz, C., 2014. Is light competition between trees and crops a limiting factor for agroforestry systems at high latitudes? In: 2nd European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany, 4-6 June 2014(Oral), pp. 257-268.
Paris, P., Andre, J., Facciotto, G., Tosi, L., Nahm, M., Morhart, C., Douglas, G.C., Lunny, R., Dupraz, C., Graves, A., 2014. Alley coppice: an innovative land use system - options of system design with experimental evidence. In: 2nd European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany, 4-6 June 2014(Oral), pp. 59-62.
Allinne, C., Barquero, M., Romero-Gurdian, A., Savary, S., Avelino, J., 2012.Injury profiles in coffee are dependent on production situations: case studies in Costa Rica. . In: ASIC (Ed.) 24th International Conferences of coffee science, Costa-Rica 11-6 november 2012.
Cerda, R., Somarriba, E., Deheuvels, O., Nilheaus, L., Saenz, Y., Calvache, D., Villota, A., Martinez, C., Kent, J., Astorga, C., Say, E., Orozco, L., 2012. How to quantify the agroforestry production for family benefit. In: PCP Cameroon workshop - Comment évaluer les services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 27 pages, 24-26 Octobre 2012
Cerda, R., Somarriba, E., Deheuvels, O., Nilheaus, L., Saenz, Y., Calvache, D., Villota, A., Martinez, C., Kent, J., Astorga, C., Say, E., Orozco, L., 2012. Typology of cocoa-based agroforestry in Central America: the contribution of shade canopies to family benefit. In: 3rd INAFORESTA Symposium "Cocoa Agroforestry : sustainability and environment", Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 28 pages, 21-22 Octobre 2012.
Deheuvels, O., Cerda, R., Somarriba, E., 2012. Measuring tree height, shade and vegetation coverin cocoa-based agroforestry systems.In: PCP Cameroon workshop - Comment évaluer les services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 19 pages, 24-26 Octobre 2012.
Deheuvels, O., Cerda, R., Somarriba, E., 2012. The relations between diversity and vegetation structure in cocoa-based agroforestry systems. In: PCP Cameroon workshop - Comment évaluer les services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 29 pages, 24-26 octobre 2012.
Deheuvels, O., Soto, G., Cerda, R., Gutierrez, I., Andino, C., Molinares, B., Toro, J.J., Somarriba, E., 2012. Biodiversity of herpetofauna in Central American cocoa based agroforests. In: 3rd INAFORESTA Symposium "Cocoa Agroforestry : sustainability and environment", Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporana 27 pages, 21-22 Octobre 2012.
Delbac, L., Thiery, D., Smits, N., Roudet, J., Merot, A., Wery, J., Fernaud, M., 2012.New indicators for muti pests and diseases assessement in conventionnal organic and "in -Tansition" vineyard systems. In: ESA12 - 12th Congress of the European Society of Agronomy, Helsinki, Finlande, 20-24 august 2012, p. poster.
Gary, C., Wery, J., Metay, A., Dupraz, C., Merot, A., 2012.Vers une viticulture plurispécifique ? In: Perard, J, Perrot, M (Eds.), Les Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot 2011, Vignes, vins : jeux et enjeux de la diversité, Dijon, France, 6-8 octobre 2011(oral), pp. 319-323.
Gaudin, R., Gary, C., Wery, J., Coulon, V., Cazes, E., 2012.Monitoring of irrigation in a Mediterranean vineyard: water balance simulation versus pressure chamber measurement. In: 7th International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops held Geisenheim, Germany, 8 pages, 16-20 July 2012.
Jagoret, P., 2012. Estimation de la valeur d'usage des cacaoyères agroforestières. In: Manga, B, Jagoret, P, Ten Hoopen, M, Renoir, S (Eds.), Comment évaluer les services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 24-26 octobre 2012. diaporama (17 pages).
Manga, B., Jagoret, P., Ten Hoopen, G.M., Renoir, S. (Eds.), 2012. Comment évaluer les services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers ? - DVD - Actes du colloque du PCP agroforesteire Cameroun, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 24-26 octobre 2012. CIRAD-DSI, Montpellier.
Marrou, H., Wery, J., Dufour, L., Dupraz, C., 2012. Producing food and electricity in the same system Experimental evidence of AGRIVOLTAIC SYSTEMS potential. In: Proceedings of the XIIth ESA Congress, Helsinki, Finlande, 20-24 aout 2012(oral ).
Merot, A., 2012. Understanding the dynamics of technical and organizational changes in vineyard systems : conversion pathways towards organic farming. In: 10. European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, 1-4 july 2012(oral).
Merot, A., Barbier, J.M., Del'Homme, B., Alonso Ugaglia, A., 2012. What brings an adapted ESR-based integrated approach of the farm to support conversion to organic farming? In: 10. European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, 1-4 july 2012, p. oral.
Merot, A., Gary, C., Wery, J., 2012. Up-scaling from field to farm scale: analysis of the conversion pathways to organic farming to support farmers. Application to vineyard systems. In: Proceedings of the XIIth ESA Congress, Helsinki, Finlande, 2 pages, 20-24 August 2012(oral).
Merot, A., Wery, J., Gary, C., Smits, N., Capillon, A., Metay, A., Bouisson, Y., Polge de Combret, L., Guilpart, N., Barbier, J.M., Bonicel, L., Thiéry, D., Deliere, L., Cartolaro, P., Fermaud, M., Le Cadre, E., Villenave, C., Coll, P., Del'Homme, B., Ugaglia, A., Duchenne, T., Constant, N., Forget, D., 2012. Analyse Intégrée des Dynamiques de conversion vers la viticulture biologique. In: 5èmes journées vigne et vin, Montpellier, France, 5 avril 2012, p. Présentation AIDY.
Metay, A., 2012. Chickpea yield and biological nitrogen fixation in a Mediterranean agroforestry system as influenced by tree rows orientations orientation. In: 12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Helsinki, Finlande, 20-24 Aout 2012.
Metral, R., Lafond, D., Gary, C., Merot, A., Wery, J., 2012. How to design and experiment new cropping systems with low pesticide inputs for perennial crops: framework development and application to vineyards. In: Proceedings of the XIIth ESA Congress, Helsinki, Finlande, 20-24 August 2012(oral), pp. 92-93.
Polge de Combret, L., Champart, L., Guilpart, N., Merot, A., Gary, C., Capillon, A., 2012. Passage à la viticulture biologique : attention à l’état structural des sols.. . In: 5èmes journées vigne et vin, Montpellier, France., 5 avril 2012, p. Présentation.
Querné, A., Harmand, J.M., Zeller, B., Dufour, L., Dupraz, C., Wery, J., 2012. Introducing N2 fixing species to improve the nitrogen balance in agroforestry systems: field and modeling approach. In: First conference of EURAF Bruxelle, Belgique 9-10 octobre 2012 (poster).
Somarriba, E., Deheuvels, O., Cerda, R., 2012. Carbon stocks in agroforestry systems with cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). In: 3rd INAFORESTA Symposium "Cocoa Agroforestry : sustainability and environment", Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 34 pages, 21-22 Octobre 2012.
Somarriba, E., Deheuvels, O., Cerda, R., 2012. Designing cocoa shade canopies: trading-off productivity, biodiversity and carbon storage. In: 3rd INAFORESTA Symposium "Cocoa Agroforestry : sustainability and environment", Yaoundé, Cameroon, diaporama 46 pages, 21-22 Octobre 2012.
Wery, J., Coll, P., Delbac, L., Guilpart, N., Fermaud, M., Metay, A., Smits, N., Thiery, D., Merot, A., 2012. Indicating processes and performances of agrosystems: a framework based on a conceptual model and its use in vineyards fields. In: 12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Helsinki, Finlande, 20-24 aout 2012(oral), pp. 198-198
Arevalo, B., Declerck, F., Deheuvels, O., Delgado, D., Velasquiez, S., 2011. The influence of habitat complexity and landscape context on the biodiversity conservation value of cacao agroforests in Waslala, Nicaragua. In: Quito, Ecuador Biodiversity friendly cacao : creating a certification, diaporama 34 pages, 15 novembre 2010.
Cerda, R., Somarriba, E., Orozco, L., Deheuvels, O., Astorga, C., Say, E., Villalobos, M., 2011. Importancia del componente arbóreo como sumidero de carbono en sistemas agroforestales de cacao en centroamérica. In: VII th Congreso Forestal Centroamericano, Managua, Nicaragua, diaporama 24 pages, 29 juin-30 juillet 2011.
Deheuvels, O., Soto, G., Decker Franco, M., Bravo, J.-C., Cerda, R., Rousseau, G.X., Say, E., Orozco, L., Astorga, C., Villalobos, M., Somarriba, E., 2011. Bosques tropicales y sistemas agroforestales basados en el cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao): cual rol para la conservacion de la biodiversidad? .In: VII th Congreso Forestal Centroamericano, Managua, Nicaragua, diaporama 21 pages, 29 juin-30 juillet 2011
Delmotte, S., Lopez Ridaura, S., Goulevant, G., Mouret, J.-C., Le Page, C., Chauvelon, P., Sandoz, A., Barbier, J.M., Wery, J., 2011. Combining different modelling approaches for a participative assessment of alternative agricultural systems at different scales. In: 5. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Brisbane, Australie. 4 pages, Septembre 2011(oral).
Guilpart, N., Metay, A., Gary, C., 2011. Indirect estimation of nitrogen reserves contribution to annual growth of grapevine. In: Novello, V, Bovio, M, Cavaletto, S (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th international Giesco Symposium, Asti, Italie, (oral), pp. 171-174.
Lafond, D., Coulon, T., Metral, R., Merot, A., Wery, J., 2011.EcoViti : a systemic approach to design low pesticide vineyards. In: IOBC, Lacanau, France, 2-5 octobre 2011.
Lamanda, N., 2011. Evaluation agronomique et conception de systémes de culture agroforestiers. In: Conférence donnée à l'Université de Yaoundé, Cameroun, diaporama 83 vues, mai 2011(oral).
Lamanda, N., Wery, J., 2011. Trade-offs between production and tree biodiversity in coffee agroforests of Guinea and their contribution to landscape resilience and farmers livelihood. In: Adaptability to Climate Change and Attaining the Millennium Development Goals for Tropical Ecosystems”, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 June 2011 (oral).
Marrou, H., 2011. How can lettuce maintain high productivity in the shade of solar panels? In: ASA Congress, San Antonio, Etat Unis, diaporama 20 pages, 16-19 october 2011(oral).