Frederick D. Bunsen: cv and artistic development 2007
Frederick DanielBunsen
Vita and artistic development
born February 8, 1952 in El Paso, Texas USA
art expertise: painting/graphics, intallation, culture management, systems theory
academic degrees: B.S. (USA), B.A. (USA), M.A. (DE), Professor (RO)
Higher Education
1970-1975Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon USA
Academic Degrees:
Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, German 1976
Bachelor of Science, cum laude, Fine Arts und Art Education 1976
1973-1974State Academy of Fine Arts (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste), Stuttgart, Germany, Professor Günter Böhmer
1974-1976University of Stuttgart, exchange program between Oregon State University USA and University of Stuttgart: German and European art history, stipend of Oregon State University 1974 und 1975
1974-1980Master of Arts (equiv) State Academy of Fine Arts (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste), Stuttgart: painting, graphics and architectural arts (fresco, Kunst-am-Bau). Final examination: Studies under Professors Hugo Peters, Rudolf Haegele, Herwig Schubert, and KHR Sonderborg
Scientific Work
1986-1998 Ongoing cooperation and publication with system theoretic, Niklas Luhmann concerning concepts of form and differentiation in contemporary art (a.o. joint publication 1990, Haux Publishing House, Bielefeld, Germany)
Professional Occupation
1982Co-Founding of artists association „Die Gruppe“ Leonberg, Germany with fellow artist, Andras Markos
1991Founding of artists association „Künstler in Halle 24 Urbach“ e. V. Urbach, Germany
1995Founding artists association „Stonehinge“ e. V. Winnenden, Germany
Business Occupation
1996Founding Spacetime Publishing International: Internet Publishing
1992-2001Art work represented a. o. by Gallery G. Walz Stuttgart and Frankfurt
since 2001Art work represented by Glaskasten Intermedia Romania, Gallery Concept Art Budapest, Cooperation: Gallery Obrist Essen
since 2007Cooperation:Gallery Aphold Basel, Switzerland
1994-2006Managing director of Glaskasten Intermedia Limited (Leonberg)
Art Instruction
1984-1988Instructor at City Art School of Herrenberg, Städtischen Kunst-Schule for anatomy and general art education
1996-2003Various painting workshops in Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania, Germany
1998 3rd place listing of selection committee (Berufungsverfahren) for position of artistic foundations in graphic design an at University (Fachhochschule) of Print and Media, Stuttgart, Germany
1998-2000Lecturer for theory of art communication at Freien Kunstschule, Stuttgart, Academy for Art and Design
2000 (WS)Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Dies Akademicus, Art and Theology in Dialog (Lecture at the Schirn, Museum for Modern Art, Frankfurt): Zur Bilddidaktik des Künstlers oder Das Bild als Selbstverständnis
2001-2002Lecturer for theory of art communication and contemporary painting at the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca /Klausenburg, Romania
since 2002Professor, painting, and theory of art communication and system theory at the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca /Klausenburg, Romania
since 2005Instructor at City Art School of Herrenberg, Städtischen Kunst-Schule
Professional Engagement
2000Culture-Delegation to Romania
1996-2002 Vice-president VBKW, association of professional German artist, county chapter Rems-Murr, Germany
2001-2002Board member of executive committee BBK, state association of professional German artists, Landesverbandes Bildender Künstler Baden-Württemberg
since 2002Initiation of university exchange program between University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca /Klausenburg, Romania, and University of Applied Science, Schwaebisch Hall, and College of Community Education VHS, Herrenberg, Germany, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart
2004Initiation of artist exchange Böblinger Kunstverein and Klausenburg, Romania
2004-2005Art director Freie Kunstschule Knittlingen
since 2005Art advisor, Youth and Art Society Herrenberg
since 2007Founding, Art School Ammerbuch
Continuing Education
1974-1975Lithography-Workshop Erich Monch, Tübingen, Germany
1994 Lithography-Workshop Tabor Press, Berlin
1991-1992 International relations, ongoing art studies in Prague, Czech Republic: atelier, guest teaching at the Prague City Art School
since 1992 Ongoing work-study in lithography studio, Nalors Grafika, Vác, Hungary
1993-1998Ongoing work-study, and exhibition series in museums of Warsaw, Lódz and Breslau, Poland
since 2001Atelier and ongoing work-study in Transylvania, Romania
Publications by the artist
- Bunsen, Frederick: Autopoiesis of a Journey, in: Gheorge Bus (publisher), Imagine artistica si creativitate visual-plastica. Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2003.
- Bunsen, Frederick: Zur Bilddidaktik des Künstlers oder: Das Bild als Selbstverständnis, in: Thomas Schreijäck (publisher), Pas d’image – Kunst erschließt Welten und die Theologie. Mit Beiträgen von Frederick Bunsen, Iris Gniorsdorsch, August Heuser, András Markós, Thomas Schreijäck, Hellmut Seemann, Rainer Warland. LIT Verlag Münster – Hamburg – London 2007.
- Bunsen, Frederick (publisher): Das Schweigen der Farbe: Zum Rhythmus eines Dialogs. Mit Beiträgen von Helge Bathelt, Michael Krämer, Karl-Heinz Minz, Joachim Scheu. Nalors Grafika, Vác, Hungary 2002.
- Bunsen, Frederick: Eine durch differenziertes Beobachten berührte Erkenntnis, in: Theodor M. Bardmann/Dirk Baecker (publisher), Gibt es eigentlich den Berliner Zoo noch? Erinnerungen an Niklas Luhmann. Universitätsverlag, Konstanz, Germany 2000, 32-39.
- Renz, Peter/Bunsen, Frederick: Bunsen. Nalors Grafika, Vác, Hungary 1994.
- Luhmann, Niklas/Bunsen, Frederick/Bathelt, Helge: Bunsen. Nalors Grafika, Vác, Hungary 1993.
- Luhmann, Niklas/Bunsen, Frederick D./Baecker, Dirk: Unbeobachtbare Welt. Über Kunst und Architektur. Verlag Cordula Haux, Bielefeld, Germany 1990.
- Bunsen, Frederick (publisher): „ohne Titel“. Neue Orientierungen der Kunst. Mit Beiträgen von J. A. Adelmann v. A., A. Biesinger, F. Bunsen, N. Luhmann, K.-H. Minz, H. Röttgen, W. Schneider, Th. Schreijäck. Echter Verlag, Würzburg, Germany 1988.
- Bunsen, Frederick: Die Vermarktung des Genies ist sein Beweis, in: Kulturzeitschrift ZYMA (Sindelfingen), 3/1985, 19 f.
Publications about artist and work (German)
- Weber, Sylvia C., Land auf, Land ab, Karlsruhe und Stuttgart im Kaleidoskop der Sammlung Würth, Swiridoff Verlag , Künzelsau und Autoren, Künzelsau 2004. 77-78.
- Urban, Wolfgang, in: Tangenten, Alte und Neue Kunst aus dem Diözesanmuseum Rottenburg, Schwabenverlag mediagmbh, Stuttgart 2004, 20.
- Publication: Spektrum zeitgenössischer Kunst im Rems-Murr-Kreis, einer Sonderbeilage der SWN Kreissparkasse Waiblingen zum Jahresbericht 2003.
- Bubolz, G., Methodenhandbuch. Spuren Gottes - vom Unbedingten reden. Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf 2004. Tiefgründige Interpretationen von Bunsens Bilder "Trinität" von 1986.
- Gebauer, Emanuel: Kunst-Installation in der St. Karl Borromäus Kirche, in: Das Münster, Neue Kunst, Heft 3/1999, 258-263.
- Artikel „Bunsen“, in: Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. Band 15, 150. Verlag K. G. Saur, München-Leipzig, Germany 1997.
- Bubolz, Georg: Spuren Gottes – Vom Unbedingten reden. Akzente Religion, Unterrichtswerk für den evangelischen Religionsunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II, Band 4. Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany 1995 u. ö., 33 und 101.
- Sudbrack, Josef: Überlichtetes Dunkel des Schweigens, in: ders., Der göttliche Abgrund. Bilder vom dreifaltigen Leben Gottes. Echter Verlag, Würzburg 1991, 49-52.
- Meinhard, Johannes: Alogische Bildräumlichkeit. Katalog, Mercedes-Benz AG 1991.
- Wesner, Rudolf: Frohnatur mit kritischem Denken, in: LIVE (Stuttgart) 1/1986, 74.
- Bathelt, Helge/Hüer, Heinz/Schmidt-Wulffen, Stefan u. a.: Die Gruppe. Verlag Gebr. Metz, Tübingen 1984, 32-35 und 45-49.
- Röttgen, Herwarth: Epitaph und Epistel. Zur Kunst Frederick Bunsens. Katalog. Universität Stuttgart 1984.