
Margie Clark / HHS / 1461
Rachel Gleason / Student
Derik Redding / Tech Career / 1324
Eric Glohr / Auxiliary Services / 1797
Mary Brown / Science / 1115
LeAnn LaFay / Physical Plant / 5299
Lonnie Arens / Physical Plant / 1818
James Gray / ARAMARK / 9952
Jennifer Bastianelli / ARAMARK / 9950

Meeting Minutes:

1.  Sustainability Advisory Committee Meetings dates for the remainder of 2011-2012 are listed below. All meetings in Room 200, Administration Building, LCC downtown campus from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month.

·  March 15, 2012

·  April 19, 2012

·  May 17, 2012

·  June, July, August – No meetings.

2.  Remaining “Calendar of activities” for the 2011-12 Academic Year.Each activity builds upon the next activity.

4/25/12 / Committee / Combining Earth Day with Spring Fling – “Dumpster Diving” – We will have building “teams” this year. This is from 11:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
4/27/12 / Committee / Eco Scholars Program – West Campus 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Poster displays and presentations in auditorium.

3.  Couple Earth Day event with the Spring Fling because too many activities scheduled. Earth Day is Sunday April 22, 2012. Suggested activity for Earth Day is the NASA view of earth and make poster to heighten awareness and promote campus “clean up/flower beds, etc.” with contracted lawn service for the college and solicit volunteers from Student Life organizations. Have a sign-up by organization to take a block of time from 8-4 during the day at one-hour intervals. Students will work on areas on campus under the direction of one of the “contracted” lawn service folks or someone from Student Life. We will break for the “dumpster dive” and lunch activities.

4.  Posters will be disseminated for the Eco Scholars event. Decision made to not have posters on this campus because it would detract from the West Campus program. Eco Scholars Program presentations begins at 12:00 in the auditorium followed by 12:30 – 3:30 pm poster presentations on display.

5.  2012 Recycle Mania Tournament was kicked off on February 5th. This national event runs for 8-weeks through the last week in March. After the first week, 326 pounds of cardboard was recycled. LCC is measuring the recycling from the cafeteria through ARAMARK as a benchmark for future measurement, and potentially going campus-wide.

6.  HHS Medical Locked Storage students will apply the labels to the Slim Jim containers.

7.  Phil Mikus confirmed that glass can be added to the receptacles labeled plastic and aluminum. Granger will accept mixed recycling containers: all glass, plastic, and aluminum in one receptacle. Utilizing a single stream for recycling, yellow bins by loading docks in TLC, A&S, Gannon and AOF. These are all single stream recycling containers.

8.  Physical Plant takes large loads of Styrofoam to Dart for recycling. If you have a large quantity of Styrofoam, please call Physical Plant at x1808 when you need load picked up.

9.  Lonnie located a business that will accept Styrofoam peanuts after checking multiple sites---persistence paid off! UPS will accept the Styrofoam peanuts and pick them up at our location.

10.  Discussion about sending out a campus communication related to “recycling” on campus and to update our sustainability website.

11.  Next meeting: March 15, 2012, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Admin 200.

Beckie Beard

Chair, LCC Sustainability Advisory Committee