Created by Elaine Baker - Ladyfingers April, 2014
Materials needed
#1 and #3 DP needles
Fingering yarn - Main color (MC)
Metallic sparkly eyelash yarn - Contrast Color (CC)
Strapless Dress - Mint Green with Mint Green Eyelash Trim
With #1 DP needles and MC, cast on 16 stitches.
Work 3 rows in seed stitch or garter stitch.
Next Row: Knit 1, increase in next stitch, Knit 12, increase, Knit 1 = 18 sts.
Purl 1 Row.
NOTE: For a nice edge, KNIT the first and last stitches on the purl rows.
Next Row: Knit 1, increase, Knit 14, increase, Knit 1. Purl back.
Continue to knit and increase until there are 34 stitches on the needle.
Purl back, PLACING MARKERS to decrease down to the waistline, as follows:
Purl 4, place marker (PM), Purl 10, PM, Purl 6, PM, Purl 10, PM, Purl 4.
Next Row: Knit 4, slip marker ( SM), Slip 1-Knit 1-Pass Slip Stitch Over Knit Stitch (will read as: Sl-K1-PSSO), Knit 6, Knit 2 together, SM, Knit 6, SM, S1-K1-PSSO, Knit 6, S1-K1-PSSO, Knit 4, Knit 2 together, SM, Knit 4 = 30 stitches.
Next Row: Knit 4, SM, S1-K1-PSSO, Knit 4, Knit 2 together, SM, Knit 6, SM, S1-K1-PSSO, Knit 4, Knit 2 together, SM, Knit 4 = 26 stitches.
Knit in stockineTtE stitch (Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row) on these 26 stitches until garment is at waistline - approx. 4 more rows.
DO NOT REMOVE MARKERS. You will now begin to INCREASE for hips.
Knit across, increasing BEFORE first marker, AFTER second marker, BEFORE third marker, and AFTER 4th marker - 4 stitches increased = 30 stitches.
Continue to increase in this manner until there are 42 stitches on the needle.
Next Row: Increase by knitting in front and back of EACH stitch across the row.
Work 6 rows in stockinette stitch.
Work 2 rows in eyelash trim.
Next Row: Increase by knitting and increasing in every stitch across the row.
Work 6 rows in stockinette stitch.
Work 2 rows in eyelash trim.
Next Row: Increase by knitting and increasing in every stitch across the row.
Work 6 rows in stockinette stitch.
Work 2 rows in eyelash trim.
Continue until there are 5 or 6 rows of mint green eyelash trim. Stockinette stitch for 6 rows, then bind off. Sew back seam.
REMINDER: This is a strapless gown. Be sure to tightly sew the back seam so the dress fit’s the doll snugly across the bodice and doesn’t fall down while being worn by the doll - so embarrassing!
STRAPLESS GOWN: Lavender with purple metallic trim
Follow instructions above until hipline is completed. Continue in stockinette stitch for 18 rows.
Row 1: Increase in every 5th stitch across the row.
Row 2 & 3: Work 2 rows in garter stitch with metallic eyelash. Continue with Rows 1-3 until you have 5 or 6 rows in metallic eyelash - bind off. Sew back seam.Mint Green Long Gown with Mint Green Eyelash Trim
Lavender Gown trimmed with Purple Metallic Eyelash
Elaine Baker
Santa Ana, CA