3001 S. King Dr., Apt. 1502
Chicago, IL60616-3188 / Phone (312) 842-1789

Laurence F. Friedman

Work experience / 2004 – presentIllinois Institute of TechnologyChicago, IL
Senior Lecturer in Physics
Co-Director, Masters in Health Physics Program
Co-director of Internet professional masters program in Health Physics. Teach courses in Statutes, Standards, and Regulations and Case Studies in Health Physics.
1998 - 2004retired
1997 - 1998Bureau of Radiological HealthNew York, NY
Responsible for the regulation of all medical and academic uses of x-ray units and radioactive materials within City, including licensing, inspection, and enforcement.
1996 - 1997retired
1993 - 1996MK-Ferguson of Oak Ridge Co.Oak Ridge, TN
Health Physics Manager
Managed Health Physics Departmentfor construction management contractor at five Department of Energy facilities. Supervise up to sixty employees (seasonal). Built program from scratch. Broke DOE performance-evaluation-rating records for two consecutive half-year evaluation periods.
1991 - 1993SAICOak Ridge, TN
Health Physics Consultant
Performed critical reviews of MMES RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Work Plans and other RCRA/CERCLA documents for DOE Paducah office. Reviewed decommissioning plan from fuel facility licensee for the NRC. Provided written assessment to NRC. Resolved deficiencies directly with licensee.
1989 - 1991Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Assistant Director, Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program.
Program performs independent verification, characterization, and other surveys for the DOE and NRC. Supervised the activities of five Project Leaders, the Technical Resources Manager, the Director of Analytical Services (first- or second-line supervisors) and the Office Manager. Project manager, editor, and one of the principal authors of the NRC's manual on site-assessment surveys in support of license termination, used nationally by both DOE and NRC for five years (still in use).
1977 - 1989Nuclear Regulatory Comm.King of Prussia, PA
Senior Health Physicist
Specialized in the inspection of and review of applications for materials licenses. Ran program which assessed the adequacy of the licensee's calibration of cobalt-60 teletherapy machines. Drafted Standard Review Plan for the review of applications for Type A licenses of broad scope. Drafted manual for enforcement correspondence and Notices of Violation. Supervised decommissioning of facilities and performed assessment surveys to confirm licensee's termination survey.
1974 - 1977Yale/New HavenHospitalNew Haven, CT
Health Physicist
Radiation Safety Officer for 900-bed teaching hospital. Responsible for all aspects of radiation safety program at hospital, including human research. Co-authored landmark paper on calibration of mega-voltage teletherapy machines.
Accreditations / Certified by American Board of Health Physics (Comprehensive), 1980.
Recertified through December 2013.
Education / 1957 - 1962Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroy, NY
Ph. D., Physical Chemistry
1951 - 1955University of WisconsinMadison, WI
BS, Chemistry
1962 - 1962Radioisotope Training CenterRehovot, Israel
Seven-week course in radioisotope techniques.
Publications / Holeman, G.R., K.W. Price, L.F. Friedman, and R. Nath, “Neutron Spectral Measurements in an Intense Photon Field Associated With a High-Energy X-ray Radiotherapy Machine,” Medical Physics 4, 508 (1977).
Nath, R., L. Friedman, and R.J. Schulz, “A Comparison of Plastic and Water Phantoms for Absorbed-Dose Calculations and High Energy X-rays,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 23, 1093 (1978).
Berger, J.D., Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination, NUREG/CR-5849, (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1992).
Languages / Hebrew. Speak fluently, read, write, type.
French: Read, can understand and be understood.
German: Read, can understand and be understood.
Arabic: Rudimentary.
Security clearance / Q clearance through 1996.
Civil service grade / GG-14/5