Icelandic Transport Authority / Compliance list operations manual, part b aeroplane operating matters type related / FRD-015
Date: 09.12.2013
Issue: 3.0

The Compliance listisbased Commission Regulation (EU) No965/2012,25 October 2012


Latest Operations Manual Part B revision dated:

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Contents of the compliance list

This compliancelist isatoolforthe Operator and ICETRAto prepare and check the required OperationsManual.

Eachlinecontainsareferencetoone ormorerequirementsspecified in Regulation 965/2012tocalltheuser’sattention when determining orcheckingtheOperations Manualreference. The OperationsManual mustuse theheadings andsubheadingsgiven inAMC3 ORO.MLR.100as applicable,which areintroduced inthecolumnREQUIREMENT. Thetextin theREQUIREMENT columncan only beashort description of theoriginaltext,sothe user is supposedtoread the whole textineach paragraph mentioned. Thecorrelation between paragraphsandthe Operations Manual shall be enteredinthe columnOM-Breference. If an paragraph is not applicabletothe Operator,N/Ashouldbemarked and/or comment specified.

The columnCOMMENTS is for user notes and declarations if needed.

The columnSTATUSis fortheAuthority to note when the applicableregulationand OM reference isinaccordance with therequirements, if applicableandacceptable. Alllines inthis compliance list shouldhave a remark eitherstatingwhich OM reference is concerned,or N/Aif not applicable.

This compliancelist isatoolNOTreplacingtheoriginal Regulation. The usershouldread andchecktheitems inaccordancewiththepublishedRegulationinforce.

Operators are requested to fill out the form properly and return via email in Word format to ICETRA.

OPS Paragraph / Requirement / Comments / OM-B Reference / Status
Part B / 0 General information and units of measurement
ORO.MLR.100(k) / The operator shall ensure that all personnel are able to understand the language in which those parts of the OM which pertain to their duties and responsibilities are written. The content of the OM shall be presented in a form that can be used without difficulty and observes human factors principles.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (a)(A)(0)(0.1)(d) / Explanationsand definitionsof terms and wordsneeded forthe useofthemanual.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(A)(0)(0.2)(b) / Arecordofamendmentsandrevisionswith insertiondates and effective dates.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(A)(0)(0.2)(e) / Alistof effective pages or paragraphs
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(0)(0.1) / Aeroplane dimensions.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(0)(0.1) / Adescription of theunitsof measurement used
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(0)(0.1) / Conversion tables forthe units
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(0)(0.1) / Aeroplane Generalinformation.
OPS Paragraph / Requirement / Comments / OM-B Reference / Status
Part B / 1 Limitations
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(a) / Certification status (e.g. EASA (supplemental) type certificate,
environmental certification, etc.);
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(b) / Passenger seatingconfiguration for each aeroplane typeincludingapictorial presentation.
Annex I Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to V / Themaximumpassengerseatingcapacity of an individualaeroplane,excluding crewseats established during the certification process conducted for the type certificate (TC), supplemental type certificate (STC) or change to the TC or STC as relevant to the individual aircraft, the MOPSC may establish an equal or lower number of seats, depending on the operational constraints.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(c) / Typesof operationthat are approved (e.g. VFR/IFR,CATII/III,RNPType,flight in known icingconditionsetc).
Themaximumdistancefromanadequate aerodromedeterminedinaccordancewith CAT.OP.MPA.140
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(d) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
Including crewcomposition.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(e) / Massandcentreofgravity.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(f) and CAT.OP.MPA.140 / Speed limitations(according toAFM)and theone-engine-inoperative cruisespeed
determined inaccordance with CAT.OP.MPA.140
An operatorshalldetermine aspeed for thecalculation of themaximumdistance to an adequate aerodromefor eachtwo-engined aeroplane type or variantoperated, not exceeding VMO,based uponthetrue airspeedthat the aeroplanecanmaintainwith one-engine-inoperative.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(g) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
Including Flightenvelope(s).
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(h) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations including wind limitsincludingoperations oncontaminated runways.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(i) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
including performancelimitations for applicableconfigurations.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(j) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
including runway slope.
Correction factors for runwayswith slopesinexcess of 2% require the acceptanceof Authority.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(k) / Limitations on wetorcontaminated runways.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(l) / Adescription of thecertified limitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
including airframecontamination.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(1)(1.1)(m) / Adescription of thecertifiedlimitationsandthe applicableoperationallimitations
OPS Paragraph / Requirement / Comments / OM-B Reference / Status
Part B / 2. Normal procedures
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(a) and CAT.OP.MPA.175 / The normalproceduresand duties assignedto thecrew,theappropriate check-lists, the systemfor useof thecheck-lists and astatementcovering the necessary coordination proceduresbetween crew members.
The following normalproceduresand dutiesmust be included: Pre-flight. CAT.OP.MPA.175 Flight preparation
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(b) andCAT.OP.MPA.265 / Normal procedures and duties must includepre-departure;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(c) / Normal procedures and duties must include altimetersettingandchecking;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(d) / Normal procedures and duties must include Taxi,Take-Off and Climb;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(e) and CAT.OP.MPA.130/131 / Normal procedures and duties must includeNoise abatement; Noise abatementproceduresaccording CAT.OP.MPA.130/131.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(f) / Normal procedures and duties must includecruise anddescent;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(g) andCAT.OP.MPA.300 / Normal procedures and duties must includeapproach, Landing preparation and briefing;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(h) / Normal procedures and duties must includeVFR Approach;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(i) / Normal procedures and duties must includeInstrumentapproach;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(j) / Normal procedures and duties must includeVisualApproachandcircling;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(k) / Normal procedures and duties must includeMissedApproach;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(l) / Normal procedures and duties must includeNormalLanding;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(m) / Normal procedures and duties must includePost Landing;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2)(n) / Normal procedures and duties must includeoperation onwetand contaminated runways.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2) / The system foruseof thecheck-lists.
(e.g. procedure formissedcheck-listreading)
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2) / Cooperation between flight crew.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(2) / Astatement coveringthe necessary coordination proceduresbetween crew members.
OPS Paragraph / Requirement / Comments / OM-B Reference / Status
OM-B / 3 Abnormal and emergency procedures
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(a) / The abnormaland emergency procedures anddutiesassigned tothe crew.
Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmustinclude CrewIncapacitation;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(b) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include Fireand Smoke Drills;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(c) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Unpressurisedand partiallypressurisedflight;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(d) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Exceeding structurallimits suchas overweightlanding;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(e) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Lightning Strikes;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(f) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Distress Communications and alertingATCto Emergencies;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(g) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
engine/burner failure;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(h) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(i) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Guidancefor Diversionincaseof Serious TechnicalFailure;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(j), CAT.OP.MPA.290 and CAT.IDE.A.150 / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Ground ProximityWarning, including for helicopters audio voice alerting device (AVAD) warning;
When undue proximity to the ground is detected by a flight crew member or by a ground proximity warning system, the pilot flying shall take corrective action immediately to establish safe flight conditions;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(k) and CAT.IDE.155 / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
ACAS/TCAS warning for aeroplanes/audio voice alerting device (AVAD) warning for helicopters;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(l) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(m) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Emergency Landing/Ditching;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3)(n) / Abnormaland emergency proceduresand dutiesmust include
Departure contingency procedures.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3) / The system foruseof thecheck-lists.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(3) / Astatement coveringthe necessary coordination proceduresbetween crew members.
OPS Paragraph / Requirement / Comments / OM-B Reference / Status
OM-B / 4.PERFORMANCE(Performance classes are defined in Annex I. The operator responsibilities are set out in this implementing rule.;otherwise N/A)
4.1 Performance Class A aeroplanes
CAT.POL.A.105(a) / An operatorshallensurethat themassof the aeroplane:
(1)Atthestart of thetake-off; or, inthe event of in-flightre-planning
(2)in the event of in-flight replanning, at the point from which the revised operational flight plan applies, shall not be greater than the mass at which the requirements of the appropriate chapter can be complied with for the flight to be undertaken. Allowance may be made for expected reductions in mass as the flight proceeds and for fuel jettisoning.
CAT.POL.A.105(b) and CAT.POL.A.200(a) / The approved performance data contained in the AFM shall be used to determine compliance with the requirements of the appropriate chapter, supplemented as necessary with other data as prescribed in the relevant chapter. The operator shall specify other data in the operations manual. When applying the factors prescribed in the appropriate chapter, account may be taken of any operational factors already incorporated in the AFM performance data to avoid double application of factors.
The approved performance data intheAeroplane FlightManualis supplemented as necessary with other dataif the approved performance Data intheAeroplane FlightManualis insufficient.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1.1) / Supplementary data covering flights in icing conditions. Any certified
performance related to an allowable configuration, or configuration deviation, such as anti-skid inoperative must be included.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1.2) / If performance data, as required for the appropriate performance class, is not available in the AFM, then other data should be included. The OM may contain cross-reference to the data contained in the AFM where such data is not likely to be used often or in an emergency.
CAT.POL.A.105 / Anoperatorshalltakeaccount ofcharting accuracy when assessingcompliancewith the take-off requirementsof the applicableChapters.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.0) / Performancedatamust be provided inaforminwhich it can beusedwithoutdifficulty.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(a) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofTake-offclimb limits –mass, altitude, temperature;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(b) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of Take-off field length – for dry, wet and contaminated runway conditions);
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(c) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofnetflightpath data for obstacleclearancecalculation or, where applicable,take-off flightpath;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(d) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofthe gradient losses for bankedclimbouts;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(e) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of en-route climb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(f) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of approachclimb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(g) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination oflanding climb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(h) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofLanding field length of dry, wet and contaminated runwaysincluding theeffects ofanin-flight failure ofasystemor device,ifitaffects the landingdistance;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(i) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of brake energy limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(j) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of Speeds
applicablefor thevarious flightstages(alsoconsidering dry, wetorcontaminatedrunways).
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(a) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding Allengineclimb gradients;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(b) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding drift-down data;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(c) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding effectof de-icing/anti-icingfluids;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(d) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding flightwithlanding gear down;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(e) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding for aeroplaneswith 3 ormore engines, one engine inoperativeferry flights;and
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(f) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding flights conducted under theprovisionsof the CDL.
CAT.POL.A.205(b) / An operatormust meet the requirements listed in CAT.POL.A.205(b) when determining the maximumpermittedtake-off mass.
CAT.POL.A.205(c) / Whenshowing compliance with CAT.POL.A.205(a)above,an operatormusttake account of the variableslisted in CAT.POL.A.205(c).
CAT.POL.A.210(a) / An operatorshallensurethat the nettake-offflight pathclearsall obstaclesby a verticaldistance ofatleast 35ft or by a horizontaldistance ofatleast90mplus0,125 xD,where D is the horizontal distance theaeroplane has travelledfrom the endof the take-offdistance availableor theend of the take-offdistance ifaturnis scheduled before the end of thetake-offdistance available. (See alsoCAT.POL.A.210(c)).
CAT.POL.A.210(b)(1) / Take-off obstacleclearance: Anoperatormust takeaccount of thefollowing:
(i)Themassof the aeroplane at the commencement of the take-offrun;
(ii)The pressure altitudeat the aerodrome;
(iii)The ambient temperature at theaerodrome;and
(iv)Not more than50%of thereported head-wind componentor notless than 150% ofthereported tailwind component.
CAT.POL.A.210(b)(2-7) / Take-off obstacleclearance:
(2)Track changes shall notbeallowed up to the pointat which thenettake-offflight path has achieved aheight equalto one half the wingspan butnot less than50 ft above the elevation of theend ofthe take-offrunavailable.Thereafter,up toa height of400ft it isassumed that the aeroplane is banked by nomorethan15°. Above 400ft heightbank angles greater than15°,butnotmorethan 25°may bescheduled;
(3) Any partof the net take-off flightpathinwhichthe aeroplane isbanked bymore than15°must clear allobstacles within the horizontaldistances specified in subparagraphs(a), (b)(6) and (b)(7) and by a vertical distance ofatleast 50ft;
(4)An operatormust usespecial procedures, subject totheapprovaloftheAuthority, to apply increased bankanglesof not morethan 20° between 200 ftand 400 ft,ornot morethan 30° above 400 ftin accordance with CAT.POL.A.240.
(5)Adequate allowancemustbemade for theeffectofbank angleonoperating speedsandflightpath includingthe distanceincrements resultingfromincreased operating speeds.
(6) For cases where the intended flight path does not require track changes of more than 15°, the operator does not need to consider those obstacles that have a lateral distance greater than:
(i) 300 m, if the pilot is able to maintain the required navigational accuracy through the obstacle accountability area; or
(ii) 600 m, for flights under all other conditions.
(7) For cases where the intended flight path requires track changes of more than 15°, the operator does not need to consider those obstacles that have a lateral distance greater than:
(i) 600 m, if the pilot is able to maintain the required navigational accuracy through the obstacle accountability area; or
(ii) 900 m, for flights under all other conditions.
CAT.POL.A.210(c) / An operatorshallestablishcontingency procedures tosatisfy therequirements in (a) and (b) andto provide asafe route,avoiding obstacles, to enable the aeroplaneto either comply with theen-route requirements of CAT.POL.A.215,orlandateitherthe aerodrome of departure or atatake-offalternate aerodrome.
CAT.POL.A.215 / The net flightpathforEn-route–One EngineInoperative.
CAT.POL.A.220 / The net flightpathforEn-route– AeroplanesWithThree Or More Engines, Two Engines Inoperative
CAT.POL.A.220(a) / The landing mass of the aeroplane determined in accordance with CAT.POL.A.105(a) shall not exceed the maximum landing mass specified for the altitude and the ambient temperature expected for the estimated time of landing at the destination aerodrome and alternate aerodrome.
CAT.POL.A.230 / Landing –Dry Runways.
CAT.POL.A.235 / Landing –Wet and contaminated runways.
CAT.POL.A.200 / For wet and contaminated runways, performance data determined in accordance with applicable standards on certification of large aeroplanes or equivalent shall be used.
CAT.POL.A.235 / When the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts indicate that the runway at the estimated time of arrival may be contaminated, the LDA shall be at least the landing distance determined in accordance with (a), or at least 115 % of the landing distance determined in accordance with approved contaminated landing distance data or equivalent, whichever is greater. The operator shall specify in the operations manual if equivalent landing distance data are to be applied.
CAT.POL.A.230(b) / For steep approach operations, the operator shall use the landing distance data factored in accordance with (a), based on a screen height of less than 60 ft, but not less than 35 ft, and shall comply with CAT.POL.A.245.
CAT.POL.A.245 / SteepApproach procedures.
CAT.POL.A.250 / ShortLanding Operations.
Part B / 4.2Performance class B aeroplanes
CAT.POL.A.105(a) / An operatorshallensurethat themassof the aeroplane:
(1)Atthestart of thetake-off; or, inthe event of in-flightre-planning
(2)in the event of in-flight replanning, at the point from which the revised operational flight plan applies, shall not be greater than the mass at which the requirements of the appropriate chapter can be complied with for the flight to be undertaken. Allowance may be made for expected reductions in mass as the flight proceeds and for fuel jettisoning.
CAT.POL.A.105(b) / The approved performance data contained in the AFM shall be used to determine compliance with the requirements of the appropriate chapter, supplemented as necessary with other data as prescribed in the relevant chapter. The operator shall specify other data in the operations manual. When applying the factors prescribed in the appropriate chapter, account may be taken of any operational factors already incorporated in the AFM performance data to avoid double application of factors.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1.2) / If performance data, as required for the appropriate performance class, is not available in the AFM, then other data should be included. The OM may contain cross-reference to the data contained in the AFM where such data is not likely to be used often or in an emergency.
CAT.POL.A.105 / Anoperatorshalltakeaccount ofcharting accuracy when assessingcompliancewith the take-off requirementsof the applicableChapters.
CAT.POL.A.300 / Limitations onthe operation of single-engine aeroplanesshallbeinOM-Bchapter
(a) The operator shall not operate a single-engined aeroplane:
(1) at night; or
(2) in IMC except under special VFR.
(b) The operator shall treat two-engined aeroplanes that do not meet the climb requirements of CAT.POL.A.340 as single-engined aeroplanes.
Note:Limitationsontheoperationof single-engine aeroplanesarecoveredby
CAT.OP.MPA.136If single-engineaeroplanesare used, surfaces are availablewhich permitasafeforced landingtobeexecuted.
CAT.POL.A.340 / Take-off and Landing Climb performanceforclass B aeroplanes.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.0) / Performancedatamust be provided inaforminwhich it can beusedwithoutdifficulty.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(a) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofTake-offclimb limits –mass, altitude, temperature;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(b) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of Take-off field length – for dry, wet and contaminated runway conditions);
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(c) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofnetflightpath data for obstacleclearancecalculation or, where applicable,take-off flightpath;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(d) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofthe gradient losses for bankedclimbouts;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(e) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of en-route climb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(f) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of approachclimb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(g) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination oflanding climb limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(h) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination ofLanding field length of dry, wet and contaminated runwaysincluding theeffects ofanin-flight failure ofasystemor device,ifitaffects the landingdistance;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(i) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of brake energy limits;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.1)(j) / Performancematerialmustbeincluded to allowthe determination of Speeds
applicablefor thevarious flightstages(alsoconsidering dry, wetorcontaminatedrunways).
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(a) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding Allengineclimb gradients;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(b) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding drift-down data;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(c) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding effectof de-icing/anti-icingfluids;
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100(a)(B)(4)(4.2)(d) / Additional performancedatawhere applicableincluding flightwithlanding gear down;
CAT.POL.A.305(a) / The take-off mass shall not exceed the maximum take-off mass specified in the AFM for the pressure altitude and the ambient temperature at the aerodrome of departure.