Physical Education Department
Block Plan
Name: Beka Fredrickson
Teacher Candidate(s):
Skill(s):Kin-ball – basic rules and skills (catching, serving, and keeping in play)
Day 1:Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Start the students off with a game of popcorn while seated. (Omnikin ball cannot touch the ground)
Intro: Brief the students on what will be taught in today’s lesson.
Lesson focus: Being comfortable with the omnikin ball. Practice teams throwing to the opposing teams and then the defense must try to catch or keep in play with any technique they want.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 2:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Popcorn game while moving in a circle. (Omnikin ball cannot touch the ground)
Intro: Show the students the visual aid that states the cues on hitting the ball.
Lesson focus: Continue having the students familiarize themselves with how the ball works. Break off into groups of fours and have one student throw the ball up while the other three try to catch it using teamwork. (3 groups will be using fitness balls, so switch out the Omnikin ball evenly throughout lesson) Switch out players and modify depending on how many students are in the class.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
Day 3:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Balloon toss. Give each student two balloons and they must all work together in keeping them all off the ground.
Intro: Brief the class of today’s lesson.
Lesson focus: Receiving strategies. All players must be touching the ball before it is served. Start students off in 3 even teams and have them try to keep the omnikin ball off the ground passing within their groups and learning each other’s strengths.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 4:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Jump rope for cardiovascular endurance (Kin-ball need lots of cardio)
Intro: Show a one minute video clip of kin-ball being played.
Lesson focus:Basic rules of Kin-ball. Give the students the omnikin ball and three basic guidelines to allow themselves to discover how kin-ball is played.
-Three guidelines (1) The ball cannot hit the ground (2) all players must touch the ball before it is served (3) if your team color is called out you must receive the ball
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s):Give a quiz at the end of class that asks for the 3 rules we went over in class today.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
Day 5:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Body ball. Pass and receive the omnikin ball using all body parts except hands.
Intro: Show visual aid introducing all different ways to keep the omnikin ball in play using different body parts.
Lesson focus:Keeping the ball in play. Have students practice kicking and hitting the ball towards other team players in order for them to catch the ball before it hits the ground. Explain what the term ‘cell’ means.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 6:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Body ball. Pass and receive the omnikin ball using all body parts except hands.
Intro: Review from the last 5 classes. Discuss the basic rules and the term ‘cells’.
Lesson focus:Positions on the floor during a game and basic game play rules. Divided into teams have the students position themselves into cells (modified because of # of students). Using cells play a quick game of serving and receiving while incorporating competition by having the 3rd team race back to their corner before the Omnikin ball is caught. Continue to work on catching, serving, and keeping the ball in play.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s):Use a checklist to observe each student as they play these activities.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
Day 7:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Bump the most. Put students into groups and have the students compete to get the most consecutive passes without the omnikin touching the ground.
Intro: Brief the students on today’s lesson.
Lesson focus: Kin-ball game trial using all lessons taught. See how it goes and what needs more practicing. Have students in three teams and play for 6 minutes. Switch teams and try again.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 8:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Jump ropeto increase cardiovascular endurance.
Intro: Discuss the game played last class, what went right and what went wrong.
Lesson focus: Rules more in depth and strategies for scoring points. If a team drops the ball or commits any other fault, both of the other teams receive a point:
1. Letting the ball touch the ground
2. Hitting the ball out of bounds
3. Serving the ball in a downward direction
4. Serving the ball less than six feet
5. Serving the ball for your team twicein a row.
Trial game if time permits.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
Day 9:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Popcorn game. See if the students have improved since the first day of this unit.
Intro: The official colors of the teams are pink, gray, and black. The serving team calls out one opposing team to receive by yelling “Omnikin” plus the team color in French (rose, gris, or noir). Have students practice saying the colors in French.
Lesson focus:Team work. Have the students try a game with only 3 team members. It may be possible but it is much more difficult. Have the teams gather together and discus if they have been playing with strategy and team work. Have them write out a short list of each group’s members strengths. Then have them use those strengths in coming up with a team plan on where each student should place themselves on the court.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s):Have the student’s asses their teammates. Give a sheet that has 5 traits on the top and a scale of 1-5for each group member.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 10:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:Two minute game to see who can score the most within the time.
Intro: Review the official colors of the teams in French. (rose, gris, and noir)
Lesson focus:Serving. Break the teams up and have them practice serving the ball to specific spaces on the court. To get a point you must serve farthest away in order to increase difficulty for the defense team. Each member of the team must serve 5 times. Have the class practice serving now to each other team rather than their own.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
Day 11:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:Have the students get into their groups and serve 2 times each.
Intro: Brief the students on today’s lesson.
Lesson focus:Play Kin-ball for 6 minutes. Have teams meet after and discuss what they could do to play better. Have music and let the students play again. Video tape them.
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class. / Day 12:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:Have the students get into ‘cells’ and have two students in the middle. Try to keep the ball in play using all body parts. This is not about scoring it is about working as a class.
Intro: Have the students watch the video from last class.
Lesson focus:Todays lesson students will incorporate all previous lessons learned into a game setting. Students will be placed on teams, they will play till 5 points are scored and then the teams rotate and play another game. Students will be able to use all of the skills that they learned since the beginning of the unit
Fitness component: The students will be participating in cardiovascular activity while running to the omnikin ball and practicing the basic skills.
Assessment(s): Watch as the students are playing and give congruent feedback based on the cues taught in class.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and task that was learned today in class.
"Guiding and inspiring youngsters in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime."Last updated on 1/18/2019