Standard Operating Procedure / Revised 2/16/2017
- This Typhoon is used to image near infra-red signal from labeled proteins or nucleic acid.
- Safety information
Lasers are contained, presenting no danger to the user.
Gloves should not be worn while interfacing with the computer.
Gloves should be worn while handling sample.
- Operating the Typhoon
Run sample on gel and bring the gel encased in gel plates to the Typhoon.
- To use the fluorescent stage:
- Remove top gel plate and place gel side down on fluorescent stage.
- Note the position of the gel on the stage with annotations on the sides.
- Slide the stage into the machine and close the lid.
- Open the AmershamTyphoon program.
- Choose IRshort (685 ex/720BP20) or IRlong (785 ex/825BP30) imaging setting (1 in figure 1 below). Select desired pixel size and PMT. Auto PMT will automatically pre-scan the area to determine the optimal camera sensitivity.
- Set the stage to Fluor and set blue imaging area as desired by moving and resizing (2 in figure 1).
- Default save location is C:\Typhoon images (3 in figure 1). Set to desired path and filename. Select desired file extension.
- Scan saves an image with the entered conditions (4 in figure 1). Note: Pre-scan does not save an image but is a quick, minimal exposure scan that allows you to visualize the area. After a pre-scan, you can choose to do a full scan or return to the menu to make adjustments.
- To use multi-stage:
- Adjust stage to fit gel glass and clamp down.
- Follow steps ii to viii for fluorescent stage.
Figure 1
Licensing information
Product name: IQTL 8.1
Product Description: Software for viewing .gel files.
Order Number: 731K253
GE Reference Number: 631456_US
Part Number: 29010255
Start Date: May 15, 2017
Permanent: Yes
Activation ID: c38e-a572-4518-45ad-9e17-dc8d-d76e-e7ca
Organization display name: UNIV OF WISCONSIN
Organization name: 300650