IR Typhoon
Standard Operating Procedure / Revised 2/16/2017
  1. This Typhoon is used to image near infra-red signal from labeled proteins or nucleic acid.
  1. Safety information

Lasers are contained, presenting no danger to the user.

Gloves should not be worn while interfacing with the computer.

Gloves should be worn while handling sample.

  1. Operating the Typhoon

Run sample on gel and bring the gel encased in gel plates to the Typhoon.

  1. To use the fluorescent stage:
  2. Remove top gel plate and place gel side down on fluorescent stage.
  3. Note the position of the gel on the stage with annotations on the sides.
  4. Slide the stage into the machine and close the lid.
  5. Open the AmershamTyphoon program.
  6. Choose IRshort (685 ex/720BP20) or IRlong (785 ex/825BP30) imaging setting (1 in figure 1 below). Select desired pixel size and PMT. Auto PMT will automatically pre-scan the area to determine the optimal camera sensitivity.
  7. Set the stage to Fluor and set blue imaging area as desired by moving and resizing (2 in figure 1).
  8. Default save location is C:\Typhoon images (3 in figure 1). Set to desired path and filename. Select desired file extension.
  9. Scan saves an image with the entered conditions (4 in figure 1). Note: Pre-scan does not save an image but is a quick, minimal exposure scan that allows you to visualize the area. After a pre-scan, you can choose to do a full scan or return to the menu to make adjustments.
  10. To use multi-stage:
  11. Adjust stage to fit gel glass and clamp down.
  12. Follow steps ii to viii for fluorescent stage.

Figure 1

Licensing information

Product name: IQTL 8.1

Product Description: Software for viewing .gel files.

Order Number: 731K253

GE Reference Number: 631456_US

Part Number: 29010255

Start Date: May 15, 2017

Permanent: Yes

Activation ID: c38e-a572-4518-45ad-9e17-dc8d-d76e-e7ca

Organization display name: UNIV OF WISCONSIN

Organization name: 300650