Minutes of Meeting held on 9thOctober 2017

Table of Contents

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Those Present:

Opening Devotions:


Minutes of Last Meeting:

Matters Arising:

Church Life:

Messy Church:......

Prayer Meeting:......

Craft Club:......

Luncheon Club:......

Circuit Craft Group:......


General Church Business:

Mission Work:......

Safeguarding and DBS:......

Worship Life:

Anniversary Service:......

Harvest Service:......

Christmas Eve:......

Local Arrangement Services......

Covenant Service:......



Any Other Business:

Churches Together:......

Date of Next Meeting:


Minutes of the Church Council held on 9thOctober 2017

Those Present:Rev Iris Bray (Chair), John Cole (Treasurer),Jenny Biddulph, Barry Biddulph, , Mavis Menendez-Copovi, Phyllis Sweet,Jo Flower,

Paul Fry (Secretary).

Opening Devotions:

The meeting opened with a reading from Hebrews: v1 – 4 and in prayer.

Apologies:Hazel Cartledge-Claus, Sheena Lawson

It was noted that Ann Hooton is no longer a member of the Circuit Leadership Team due to ill health.

Minutes of Last Meeting:

Amendments were made to the spelling of Mavis and Jo’s surnames.

The previous minutes were then accepted and signed by Rev. Iris Bray

Matters Arising:Items were dealt with as they arose during the meeting.

Church Life:

MessyChurch: Attendance 15 – 20 including parents. Hazel was planning the year ahead which precluded her from attending this meeting.

Little Giraffes:Not meeting.

Prayer Meeting: Venue: Barton Cottage, Thursdays at 2pm.

Craft Club:Continuing satisfactorily with 10 – 12 attending.

Luncheon Club:2nd Tuesday of each month. Flourishing with new staff

Circuit Craft Group: Now meeting at St Germans 2nd and 4th week of each month.

Membership:Sheena, Henry, John, Jenny, Mavis, Paul. Hazel has requested to become a member.

Action: Rev Iris to contact Hazel to discuss details

GeneralChurch Business:

Mission Work: Rev Iris said that all the projects / work that we do can be interpreted as Mission Work.

Safeguarding and DBS:Rev Iris reported that all records are being centralized. Protection of Vulnerable People Training will be initialised after Christmas 2017.

Action: Rev Iris to forward updated Policy as soon as possible

Worship Life:

Christmas Eve 2017:Rev Iris confirmed her availability to take this service at 6pm

The morning service will be as usual at 9:30am

Anniversary Service: 10th June 2018. Anniversary service to be led by Rev Iris.

Harvest Service:30th September 2018. Action: Paul to ask Chris Clark to officiate.

Local Arrangement Services: Now become All-Age Worship.

Covenant Service:Sunday 21st January 2018. St Michael’s to be invited.


The current financial figures are:-

The Current Account balance is £3109.48

Trustees for Methodist Church Purpose (old Development Fund) –currently stands at £3299.90 as of9/10/17

The Treasurer advised the meeting that the Current Account balance has been inflated through donations.

It was proposed by John Cole and seconded by Paul Fry that the Development Fund be used to pay for the external areas of the building to be repainted. A quote of £2000 has been received. We are endeavouring to obtain further quotes.

The Chairman thanked John for his hard work in producing the accounts in such a professional manner.


It was agreed that some of Joan’s money be used to modify the Serving Hatch. It was discussed and concluded that a change of hinges on the doors would suffice.

Paul reported that he had contacted South-West Water; but the outcome was not satisfactory. We haveto run off approximately 20 litres of water before it is suitable to drink.

Action: Paul to maintain contact with South-West Water to get our water tested.

Any Other Business:

Rev Irissaid that we will consider the future of our Church at a future date. The 3 options below will remain on the table:

  1. Continue as we are considering that we will have the required number of members.
  2. Landrake become a class of Wesley Church.
  3. Merge with Blunts becoming one Church in two locations.

This subject was rested for this meeting.

The purchase of a Communion Jug in memory of Nora and Tom was discussed and agreed.

Action: John to arrange.

The transfer of the safe was completed,

Rev Iris raised the question of security for our special items. The cabinet under our altar should be locked and the key held in a wall safe.

Action: John to arrange locking of cabinet and obtain price for a wall safe.

A Gas Safety Inspection was undertaken as part of the repair to our central heating system.

Action:John to forward Christmas Service Powerpoint presentation to Rev Iris.

Health and Safety Policy document completion was in April 2017.

Action: Paul to copy document and place on notice board.

The subject of Accident Book location was discussed. As there are issues with data protection Rev Iris will check on the Methodist Website for guidance.

Action: Rev Iris to investigate solutions including checking the website and report result.

Wheel Chair Access

Jo raised the problem of wheel chair access and emergency exit. As currently there are no members of the congregation using wheel chairs so there is no emergency action required. This will remain an ongoing action to investigate the way forward. It was suggested that yellow cross hatched markings be placed in the car park to prevent the blocking of entrances and exits.

Churches Together:

Rev Iris asked the meeting to consider being part of the PL12 Churches Together project. It was left for the congregation to discuss and produce a reply.

Date of Next Meeting:

The date of the next Church Council meeting is Tuesday 10thApril 2018 at 7:30pm

The meeting concluded at 9:22pm with the grace.

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